We are hearing a lot about Benghazi again lately, why is
that, why does it matter? The American
people & I’m not talking republican or democrat, need to understand the
bond that exists between the government and those who have chosen or have been appointed
the honor of protecting our human assets in the world. Whether they be CIA or active military, these
people have swore an oath to die if necessary to protect those who serve our
country abroad. There are no odds too
big nor conditions too bad to keep them from their sworn duty. I know it must be tough for many to
understand if you have never served but for those veterans who have stepped up
in the face of enemy fire it matters. We have heard Ms Clinton and President Obama,
Susan Rice and Secretary Kerry all do their best to cover up their actions of
that day. First blaming the video about Mohamed
for the rioting for days and weeks after the event while in fact knowing the
truth and the seriousness of the situation.
We have heard from the families of those killed that night that this was
what was told to them by Secretary Clinton and the President the day the bodies
were returned at the Anderson AFB ceremony.
Are they lying? What is the families
motive to lie? We have heard Ms Clinton
ask “What does it matter” before the Congressional Committee. The fact that the men who were there were
held up for several hours because they were told to stand down and no responsibility
for that order has been found screams cover up.
The fact that they had assets in the area that could have responded but
again were not called upon tells a story in itself. Political motivation, assessing the political
damage from the top if it’s called a terror attack days before the election,
the fact that they had a video stream in the White House coming from a drone circling
the compound and were listening to the pleas of those on the ground by secure
radio, tells me that their political motivation outweighed their compassion for
those who they had sent into harms way.
Depending on your political views you may see it different. No one wants to believe our government is so
corrupt and self serving. This one event
has affected the attitude everything from the Secret Service officers to the
CIA Operatives still working in the field.
Coming at a time when again politics had been used politically to attack
the same people over their methods of obtaining information from terror
suspects. This has left our flank in the
Middle East wide open. Who in their
right mind would want to be a field operator knowing that no one had their
back. Knowing that political power was
more important to this group than the lives of those who served them. Yes Benghazi is important because it tells a
story of character, of bravery and of treachery from those who were supposed to
As Americans we have the duty to call out those who would subvert any attempt to get to the truth by lying to protect their political power. I don’t care what political party your affiliation is with, remember one thing being an American, a citizen of the United States your most important duty is to the protection of our freedom and our way of life. Many of our politicians in each party have been corrupted by power and the money of Washington and will fight to maintain their position even to the point of subverting the rights of the people they have sworn to serve. Turning to Socialism & expanding the power base in Washington is not the answer, just the opposite, only by returning power back to the States and therefore the people by reducing the vast over reach of the government will it destroy the corruption and power base that thrives in Washington today. God Bless America, we desperately need help from above.