Friday, December 11, 2015

A letter from a friend

I know you favor Rubio but I just can’t bring myself to see him in the Oval Office. As I said, maybe in a few years. But now he’s playing the tough-guy game. And where’d he learn the adjective “unhinged?”
I liked the cut of Cruz’ jib – thought he could make a great VP -- until he started giving the finger to the front-runner.  The Beltway Bunch have banded together like a group of pre-schoolers and are acting more liberal than the liberals. ANYTHING to get elected!
Kasich went bonkers a couple weeks ago and dropped almost all the qualities I admired in him. He’s still at it…
Bush owes so many lobbyists in Washington and environs he’ll need a menu to see which of them he favors this week. Plus he’s too much of a wimp. I won’t mention his Mexican wife and half-breed kids … that wouldn’t be politically correct.
Carly doesn’t stand a chance. Nor does Rand, though if he’d shed some off-the-wall Libertarian views he keeps praising, he’d be more electable.
“Mr Nice Guy” Carson has changed his spots. Said last night he would run as an Independent if he didn’t get more inter-candidate support and do better.
Christie would make a good NY cab driver or Oakland bartender. At inopportune times he gives off some ruthless vibes and ill-advised actions (hugging Obama? Aargh!).
Graham, Huckabee and Santorum are, as us race-track touts used to call ‘em, “also rans.” Hey, they’ve got some good qualities, but so do I . . . if you overlook my many imperfections.
It’s not only the candidates that are peeing their pants, it’s the entire elite cadre in and around Washington. For example, Murdoch has told his zillion employees (including Fox) that he doesn’t want to see Trump get the nod. The only one I’ve seen that’s resisting that edict is Dobbs. John Wayne once said, “Never smile at someone just before you hit him.”  Trump obviously never heard him or he wouldn’t appear on O’Reilly … or at least never turn his back. Their guests (more of the elite) slip in subliminal barbs whenever they think they won't get caught by the gullible public.  The RNC is conferring with both Houses about having some sort of public auction at the convention. That makes sense the way the elections are heading: Let the money stand up and bid. That’s what it’s all about anyway. The biggest billionaire gets to own the president for four years.
We lived in the BEST OF TIMES!  It really makes me want to cry to think about how our children are going to have to learn to fare. And I’m serious!

Welcome to the January 6th

  Welcome to January 6th 2021: With the encouragement of several Antifa plants the January 6th so call incursion into the Capital beca...