Tuesday, July 15, 2014

American spirit isn't dead yet.

I just read the story that was reported by Glen Beck about the Vet whose wheelchair broke down at Lowes.  It was a feel good story for a change about how some of the employees took the time to tear into the chair and fix it.  The Veteran lost both his legs in Viet Nam and had been waiting for the VA to get him a new chair for months.  I truly commend the folks at Lowes who took the time to help but isn’t this what we should expect from fellow Americas.  Have we lost our compassion for people who are in distress.  Have we reached the point where we expect the government to solve all our problems?  This Veteran has every right to expect the VA to take care of his problem and I say shame on the poor system that let him down and the bureaucrats that allowed it to get to the point where it no longer seems functional.  Is this what we can expect from the government’s handling of the Affordable Care Act?  We as Americans have always had one thing that makes us different and that is our willingness to reach out when we see a problem.  This is what got us through the depression and two world wars, friends and neighbors willing to help those who were in need.  Now with a government run not by the people but by the same bureaucrats that have destroyed the Veterans Administration we need each other more than ever.   

Welcome to the January 6th

  Welcome to January 6th 2021: With the encouragement of several Antifa plants the January 6th so call incursion into the Capital beca...