I may be too old fashioned for this period in our history. Women in combat? My generation was taught to protect women, open doors and pay for the check. I know that my statement will ruffle the tail feathers of the chicks of N.O.W. but it’s true. I was taught that you never strike a woman or a girl no matter how mad you were and if bad things happened you put yourself in front of the ladies not alongside. Things like that are hard to change in one’s mind. I know that if I was in combat with a girl, excuse me, woman, I would be more worried about her getting hurt than myself. I hope our soldiers of the male persuasion are more callous than I and are prepared to handle this part of it mentally. I don’t believe that it is demeaning to look at women as feminine or as a nurturer, one who gives life not as one who takes life. I think this decision is one that we will regret, as I sure many women who have entered the military do so not to fight but to save lives. I know that we have had many female casualties through-out history and many have had to fight for their lives in WWII in prison camps. I don’t mean to take lightly their sacrifices but putting them in harm’s way on purpose is another story. I can understand piloting a fighter or serving on a naval ship, as women are as adept and agile as a man handling these type of controls and are just a brave but mono e mono on the battlefield is a much different situation. I cannot believe that a battlefield commander will want to send a woman purposly into a battle against the Taliban or any other radical Muslim group, you know in your heart that a captured woman will go through much more Hell than her male counterpart.
Changing the subject I think everyone should send the White
House a dollar so it can be opened again for tours. I know many kids who plan for their eighth
grade trip to Washington just to see and understand what our history is. My own Granddaughters have made that trip
with their classmates and chaperones all the way from Nevada. This whole closure is a farce as most of the
tours are made with volunteers. I think
it’s just a way of making us feel the pain of the Sequester so we can lay the
blame on Congress rather than the administration. I’ll bet even the Secret Service could find a
few volunteers to help with security.
That’s my opinion, what’s yours