Monday, May 30, 2016

No more appologies

This week’s trip around the world by our President shows exactly the difference in the Democratic party from years past.  Harry Truman weighed the difference between losing over a million men by attacking the mainland of Japan, these were the loving sons of America families compared to first warning the world of a weapon of total destruction and then destroying our enemy at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  This the same enemy who had viciously attacked us at Pearl Harbor without warning and exacted a huge toll on American lives as we fought island to island in the Pacific to wrestle control and bring peace to the area.  An enemy who totally refused to capitulate even as their people were being blown out of the cities across Japan by our B29’s.   Compare that to the wartime President today who won’t even put a name on our enemies.  A President who instead of extolling the virtue of the rebuilding of these areas to world class cities, (with a great deal of help from America) chose to talk about the horror of the weapon and that it should have been never been used never used again.  So he would have sacrificed the troops to save our adversaries?  Harry Truman he is not!  The Democratic Party has become the party of capitulation.  Nickoli  Kruschev told us in the 60’s that they the Russians didn’t need to fight us because they were winning the battle for control inside our government and across our country already.  My father God rest his soul was a Democrat all his life yet his last vote here on earth was for Reagan.  He  had no choice as the Democrats were not the party of Truman and Henry Jackson that he knew and respected but had been taken over by a form of Socialism that was trying to buy votes with government services.  This was years ago and the party has moved farther left with each election.  Can you imagine a man of my father’s era responding to this latest edict of Obama about Transgender men or women  using the bathroom or locker room of their choice rather than their gender. 

The men and women who actually built the United States, who are the Blue Collar workers, mostly democrats are being forced to fight for the few remaining jobs left here in the United States after decades of poor judgement by our government have sent our manufacturing base to other countries.  Who have allowed the Middle East to dictate what we pay for oil and gas.  Who have allowed foreigners to buy up our cities and farms without so much as whimper of descent? Who have allowed bureaucracies like the EPA, the IRS, and the BLM to become weapons to be used to quell the outcry of over reach from the people affected.  The Republicans have done little to stop this transgression of government expansion and have meekly crawled into oblivion on the issue of our rights as citizens.  

And you ask how I can vote for Trump, somebody has to straighten out our countries problems and it surely won’t be an insider.  I don’t consider Trump a party member, a true conservative or an independent, To me he is a Populist and has finally found the button to wake up the Silent Majority.  America needs a rousing revamping of our priorities and a new vow by all elected to honor our Constitution and the basic rights it gives us.  God Bless America, we need his blessing to survive.


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