Monday, February 3, 2014

How did we get here?

How did we get here?  In the Revolutionary War Nathan Hale said "give me liberty or give me death".  In the Civil War brother against brother fought either to free the Slaves or for States rights depending on what side you were on. In WWI and WWII we fought to rid the world of dictators and madmen who wanted to control Europe and beyond.  Today we are fighting for our own salvation against radical religious zealots who want to control the world and bring it back to the mid-evil period.

I bring these things up because I ask the question; why would we choose now to decrease our military?  Why would we now decide to capitulate our gains in Afghanistan and Iraq and allow these murderers a chance to rebuild their forces.  Americans are being misunderstood when it comes to war.  We have the technology to win in the Middle East we just don't have the leadership that has confidence in our abilities.  Yes we are tired of war but mainly we are tired of losing when we are forced to play under rules of engagement that favor the bad guys.  Our fighting men should never be put under the control of nations other than our own.  War is an evil thing brought on by evil malicious people.  The war we are in now is the oldest war in recorded history and started around 1096.  We cannot win this war by isolating ourselves and pretending 9/11 can't happen again.  We have to be proactive in our approach and keep these animals locked up.  We are constantly warned about collateral damage to civilian areas yet those civilians house and hide our enemy.  In some cases we are not allowed to return fire in a residential district as to avoid so called civilian casualties.  This method of operation has caused many casualties on our side. 

I believe we should pull all of our troops out of the area if we don't intend to win.  The NSA that has been so great in watching Americans and our closest allies should aim their focus on the Middle East together with 24 hour surveillance by armed drones we can cause enough chaos in the region that the so called civilians will force the insurgents out.  Never again should we allow anyone to send our troops into harm's way without giving them the Rules of Engagement that will allow them to protect themselves and with a plan for total victory.  A war cannot be fought in the polls, when a politician decides a war is over the outcome usually is in question.  Take a look at Korea for example, a political war that has never ended except for the brave men and women who gave their lives.          

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