Saturday, March 23, 2013

What's happened to America the beautiful?

As I sit here and reflect on the week past I find myself with a feeling of remorse.  I have always considered myself fairly intelligent in regards to the ways of government, military protocol and commonsense.  I see none of these attributes in our present administration and the sickness is spreading to the military and other branches of government.  The terrible blast from a mishandled mortar round and our Senator from Nevada trying to blame this accident on the Sequester, the shooting at Camp Lejeune and the egotistical manner in which our boy wonder, the one with all the worldly experience, has now told the Israelis and Palestinians exactly what they needed to do.  Our guy who has never soiled his hands in anything but Chicago politics and can’t seem to solve our own problems here at home is now off spreading the wealth of his great knowledge abroad.  The Senate has passed a bill that they know will go nowhere as has the House of Representatives.  Instead of our President leading the negotiation with Congress he’s off creating more chaos.  If he leads he may actually have to take the blame for an error in judgment and he couldn’t stand for that.

Let’s look back a generation when another boy wonder Jimmy Carter threw our one ally in the Middle East, the Shaw of Iran under the bus and allowed the Khomeini regime to become entrenched in Iran.  We have been under siege since and they have grown stronger in the area spreading their sick Stone Age message through-out the entire region.  Meddling with this region when you don’t have a clue to what changes may affect the outcome is dangerous to say the least.  At least the meddling with our economy and our healthcare can be reversed with one intelligent election not swayed by lies and corruption.  We can now see the wonderful change in Egypt with the election of the Muslim Brotherhood and their vow to erase Israel from the map.  We are so impressed with President Morsi we are giving them F-16’s, tanks and Billions of dollars to hire the army to do the job. 

Our Presidents seemingly desire to turn America into a European utopia is going to backfire on those who are reaping the benefit right now.  Those who are the takers not the providers will soon see there is nothing left to take.  This country was built on the power of the people and to create that power our fore fathers handed us a Constitution that guaranteed us certain rites.  The advent of the professional politician has created an elite governing body that puts its own needs above those of the working class.  The last move is to take our rites to bear arms away just as they did in Eastern Europe, Russia and areas of South America.  This makes the people subservient to the government rather than as our government was designed to be subservient to the will of the people.  Yes in my estimation it has been a sad week and looking ahead I see more and more dysfunctional process to come. 

Those are my views, what are yours?

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Semper Fi

This has been a sad week for Northern Nevada, seven of America’s finest young men were killed in an accident at the Hawthorne, Nevada Ammunition Storage facility.  Our hearts go out to the families of these Marines killed and to those who love them.  Every day our Marines risk life and limb for our security, the training they go through can be just as dangerous.  Semper Fi Marines, God bless you and hold you close and thank you for your service.


Sunday, March 17, 2013

What do you think is best for America

In your mind what is the most important thing effecting  our lives right now?
For many the answer will be health care, others the deficit, unemployment and still others is our involvement in Afghanistan.   In your estimation what are our elected politicians doing about the most important thing you have listed as number one? 

In my mind the answer to all of the above is full employment, stop and think about it, what does it mean when we have what the government calls full employment:  When you have everyone who wants to work working, the tax rolls bring in maximum revenue.  It means corporations are making a profit and family owned establishments who hire more employees than any other form employer are doing well, the outflow of cash from the government in the form of unemployment and welfare dependency are reduced significantly.  We don’t need more laws and regulations, to stay competitive companies are forced to include a form of healthcare for their employees and the income revenue that is based on the taxes coming into the government is increased tremendously.  A country like the United States is much less vulnerable when the economy is at it highest. 

How do we achieve this full employment?  It starts with money, ever since the banks have been forced to live in the world of new regulations and restrictions things have turned for the worse, we seem to sometimes forget that we are a capitalistic country.  These laws though well intended have had a reverse affect on business.  A businessperson normally starts with a concept, in the past he would talk to his bankers, selling them on the wisdom of his plan.  The bankers would do a risk management assessment of the plan and put a value on his idea and if they agreed it was worthy they would loan against it.  In the 60’s and 70’s the idea of the venture capitalist became the rage.  Now that the Venture Capitalist have pulled in their horns and the banks are wary because of so many new regulations, capitalization  money for new business has pretty much dried up.  In the heart of this last recession long established businesses that required flooring (loans against inventory) such as appliance companies, furniture stores and auto dealerships found themselves between a rock and a hard place due to increased equity requirements.  Many of these firms just closed their doors leaving many unemployed.

The government controls the reins on our financial recovery, if they loosen up regulations and offer tax incentives for hiring, the employers of the country would respond positively.  Many corporations are sitting on large sums of money but are afraid of the onset of Obama-care and new taxes that will require capital to survive.  I think a good government program would start with the big cities by offering extremely lucrative long term tax relief for businesses who bring manufacturing jobs back to America.  Many of the these cities have an abundance of vacant properties they could put up to encourage new investment.  It’s a double win whenever a new job is provided, first the person becomes a tax payer and secondly they’re off unemployment.  They go from being a burden on the State to an income provider for the State. If unions are to survive they need to partner with these new businesses and instead of adversarial attacks they need to become employment providers again a double win.  The Union gains membership and these companies have a long range source of workers.  

That’s what I think, what are your ideas?

Welcome to the January 6th

  Welcome to January 6th 2021: With the encouragement of several Antifa plants the January 6th so call incursion into the Capital beca...