Saturday, April 6, 2013

How close are we to a World War?

In October of 1962 I read an article that asked the question; how close are we to war?  I was in the military at the time and I can tell you we were pretty damn close to a shooting war on three fronts.  There was of course The Cuban Missile standoff, at the same time a cat and mouse game was going on under the sea with Russia and the United States both playing a dangerous game of chess with highly armed nuclear submarines at times coming just yards from each other provoking and dodging.  Then there was a battle brewing in Viet Nam after the French pulled out.  The U.S. backed a South Korean named Ngo Dinh Diem who was not much more than a thug who had eliminated his rivals on his way to president.  The world at the time called for a nationwide Korean election but the U.S. was afraid the communists would win and fought to hold the election in just the South.  The resulting unrest in the North eventually led to a shooting war that as we all know involved losing thousands of American Troops. 

If I were to be asked the same question today I would have to say once again we are involved in the potential for  war on four fronts; Of course Afghanistan where we are totally involved but I can’t call it a war because in a war both sides are trying to eliminate each other.  In the case of Afghanistan our troops have one hand tied behind their back due to constrictions placed on them by both the Bush and Obama administrations and the Karzi regime regarding collateral damage.  Plus we have already told the enemy that we are leaving whether we win or lose.  Once again the U.S. for whatever reason has backed a thug who has little support of his people. 

The second front is Israel; it will only be a short while before the Arab Nations surrounding Israel decide that they can win against the smaller country.  By the way, aren’t we helping arm Egypt with tanks and F-16’s, a nation run by the Islamic Brotherhood who has sworn to remove Israel from the map?

The third front is Syria which will lead eventually to Iran; the U.S. is really in a pickle here as Russia has chosen to back the Syrian regime with weapons and supplies.  The only way the United States can win these conflicts is to actually be allowed to use the weapons at our disposal and fight to win.  These do not necessarily have to be nuclear arms as we have a huge arsenal of conventional weapons in our armory.  We just have to make our enemy understand we are in to win and will not hold back our military once engaged.   Our M.O. has been to hit and run in these engagements never to go for all out victory.  To the eyes of our enemy Americans have no stomach for war and will soon tire of the conflict.   Have we the people of the greatest nation ever become so weak that we are going to allow America to become a lesser nation who depends on others for survival?

I know I mentioned a fourth front, to most it is obviously Korea the most bellicose of the four.  In my opinion North Korea will saber rattle till the cows come home but will not attack in force until we are totally engaged in other parts of the world and stretched to the limit.  They may cause a ruckus on the border but China will hold them back until they consider we are so weak from the attrition of war that we can be gobbled up easily.  All this time our longtime Cold War enemy Russia sits and watches and waits. 

It is my opinion that without strong and decisive leadership in Washington we are being led into a world class trap that will be hard to get out of.  The United States must lead from the front and not allow the weaker nations of Europe to dictate our survival.

That’s my opinion, what’s yours?

Thursday, April 4, 2013

When the government gets involved

When the government gets involved it tends to overkill whatever it is responding to.  When legislation is passed by Congress it then has to go to a team of regulators that create regulation to backup the laws passed.  The regulators look into every aspect of compliance and basically guess at what the result of the law will be on society as it is implemented.  Many times there are unintended consequences to these laws that have an adverse affect on the populace and do more damage than the good that was intended. 

A good example is prohibition, prohibition was suppose to bring families back together by closing the gin mills that husbands often visited on their way home from work.  It actually caused chaos thru-out the country and did more damage than good.  It proved that you can’t legislate morality, it has to be taught in the home first and foremost and that old habits are hard to break.

Another example is as Marisa Manley wrote in 1996 “Welfare laws are supposed to help the poor, yet as Charles Murray and others have documented, welfare establishes powerful, perverse incentives for families to break up, since mothers lose government money if a father is present. The poverty rate among families with a single head of household is 600 percent higher than families with two heads of household. Infant mortality is much higher among single-head-of-household families, too.”  Do you think the government planned it to be this way or is this just another example of overkill from government?
Read more from Manley:

Another case of overkill was the arrest and confinement of the Japanese Americans during the war.  These families were uprooted from their homes and businesses in a massive sweep to rid our country of subversives.  These were law abiding citizens of the United States no different from Italians, Germans or even the Irish yet they were removed from society forcibly and many lost everything they had built up over their entire lives as they were put in internment camps by the very country they loved and supported. 

Now we have possibly largest case of overkill by the government so far as they take over the worlds greatest healthcare system.  Their intentions are supposedly good but the ultimate result is yet to be determined, so far our cost for medical insurance has skyrocketed forcing many businesses to trim their employee roster or switch them to part time to avoid the over 20,000 new regulations that have come from Washington so far.        

I remember a case of overcharging in the military when it was discovered a $14 toilet seat cost $230, this was the result of the cost to do business with the government. It was due to the massive amount of paperwork and the specs that had to be followed because of the regulations involved.  Instead of just sending a simple purchase order to a supplier to buy  toilet seats these bureaucrats felt the need to design their own.

In my opinion when government gets involved in domestic affairs things go badly.

That’s my opinion what’s yours?

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

How does the Federal Government earn money?

What creates revenue for the Federal Government? 
When you tax or overburden the small business community with regulations you stifle the creation of jobs which in turn lowers the income through employment tax.  Picking up the slack through additional tax on those who create jobs further depletes investment and again lowers revenue. 

When the government lowers the burden on investors and small business jobs make a comeback and it increases the revenue collected by the government.  Kennedy and Reagan both proved this by lowering taxes and creating jobs during their respective administrations.
As of today we have no sign that this administration understands this principle lesson.  There are over 20,000 new regulations coming out of Washington just for Obama-Care alone.  This is creating an over burden situation on the job creators which lowers the possibility of an increased employment picture.  Small to medium businesses create 75 to 80% of the jobs in America yet there is no small business package that is readily available to help them through these hard times.  The Green Energy program that has been supported by this administration has been wrought with corruption and failure.

They can tax us out of capitalism and create a European semi socialist style of economy without firing a shot and that’s exactly what they are doing.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter

May the Easter Bunny fill your basket with love and happiness.

This is a day to thank +God for sharing his loving son so that we may follow in his footsteps and learn true happiness.


Let’s solve the Korean problem once and for all.  Using our stealth technology we could load the planes with millions of flyers written in Korean showing pictures of what life in the south is like and follow it up with thousands of battery operated radios tuned to South Korea and to a Radio Free Europe style broadcast and music.  Show pictures of lit up cities and wonderful work places where everyday people make livable wages.  Best of all over the palace and Army headquarters drop pictures of the 1st strike should they get out of line and show targets on every barracks for the military, their nuclear facilities, their shipyards and the palace.  Make the common soldier aware of our capabilities.  A million man Army means nothing if they’re incapacitated.  A little reminder can sometimes go a lot farther than an idle threat.

Welcome to the January 6th

  Welcome to January 6th 2021: With the encouragement of several Antifa plants the January 6th so call incursion into the Capital beca...