Saturday, November 28, 2020

As we wait for a President.


At this time in America we are waiting in anticipation to see what our Country is going to be.  Some want the bigger Government and more stringent regulation of the monetary system, the Environment and the Socialized Medicine.  Others are hoping for the smaller Government, less regulation and a return to a more Conservative form of Government.  This is actually a battle for the soul of our Nation and no matter how it comes out there will be an undercurrent of anger.  Our Country has never been so divided as it is now and the risk physical violence is prevalent.  The very thought that our elections could be manipulated by everything from the Leftist Politicians, the Biased Press and even Foreign Countries is appalling.  Everything in our belief system and our National psyche is at risk.  America the Land of the Free has always meant just that, we have been free to use our vote to choose our form of Government, the Free Speech that comes with it and the right to everything from Religious Freedom to the right to be armed.  An America that is censored by Big Tech and pushed through a Leftist agenda by the main street Media is not what The United States was built upon.  So many false statements have been pushed down our throats by people in power in order to keep their power, not just politics but actual raw fabrications designed to rile up a minority that have been brain washed to believe that they deserve a free education, a free medical system and the right to loot, burn and destroy what they don’t agree with.  I believe that our higher education system has laid the foundation for the destruction of the free society that we have always enjoyed.  I understand the desire by many to make sure our Union is as free for all as it is for most and I totally believe that any real Racism should be dealt with at all levels of our society with the full force of our government.  An education system starting in grade one teaching Human Rights, our true history that is not embellished yet proudly defended as the best in the world is the answer and the right to choose our School is the solution.    

For the past four years we have lived through a constant resistance to everything this President has presented.  The Congress has stalled at every turn the promises that he made during the last election yet he has accomplished everything he said he would.  Our economy was fantastic for everyone that wanted to work, Our Troops have been given the opportunity to win for the first time since WWII and they have proven their metal.  We have bargained for better trade deals around the world and succeeded improving them.  We had the greatest manufacturing increases in our history and have brought the first peace in generations to the Middle East this last year.  This has been accomplished by the Trump Administration alone without a single days help from the Leftists in the Congress.  Just think what we could have accomplished by working together for America in the last four years.

Yes, I am proud to support President Trump, in my lifetime I have never seen a President that actually fought for all the people, even those who allowed the Left to brainwash them into believing their lies were true and have built an unrealistic hatred for the man who has done everything to make their lives better.  When the history of this period is written it will show that we as a people either gave up our rights or fought to maintain our freedoms expressed in our Constitution. 

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