Friday, July 4, 2014

Our Countries birthday

Friday we will celebrate our Countries 238th birthday.  For some of us it is not one of our happiest birthdays as we have total upheaval in the Middle East due to a flawed foreign policy that will eventually have an adverse affect on our future.  We have chaos on our southern border that already is having an adverse affect on our future and we have a country that is being divided into several ethnic groups all with little trust for one another.  We are beginning to sound like Iraq.  I never thought I would live to see a day when Americans would actually allow this wonderful country to be so corrupted.  Our Constitution has little meaning as it is being interpreted in ways never considered by our founders.  Our government has become more totalitarian with each passing week and we have sat still and watched many of the rights we have fought and died for be usurped by political correctness.  No, this is not one of our best birthdays.  When polled last week only 28% of our population thinks of America as special.  We have a generation of kids being taught by the likes of Bill Ayres the founder of the Weather Underground, a man who considers this country as the problem in the world rather than the light on the hill for others to respect.  All across this nation we have similar professors polluting the minds of the young into believing that The United States is not exceptional in the world.  We spend so much of our lives making sure our children get a proper education and then we send them to colleges and universities where the pride in our country that we instilled in them is washed away by radical so called educators. 

It’s going to take younger people than me to bring our country back from this abyss and we can only hope we find the leaders among them that have the moral strength and the fortitude to put the Stars and Stripes back up on the hill we so lovingly call America.  The Leftists of this country have accomplished one thing, when they took God out of our lives they put us temporarily on the canvas but the soul of America burns on and with God’s help, strong leadership and American exceptionalism we will prevail.   

Welcome to the January 6th

  Welcome to January 6th 2021: With the encouragement of several Antifa plants the January 6th so call incursion into the Capital beca...