I have a question and would really like a thoughtful answer
to it. What’s worse a stupid 18 year old
kid with too much alcohol who 40 years ago tried to get lucky with a teenage
girl and failed it wasn’t serious enough for it to be reported at the time but
now 40 years later it is a firestorm, or
would it be an illegal visitor to the United States who shoots and kills a
young girl walking with her father in San Francisco. According
to the Liberals it’s the former not the latter.
Twisting societies norms is a favorite trick of the liberal nation. They ignore the likes of Clinton and the
Kennedy’s but jump on a 40 year old claim of misconduct on a man who’s
credentials have been sterling throughout his career. The Universities are packed with liberal
professors who breed this type of philosophy.
It’s showing many of our High Schools school’s and Intermediate facilities as these students
of the system are now teaching our youth. This has been the greatest upheaval in our society
and the most damaging to the relationship of an ever growing generational gap
that is getting deeper and deeper.
As a young man I was taught to reason things out and that
there were consequences if I made the wrong choices and believe me they were
severe, in today’s society the moral code that was prevalent in my day is out
the window. You can’t go to a public
place without witnessing the decay in language, attitude and selfishness of so
many of our 20 and 30 somethings. The
younger kids are imitating the adults and in years to come we as the older
generation won’t recognize this world. Sadly they have such a foothold in our
educational system because of tenure it is only going to get worse. A person with a different view cannot even
have the opportunity to speak in many schools without riot and mayhem. These changes in our behavior have come in
the last 15 to 20 years, for example the Democratic Party of my father was the
conservatives of their day,( Senator Henry Jackson as an example.) The Republican’s like Jacob Javits of New York
were the Liberals. The Left has taken
over the party to the point that people like Maxine Waters are extremely
relevant and control their position with free handouts to their constituents. She doesn’t even live in her district but in
a mansion, she does so by keeping an address in the poorer part of Los Angeles. If the Left seizes control of the Senate in
the midterms you will see the biggest change in American politics yet. They will impeach Trump, the market will
crash down and once again we will slide back into a severe recession or even a depression.
As a young man in the service I
remember when Kruschev made the
statement “We don’t have to fight
America we will destroy it from within in 20 years.: Do you think this is what he had in mind? Over the centuries Democracy’s only seem to
last about 200 years mainly because when the public realizes they can get major
support from the government it will eventually break the government
financially. When the left continues to
tax and spend to keep their jobs the system will fail. You can see the corruption in the ad’s on TV,
check the facts before you vote and do so with reliable sources, historical
records of achievement are one of the best ways. Check voting paths it’s all available in the Congressional