Friday, May 6, 2016

The Republican Party renews itself

I guess with all the desertions from the Republican Party we can say it has finally evolved into the Republican Peoples Party.  The populist movement that has spread across the nation supporting Donald Trump has included many from the Democratic Party, the Independent Party as well as the rank and file of the Republican Party.  This renaissance has brought many new people into the party and has weeded out the establishment to the point that they are isolating themselves into a clique that they are attempting to call the conservative wing.  Any true Conservative would never put this country in a position to elect Hillary Clinton.  They can sing this song all day and not be convincing to the masses who have joined this populist movement.  Sour grapes is more like it, similar to the kid who is not picked for a team and takes his ball and goes home.  The new conservative movement is more in the likes of Newt Gingrich, Ben Carson, Chris Christy & Donald Trump.  These are people who know that if this country is to survive there has to be a little give and take.  The old style conservatism of my way or the highway won't fly in today's world.  I like to think of this new element as the Commonsense Party and I feel it's time we lose the Harvard, Yale stereotype that has become the elite political standard in America.  Donald Trump may be a little uncouth or outspoken at times but he does what it takes to win.  many of us who are behind him are tired of losing, losing wars, losing rights and losing face in the world.  As a veteran I can say without reservation that I would trust a President Trump to keep us safe and build our Military back to a force that will be a deterrent to those who would do us harm.  He will also through negotiation get us on track for a replacement to the ever expanding Affordable Care Act, (Obama Care).  I honestly believe that he will sit down with all sides and hammer out a program that includes opening States borders for insurance as well as a form of Tort reform that will cut medical malpractice claims and make Doctors insurance affordable, there-by reducing the cost of procedures radically. 

I for one welcome this new Republican Party and I think we should quit calling it the Grand Old Party (GOP) and rename it the (RPP) Republican Peoples Party.  Our Constitution has been raped, mugged and torn asunder during the last generation.  The Supreme Court Justices have attempted to make laws outside of Congress, our President has used unlawful authority to make laws without consent of Congress and in direct violation to our Constitution.  I believe this new resurgence in political awareness by the people will result a truly great America, one that will include commonsense and not political correctness as a philosophy.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Are men and women so different

I just have to ask a question; I know I’m an old man with idea’s out of the last century but when I was raised we were raised to be Americans.  It didn’t matter if you were boy or girl, Baptist or Jewish, Black or White you were raised expecting to have equal opportunity and say it what happened with your vote.  Somewhere along the line we reached a divide teaching us that women and men don’t want the same things. That the gender divide was so great that we had to re-evaluate the whole man woman thing.  I understand the discrepancy in pay in years past and I understand the different roles we assigned to each gender and how that has affected our thinking but don’t we all want the same thing for our country?  Forget all the PC crap that has been shoved down our throats these last few years let’s talk about realistic goals of freedom and the rights provided by our Constitution and Bill of Rights.  Don’t men and woman want those same rights.  Do we have to divide our loyalties bases on gender.  I know I’m old fashioned, I don’t believe a man dressed like a woman should be in the woman’s facilities or locker room.  I don’t believe that my family whose ancestors who fought and died to free the slaves should have the racist tag because we are white.  I don’t believe that we should change our basic laws and way of life to accommodate those who are coming to our country, I believe that if their way of life is so great they should stay where they are.  I have by now convinced everyone that I am a Bigot, racist homophobe and I’m sorry you feel that way but I was raised in a beautiful freedom loving country and I want it back and I want it back soon.         

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

IT's time for clear thinking

Whether you are happy or not history was made Tuesday night when Donald Trump clinched the nomination for President.  The campaign broke all kinds of records in turn out for a republican primary.  I know the setback for you Cruz and Kasich people is a hard one to get over.  Believe me, I worked on Reagan's first go around and on the Goldwater campaign and it takes a while to recover.  I was a Rubio guy when all this started and felt strongly that he was the right guy.  This little note is just to remind you of the greater dilemma we face if we abandon our party and our nominee at this time. 

Number one on my mind is the Supreme Court, these are lifetime positions and any appointee's from the next President will more than likely be in power the rest of most of our lives.  It's entirely possible that the next administration will have the honor of appointing up to 6 of the 9 judges and I can't imagine spending the rest of my life with a court full of Hillary appointee's.  Should this happen our lives and our country will never be the same.

Secondly the raft of regulations filling thousands of pages that have come out of the Obama Administration's bureaucrats that have held back the growth of our economy and jobs must be overturned and Hillary won't do that, she will continue the programs that have caused business to suffer and layoff thousands.  I'm all in for a woman President but she must be honest, trustworthy and capable, none of these ideals fit dear Hillary. 

Obama Care or the Affordable Care Act as some call it has been anything but affordable.  Many have found an increase of up to 3 times from their health care providers.  This has to be rebuilt in a form that is affordable without the interference of the providers.  Removal of State line boundary's is just one example.  Medicare and Medicaid are two other areas that need immediate attention.

The Border seems to be on a lot of minds and although I don't think we need an aligator moat I do think we need to authorize the border Patrol to do their job and to beef up area's of penetration to stop the smuggling of dope and illegal aliens.

The war on ISIS is impossible to win with the lack of effort shown by Obama and his staff.  Do you honestly think Hillary will do it differently?  We need to use every weapon available less the nuclear items to defeat these criminals.  Our troops are very capable of routing these  animals from their hiding places and helping them reach Allah as they wish.  This is a volunteer military and they just want to do the job they were trained to do.  (without all the Rules of Engagement) they have been saddled with up until now.

Think strongly about all these things and let you conscience lead you to the right choice when it comes to backing a candidate for President.  Say NO! to Hillary in a resounding way in November.  We need to come together now...

Welcome to the January 6th

  Welcome to January 6th 2021: With the encouragement of several Antifa plants the January 6th so call incursion into the Capital beca...