Friday, December 25, 2020

Christmas 2020

 I know as a Christian, Christmas is supposed to be about the birth of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To me though Christmas is more about family and the wonderful ties to friends across the World. The Joy that it brings to so many and the gathering of our loved ones. Being a child of the 40's this was always a time to see Cousins, Aunts and Uncles seldom seen the rest of the year. It was a great time of memories that we kids learned about our family history. We couldn't wait for the proud moment that we were allowed to join the adults at the big table in Grandpa's dining room. The presents in those days were generally homemade and so appreciated by all who received them. A big change from today's world where disposable gifts mostly from China that are usually piled high under the tree. I truly wish I could take my Grand Kids and Great Grand Kids to visit a Christmas Day from my past, just for them to see the joy on the face of child whose Father had just presented him with a homemade truck or scooter carefully crafted from a piece of lumber and a set of old skates. Even the sweater that Grandma knitted for them was eagerly tried on. I know life goes on and the world we live in changes constantly but I will always think of Christmas with eyes of a child of my time and I will never forget to thank God for sending his Son to earth to forgive our sins and of course making Christmas Day a reality.

A Very Merry Christmas to all. Don

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