Sunday, March 16, 2014

Please read and share with others;

  About Benghazi; 

      "You've got to be kidding!!!"

       Between now and the election in November I’m going to regularly remind all my friends and readers of some straightforward facts.  But right now, I'm going to ask the most important question you’ll possibly face in your lifetime.  It's a simple survey. Choose just ONE.
                          Above all else, I consider myself:
                                                                                                     (A)  A DEMOCRAT
                                                                                       (B)  A REPUBLICAN
                                                                                       (C)  AN AMERICAN
     Chosen your answer? Okay, this will be a self-grader (no one will ever see what you consider yourself). If you answered (A) or (B) you can stop reading, get on with your life and have a nice day.  But if you answered (C), read on and think about the following as though your kids’ and grandkids’ lives depended on it. Factually, it does … at least the quality of their lives. 
      If you chose (C), you join me as an independent thinker … as someone who doesn’t give knee-jerk support to a candidate merely because he calls himself Republican or Democrat or Libertarian or Bull Moose (what progressives called themselves from 1912 to 1916). It is frightening how many people have begun following a partisan line and an astonishing number of young voters preach individualism, then turn right around and join single-minded groups in demonstrating (i.e., “occupiers,” etc.). 
     This would be a good place to digress briefly and explain a psychological axiom named “the normalcy bias.” To put this briefly, it means that people are “biased” toward the way things are or have been in the past. They are unwilling to accept change – especially of a negative nature. We’ve had our share of those over the recent past but folks tend to say, “Not to worry -- the government will fix things. They won’t get worse.”
     But they have been getting much worse, to the point the government is powerless to fix them. We’ve put all our eggs in a basket with a straw bottom.
     Making today’s matters worse, most voters belong to a partisan clique called either “Democrat” or “Republican.” The names should be “No Brainer Party A” and “No Brainer Party B” but actually it’s easier for them -- they don’t have to think for themselves. These elite fraternities (AKA “parties”) do much of their thinking for them.  Through repetitious training, they become like Pavlov’s dogs: once these loyal disciples see  an “R” or a “D” on a ballot it’s good enough for them. The conditioned response kicks in. The only difference between them and Pavlov's pups is, they stamp an X rather than salivating on the ballot or voting machine.
      But the most unyielding form of “Pavlovian Syndrome” has fixed itself onto certain young Democrat voters. Back in my youth, we prided ourselves on being independent in our thinking and our actions. Today’s youth talks that same – or even stronger – degree of independence, then rush headlong as a group to do the bidding of someone they know absolutely nothing about.
     How else would someone like Hillary Clinton take the lead for the 2016 Democrat ballot? If a child is old enough to read, he or she can quickly vet this woman since she came on the scene in 1969 with her written support of Marxism and socialist leanings. One fact alone that should be sufficiently condemning, Ms Clinton (then Rodham) was a supporter of Saul Alinsky, first while attending Wellesley College where she wrote a 97 page Senior Thesis devoted to Alinsky. Upon graduation, Alinsky – stirring revolution, preaching Marxism, blatantly seeking power -- offered her an executive position at one of his “schools.” She was the type of believer he sought to sound his Reveille for Radicals.
     Radicalism? Marxism? Power? Wealth? Revolution? All of these titles swirl around Hillary Clinton like dust devils. What are her real credentials? She has never run a city, county, or state during her "career" of being Bill Clinton's wife.  She served 8 years as a New York Senator but was unable to find co-sponsors across the aisle for ANY of her legislation.  She often talks about “sponsoring,” “introducing” and “fighting for” legislation. In the Senate, that's the JOB. None of her legislation ever passed.  In the Senate, that’s FAILURE!  
     Hillary also served as Secretary of State for President Obama.  During her term, relationships failed to improve with Russia, Israel, North Korea, Venezuela, nor any of the Mid Eastern countries. Benghazi was a tragic and mishandled farce. Her stint at the helm of the ship of State was an overall catastrophe. Yet, she is currently leading the pack for the Democrat nominee?  WHY in God’s name? WHY in anyone's name?
       We are talking about a former Secretary of State who did absolutely nothing to prevent nor later avenge the murder of our Ambassador Chris Stevens in Benghazi. Oh yes, she always shouts a good story and learned from Bill how to shake a finger, but the whole bunch of terrorist murderers are still roaming free. None of them have even been questioned. She screamed at Congress that it doesn’t matter but hasn’t even raised her voice to the actual Benghazi terrorists. How would you act if you were in charge of a group that was violated and slaughtered in part because you had failed to act? She reacted in her predictable manner -- ducked under her desk by resigning, later shouted at the questioning members of Congress. Hey, lady, it wasn't their doing! Why can't a Clinton say, "Mea culpa"? God knows, it's something they should learn. Honesty should follow.

     Hillary Rodham Clinton claims sufficient experience to be president because she spent 8 years in the White House. So has the pastry chef. God help us if she somehow is given the most important political position in the world! If push comes to shove, I'll cast my vote for the pastry chef.
      That said, let’s close with a word of the two main Washington “fraternities,” the Republicans and Democrats. It’s easy to see that the two are no longer tied to progress, liberalism or conservatism. They are basically tied to power and wealth.  Totally for themselves, of course.
      Would voters be so brand-loyal if these people were called Powercrats and Wealthicans? Hypocrats and Comedicans? What would the “party loyalists” do if we were to suddenly changed the party names? Would they be forced to investigate the candidates themselves? Would they even know where to begin? Do they actually believe they're progressive, liberal, or conservative? They should try being devoted Americans for a change instead of  meaningless political hacks with a rubber stamp in place of a brain.
    To those of you who are supporting an unqualified, inexperienced and inept candidate for the next president of the U.S.:  If you feel you owe Ms. Clinton for all she had to put up with while married to a philanderer, send her some salt peter for his coffee or a buck or two towards therapy. But for cryin' out loud, don't saddle the American people with another untested, power hungry, professional politician. In the coming weeks I'll give you a truck-load of reasons why Ms. Clinton would be a disaster. Real, honest-injun, factual, provable reasons ... not the usual political B.S. emanating from Washington.

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