Saturday, December 7, 2013

December 7th, 1941 remembered

72 years ago today the Japanese Naval Air attacked Pearl Harbor and several other military facilities on the Island of Oahu, Hawaii.  Every year we remember the horrible events that were to throw us into World War II.  We need to take this time to remember those who saved America during these trying times.  These men and women were mostly 1st  & 2nd  generation Americans who gave up everything to defend our freedom and save our way of life.  We are losing these heroes at an alarming rate due to age.  I have never heard one of these people refer to themselves as Italian-American, Swedish-American or any other hyphenated origin, they considered themselves nothing more than 100% American.  

Being born in 1941 I have been lucky to know many WWII vets for years, it seems a shame that now that their numbers are depreciating so is the pride in the country they fought so hard to save.  Patriotism was an automatic for these brave souls, their big worry was the lines at the recruiting centers and making arrangements with family members to watch over their loved ones.  These were not extraordinary individuals, they were truck drivers, carpenters, teachers and anyone who could pass the physical.  They became extraordinary by their actions and their heroism.  Many of them had gone through the great depression already in their young lives and when they came home they didn’t sit around, they went about rebuilding the United States into the most modern democracy in the history of man. 

God Bless them one and all. 

Atheism, a religion without a God.

Atheism is a religion without God.  An atheist thinks the world was created by man and nature.  They spend their lives trying to debunk and destroy others faith in God.  The idea that it harms their psyche that we may have a moment of silent prayer in school or that we may display a Nativity scene in a public place is ridiculous.  They have created this self made anti religious cult that grows by destroying the beliefs of others.  For example; I don’t care for certain music that reflects the groups belief in the Devil but when it comes on I simply turn it off.  These people are not forced to take part in the festivities of the holiday season and rather than just ignoring the events they take it upon themselves to take the joy out of Christmas and holiness out of Hanukah.  We have cities across America that totally ban the celebration of any religious holiday.  They claim that if they allow one celebration they have to allow every kook who thinks up a new religion to display theirs.  Political correctness has destroyed a big part of what made America great.  A time that traditionally brought families and friends together regardless of politics or heritage.  Whole towns gathered through-out the country for the Christmas tree lighting in the town square, now they cannot even call it a Christmas Tree. 

The last time I checked this was a Democratic Republic and it was founded on the religious principles of our Forefathers that were basically Christianity and Judaism.  We invite others of all races and creeds to join our country as Americans but we have never gave them the right to destroy our own belief system.  We have never stopped them from practicing their own religion in the comfort of their own temples and homes but when their religion means to bring harm to the religion of others we have to draw the line.  Christmas and Hanukah are traditions that have been practiced by our descendents since the earliest days of America and we cannot allow political correctness and a few malcontents who either have no belief system or a religion contrary to or own beliefs to change our whole way of life.  Our beliefs made America great and free, a place where all who were persecuted for their faith came to enjoy it’s blessings and be free of tyranny.  It’s time to say no to political correctness and the efforts of those without a belief system.  There are companies who out of fear of phony lawsuits have forbidden their employees to even wish customers a Merry Christmas.  I cringe every time I hear the words Happy Holidays the day before Christmas, I usually reply with a “and a very Merry Christmas to you too.”

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

If I were to choose the right path for America

 If I were to choose the right path for America I would start by seeking the advice of our Forefathers.  In our history lies the answers to most problems that arise.  People are quick to dismiss solutions from the past always looking for progressive new concepts.  Why should we give up the ideals that have made this country great for centuries?  I understand progress in industry, medicine and education but to change the very foundation of our success and take away the incentives that have always made this the greatest country in the world makes no sense.  There will always be those who are dependents and there will always be those who strive for success.  By taking the incentive away from those who seek to achieve will not make achievers out of the chronic dependents.  It will just reduce our ability to produce wealth.  Taking from the rich and giving to the poor may have been a colorful idea in the fictional days of Robin Hood but it has been proven to be disaster for every country that has instigated such a practice.  Just take North Korea for example.  Compared with South Korea the north is in abstract poverty.  The Soviet Union is another example of the failure of this type of system.  They, by brute force held together   a group of Countries forced to live under their socialistic system.  Eventually it broke down and dissolved into what is now Russia.  There still is a Communist regime in place but they have evolved to employ more and more capitalistic concepts.

The United States has always been a beacon of freedom for millions of people who live under tyranny, the shining light on the hill that Reagan spoke so eloquently about.  The emigrant people who populate the United States have traditionally done so to become part of this great experiment in freedom.  They came to America to succeed and to become independent from an oppressive government.  In the last two decades we have been inundated with those who do not want to be Americans but want to use our system only to work underground tax free and use our emergency medical facilities & our welfare system.  I understand the desire to try to better ones self and improve their families opportunities but in any other country they would have been jailed for crossing the border illegally, not rewarded.       

For our country now to offer amnesty to those who have crossed illegally is a slap in the face for all those generations who came to America legally and have assimilated into our society.  This country has never been anti emigrant in fact it is emigrants that really built America.  It’s only when you inject politics into emigration that it creates animosity among our citizens.  We have divided ourselves into factions in this country in a battle for power, African Americans, Mexican Americans, Jewish Americans and any other hyphenated Americans that may want to get into the power grab.  When we once again consider ourselves just plain Americans and vote according to our belief system rather than our origins we will find the strength to rebuild this democratic republic relighting that beautiful light on the hill that made America great.  

Sunday, December 1, 2013

How can we ever trust a liar?

What do you suppose would happen to a business if the owner of the establishment made claims that weren’t true just to sell his product?  Wouldn’t our government close him down?  Why do we as a people allow politicians to tell bold face lies and then walk away with a shrug and say they mis-spoke?  We have an elite group of liars in both parties starting with our present administration and their leader.  What’s good for the Goose is good for the Gander is the old saying and I for one feel that anyone in power caught in an open lie should be man or woman enough to resign.  I would be so embarrassed if I were caught in a big lie that I wouldn’t be able to look people in the eye without feeling the shame.       How can we as a people trust someone who would lie just to stay in power?  Why do we stand for it?  If I tell you that I have a product that will extend your life, and I sell you nothing more than an aspirin wrapped in chocolate for $50. I wouldn’t get a second chance to fool you again would I? There’s another old expression that I can recall; “fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me.” 

On top of the Benghazi cover up, the IRS cover up, the Gun running cover up, the lie about keeping our insurance or keeping our same Doctor and any other cover up I may have forgotten, we now have probably the worse thing this administration has come up with yet; The deal they cut with Iran.  According to everything I’ve read or heard we just threw Israel under the bus.  Like I have said before, the conceited Mr. Kerry is more interested in building his personal legacy than sitting down in real hard core negotiations with a regime that has constantly shoved it’s thumb in the Western Worlds eye.  We are being told by this administration That we should trust the radical Muslim government of Iran, that this agreement is a great achievement in diplomacy, another lie. To trust these radicals with any kind of nuclear power is crazy.  To allow them to keep their centrifuges running and at the same time lessening the restraints against them is about as ridicules as allowing North Korea the right to fly over America with it’s bombers hoping they will be unarmed.  This is putting Israel in a war footing and forcing them to go it alone if they feel threatened.  Will Obama join the chorus of the other idiots when it happens and chastise the Israeli’s when they take matters into their own hands?

Our belief as Americans is always trust but verify, this was a principle that Ronald Reagan lived by in the days of the Cold War.  We made treaties with adversaries but always with a caveat that the treaty had to be verified.  The agreement with Iran’s radical government leaves their ability to produce nuclear weapons intact in a state that they could be reactivated in a matter of days.  This is not a win,win arrangement.   As our part of this deal  we are advocating reducing the present sanctions that have brought them to the table in the first place.  This will allow them to rebuild their economy without restriction and be in a position to once again influence the outcome of conditions in the Middle East.  We had them hurting to the point of being willing to listen but failed to demand conditions that were specifically designed to take out their nuclear ability.  It’s another huge mistake, in a region where we cannot afford mistakes.  First we trust the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and provided them with F-16’s and tanks that would be used against our greatest ally in the area, now we trust the Mullah’s of the treacherous government of Iran, why can’t we ever learn from past mistakes?   

Welcome to the January 6th

  Welcome to January 6th 2021: With the encouragement of several Antifa plants the January 6th so call incursion into the Capital beca...