Saturday, February 8, 2014

Where do we find the next Superman?

Where do we find Superman?  Our next president is going to be the most important person we have ever elected.  The Country is in shambles compared to the recovery of the 80’s.  For some reason our present administration seems to think that by constantly adding to the free services of the government they will somehow pull this country out of its doldrums.  Americans are a special breed they thrive on self achievement and hate to be force fed.  Americans are the result of many things none of which involved government welfare.  Americans came from many countries and melded their traditions and talents into one great society.  They suffered through two World Wars, Korea and Vietnam as well as Afghanistan, Iraq and now Afghanistan again.  The 1st & 2nd generation of most American families worked their way through the Great Depression with an I will survive attitude and they did it without help from any safety net.  They subsequently came out of this with an I can do whatever it takes to feed and clothe my family attitude.  Sorry to say most of this generation has passed on and left us with a generation that has been coddled and cared for their whole lives.  How can we expect this generation to rebuild America into a World Power again when all they seem to want is more government services?  

Thank God there are still some good families who taught their children right from wrong and instilled pride in self accomplishment.  These are going to have to be our new leaders as this country can’t take more of the same socialist theories of cradle to the grave care.  We have gone from the shining light on the hill for all others to desire and dream of to the Soup Kitchen mentality of whose bringing me my next meal.  The men and women who built America built it upon a dream of freedom and free enterprise.  No one gave them a stimulus to start out with the exception of real opportunity and the freedom to go forth and succeed.  As the years have gone by the one thing that our Fore Fathers worried about has come to be and that is excessive power in government.  The entrepreneur  is now throttled with over regulation, over taxation and fee’s that would choke the old timers to death.  Small business is barely hanging on now we are taxing their last bit of strength with Obama Care.  70% of Americans are employed by what is considered small business.  These businesses are run by families who legitimately care for their employees and during these times many go without profit just to keep their employee’s working, just hoping that by some miracle it will all turn around again. 

I remember when Romney said in a closed meeting that 47% of the people will never vote for him because they are addicted to subsidies and government handouts.  You know what he was right, about 47% of the people are receiving government monies or they are working because of the massive expansion of government.   Those of us who still pay our own way are also paying the way for those who have fallen into this abyss.   As our numbers grow fewer our percentage of participation will have to go up in order to support this massive exodus from the workforce the only way this type of government can survive is with total control of your lives, from what you eat to the type of work you will be expected to perform to help the State support you.  We all know how well Eastern Bloc countries did with this form of government. 

Like I said where will we find Superman?  Someone from our midst must step out and lead this country back to its basics and relight the fires of self determination that we were all born with.  Beware of the charlatans that make promises that are too good to be true.  We need to find someone with a proven track record of achievement who is capable of leading not another Hope and Change narcissist  who can only campaign not lead.  Gee, didn’t we have that available  in the last election? 

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