Friday, November 11, 2016

Veterans Day 2016

As we celebrate another Veterans Day my thoughts go to those who fail to understand what makes America great.  We just had the 45th successful transition of government electing a President to serve for a four year term.  Yet there are those who would look at it with protest.  The honor I feel when I vote is hard to explain, I come from a family that has served as volunteers in our military from WWII to the present.  I felt disappointed when my pick did not win in elections going back for over 50 years of voting.  Oh I didn’t lose every time but I did lose my share and in fact many times I felt the country lost during these times.  As a proud American I shrugged my shoulders and went on with my life building my career and my family.  The idea of protesting an election that a vote of the citizens decided has never occurred to me.  I never felt that I was so smart that everyone else was wrong and only my ideas were acceptable.  As a Veteran I am dismayed at the so called protesters who would lay aside our Constitution and all the rights we have fought throughout our history to defend because they are disappointed in the outcome.  From the interviews I have seen most of these I would consider Anarchists rather than protesters.  Why on earth does the Media feel the need to continually give these people coverage.  Take away the TV and they will disappear into their little world of hate and malcontent.  We have free elections in this country because many millions of men and women died defending our right to do so, yet rather than rejoicing our freedom we have colleges and universities breeding this hate and discontent.  I feel that I and every other Veteran earned our right to celebrate our wins without the ranker and hate that is being shown to the world as if it were the norm here in The United States.  The majority of people whether they are pleased with the outcome of the election or saddened go on with our lives as productive and free citizens of this great country ready and willing to serve where and when required.  For those who see this constant TV coverage from countries who would try to do us harm during this period please understand, the protesters in number are not unlike a single flea on the back of a herd of camels compared to the citizens who accept our countries decision.  Never under estimate the power of free society nor love of the average American for their country.       

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

What happens now

We have an opportunity here in America that few countries can boast of, we have a free election and the people get to choose their direction and their leadership. For years we have been complacent in making changes and in bringing in new leadership role models and it has caused an elitism in our nations capital that has bred contempt for the everyday citizen. The Elitists felt they knew what was best for the people and forgot that they actually work for those people. With the forced political correctness that has hampered free speech and the decisions by one man through Executive Order eliminating the checks and balances of our natural system we have finally as a majority become intolerant of our government. The election held on the 8th of November 2016 will go down in history as the first revolution by Social Media. With the ineptness of the major media to bring unbiased news and the favoritism of certain networks toward the Elite side of Washington the people have taken to social media to create their own news team. Two things have to happen now to call this a successful revolution; #1. The President elect has to bring the country together by utilizing the talents of both sides to build a consensus of opinion. This way the people will have a true voice in all matters. #2. The opposition needs to swallow their pride and accept the welcome hand of partnership and be willing to work for the good of all. From this formula will come the success we all desire.

Welcome to the January 6th

  Welcome to January 6th 2021: With the encouragement of several Antifa plants the January 6th so call incursion into the Capital beca...