Friday, October 30, 2020

Party loyalty VS Loyalty to America.

 Something I don’t understand, would one of you Biden supporters please explain your logic. Trump has done everything possible to make our lives better. He’s brought jobs back from overseas, he’s put Opportunity Zones in depressed areas to create jobs, He’s fought off every attempt as the Democrats have tried to stop every achievement he’s made for us. He’s stopped the influx of Illegal Emigrants, he’s deported the MS13 Gang members, he has won the war against the Isis Califate, he’s bringing our troops home and has made our Military the best in the world, all the while Biden has raked in Millions through shady deals with his son Hunter. Now you can show your lack of knowledge by saying that this is just far rightwing propaganda but when they have the hard drive from his Son’s computer with his voice, pictures and texts proving it, doesn’t that offend your sensibilities a little? No matter how many times Shady Schiff tells you it’s all Russian propaganda, it’s not. Hunters own partners have testified to the fact that Joe Biden was involved in the schemes. Schiff is the biggest liar in Congress and Biden is the worst choice for President the Democrats have ever picked and now saddled with the classy Tart Harris who is nothing more than Willy Brown’s concubine with about as much class as a B-Girl from the old Brothels of the west, it makes me cringe that you are trying to make her our next President, you know in your heart that Biden isn't strong enough to make it full term. Please explain how your dedication to Party loyalty is more important than your dedication to America.

Welcome to the January 6th

  Welcome to January 6th 2021: With the encouragement of several Antifa plants the January 6th so call incursion into the Capital beca...