Would you believe that I wrote this in 2016 as a result of the Ferguson Mo. Riots. What has changed. All these riots and Statue destruction is just a regurgitation of the past and the pandering of the Far Left is just keeping it alive.:
About the Confederate flag;
America has fought several wars over her lifetime. They all have one thing in common, they are tragic and good people lose their lives. The Civil War was no different, people fought for what they believed in. No I certainly don’t condone Slavery but if I was raised in the South during that time I may have thought differently and fought for States Rights. The boys that died fighting for the South did so just like those in the North. They died just as dead and hurt just as bad as in any war. To deny their descendants the right to display the flag they fought under is no different than allowing the Japanese to
still honor their ancestors with the flag they fought under. The flag doesn’t represent slavery it represents the bravery and honor these people fought under. Yes there are people in this Nation that have used this as a symbol of terror just as there are people here that disrespect our nations banner. A flag is a rallying image that brings people together not a threat to life and limb. That is unless you mess with our American flag, then you are asking for severe pain to be administered.
Al Sharpton & Louis Farikon are symbols of Racism, the confederate flag is just the banner of the South, something that deserves their respect and honor. The fact that the misguided loser who shoots up a church killing 9 beautiful people displays this flag is no different than the misguided loser McVey who bombed the federal building in Oklahoma City killing hundreds displayed the American flag all the while thinking he was doing a great service to America. Let’s get to the real problems in our society and leave the trivial pursuit to others. A crazy individual is just that, the tributes and statues of Southern heroes represent heroism and leadership in war. Many in the South fought for States Rights an idea many are still fighting for all over the country. Just as we were taught as children, choose your battles wisely only a fool throws a rock at a wasp nest.
This movement is only dividing our country more and not fixing the problems that we face today. We see it daily in the unjust demonstrations that are little more than an excuse to loot, rob and destroy like in Furguson, Mo. We can live together and work together we just have to get on the same team. A team that values the rights of others in all cases regardless of race or creed, a team that works for the truth and accepts the truth rather than the rhetoric of Charlatans who seek to disrupt. People like that would be nothing without chaos and turmoil. Do you think that things will be better if we destroy the history of the South? Do you honestly think that if we deny that slavery existed life would change? It happened and over a half a million white guys died fighting to end it.