Tuesday, November 25, 2014

If you are white you are a racist in the black world

If you are white you are a racist in the black world.  The reverse racism that has been propagated by the charlatans who use and abuse the black community will eventually lead to total chaos and hopefully will backfire on the abusers.  It’s hard to believe that people are so cruel as to keep their people down for their own reward.  No one in this world deserves a free life, not even the Queen of England.  Yet with our system of reward we have entire communities that are filled with generational welfare.  These people will never progress until they realize that it’s time to look within and find what I call their free soul.  Everyone has one, it doesn’t matter what race you happen to be as all races in America are somewhat related.  

Just like the animals found in the Galapagos Islands that have been isolated for generations there is very little progress in evolution.  When people white, black ,Red or Yellow live in isolation with very little interaction with other races or ethnicity's they tend to stagnate developing distrust for outsiders.  This is exactly what’s happening in America today in the inner cities.  Not only developing a distrust for others but a misguided hatred for authority.  Rules of law are what makes our civilization work, when you have anarchy like we are just witnessing in Ferguson Missouri you will never have peace or real justice.  This type of Anarchy comes from an entitlement mentality that results in the loss of self reliance.  Slavery is the excuse that is used and is an unimaginable situation.  The people who are rioting and looting unknowingly are still being held in bondage, the bondage of government programs that take away the desire and the need to succeed.  I, like millions of other whites in America find it hard to understand the hatred put against our race.  Hundreds of thousands of our ancestors died fighting to free the slaves of the south, many of them coming to America as a type of slave themselves as indentured servants.  Until the barriers of the Ghetto’s are broken down and real leaders emerge offering the free soul of the youth the opportunity to see what America really offers we will have these explosions.  They need to reach inside and find their free soul, if they do it will lead them out of the clutches of the Charlatans who preach entitlement and hatred for our country and with hard work into the world of success.  Don’t ever wonder how so many successful blacks made it out of the ghetto, they looked inward and found what God instilled in all men, their need for personal accomplishment that will free their soul.     


Welcome to the January 6th

  Welcome to January 6th 2021: With the encouragement of several Antifa plants the January 6th so call incursion into the Capital beca...