Tuesday, September 4, 2018

What are your comments

Believe it or not I wrote most of this 6 years ago and it's still on my mind.
It’s strange to me, so many of us grew up together, learned about life in the same type environment yet through life’s experiences a few of us became conservatives and others of our peers developed into progressive liberals. I believe many were raised as I in blue collar Democrat families, we all seemed to have similar advantages and disadvantages growing up. I have a theory and I would like others to opine; I believe if your schooling ended at high school as did mine except for the schooling I received in the service, I went into the military out of high school and completed my duty time and eventually went on to become a self employed businessmen. My question: Do you think it reflects on the left leaning colleges and universities that promote liberalism? So many of my friends are really torn re the elections in the coming year, they have swallowed the liberal philosophy for years but now see the condition of the economy and our situation in the world and are having second thoughts about their vote. In my experience I have seen regulation after regulation come down from well meaning people that stifles our business opportunities.
I have seen big banks withdraw into a self protective shell and community banks being swallowed up and disappearing from our cities and towns, this helps no one and it’s thanks to the Dodd Frank Bill. I have seen EPA rulings here in Nevada that has shutdown businesses that have supported small towns for decades leaving them abandoned and lifeless. We all love our country and our way of life yet I have had bitter arguments with old friends about supposed Global Warming, some of these people would destroy hundreds of years of development with no regard to the tens of thousands of people that would be hurt. I understand the need for protecting the environment for those who come after us, but shutting down mining, natural gas production, oil recovery and refineries as well as coal production would end the era of American greatness and grind our industries to a halt shipping jobs overseas, at the same time China would go on producing pollution in record amounts and absorb our industries.
There is nothing wrong with turning towards reclaimable energy but putting severe restrictions on our future oil & coal production is ridiculous and will cost us dearly in our home land security making us dependent on those that wish to destroy our way of life. We have sufficient crude to see us through for over 150 years under our own soil and in friendly territories like Canada and off our shores giving us sufficient time to effectively develop efficient alternative sources of power. We allow other countries in fact encourage and subsidize other countries to produce oil that is intern used to blackmail America with, yet we are forced to hold our own oil providers hostage. Pulling out of the world oil market opting for domestic production would relieve our dependency on the Middle East and cut off funding to terrorist countries, it would allow us to cut off oil from countries that are sworn enemies of the United States possible choking them out of existence. Producing our own energy would lower fuel prices and create thousands of jobs. We could reduce Russia’s hold on Europe by shipping cheaper Natural Gas to replace the high ransom Russia is charging.
I may sound like a radical to some but I will guaranty you that I love this country and all it stands for as much or more than any of these who are constantly trying to change it in to a Utopian Garden of Eden where there is no American Exceptionalism that has been the hallmark of The United States for generations. What do you think? I would love to see your replies. Please answer without anger and foul language, this is meant to lead to a discussion of differences not to be interpreted as a lecture. Our goals and our love for America are not in question, our method of achieving those goals are.

Think before you fail to vote.

Before you go off half cocked thinking the world is going to come to an end because of Donald Trump, I'd like to share a few thoughts with you. Have you been listening to some of the theories of the Left; Like all babies should be given numbers not names until they can decide what gender they want to be. President Obama backed a law regarding third gender bathrooms in all schools for example. I'm not kidding these people are massing for a giant push in the midterms. The left has gone completely insane in so many area's. Donald Trump has been accused of womanizing, where have we heard about that before? JFK, Bill Clinton, where was all the protest from the left about that. They accuse him of being in colusion with the Russians this all was started by an inside group in the Treasury Department as a way to derail his candidacy. It was their insurance policy against his winning. They claim to have won the election yet in every election for generations we have used the Electoral College and I believe that he smoked Clinton in that vote. Never should we allow a couple of area's in our country decide our elections and that is what would happen if they did away with the present system, can you imagine what the taxes would get to if these loons get control. No Trump isn't perfect but he is the perfect man for the job of rebuilding America and has been doing so in spite of the resist movement by the Democratic House members who have stood in his way at every turn. In case you haven't noticed our world has changed and not for the good in the last decade. Cities have become War Zones and they all have been under the control of the left for generations. Chicago, Los Angeles, New York just to name a few. This Midterm is in the hands of the people and that means you, you have to decide what you want your children to face in the coming years. I want my grand Children to know who they are, it's so simple an outie is a boy and an inny is a girl. Commonsense is all it takes.

Welcome to the January 6th

  Welcome to January 6th 2021: With the encouragement of several Antifa plants the January 6th so call incursion into the Capital beca...