Saturday, March 30, 2013

How long will America exist as we know it?

Can we survive economically and continue to be the Super Power of the world? Can we maintain the lifestyle we are accustomed to?  I think a lot of us are beginning to wonder if we can ever go back to our prosperous, safe environment.  This is going to require real leadership from our elite chosen few and frankly I think too many of them are living in their own little utopia and have no idea what’s really going on out here in the real world.   Once a politician goes to Washington they become sheltered into the Washington world & never to have to worry personally again.  Their retirement is set, their medical is set all they have to worry about is getting elected again.  Folks at home get a little pork now and then to keep them satisfied and they hear how their representative is working hundreds of hours in their behalf. 
Who will be the next leader to break the cycle of the Nanny state?  Who will tell us the truth about what we really need to do and how will they convince the people who are reaping the benefit of the Grand Nanny that their path for America is unsustainable?   What politician on the horizon has the gift and the guts to go it alone to bring this country back to the reality of our serious situation?
Maybe the answer is to cut short the sessions of Congress in Washington and have them forced to live in the communities they came from.  Having constant access to our legislators would be a real step forward.  The Lobbyists would not have the gang to drop in on every other day and the trips to the golf course would be limited.  Representation is an honor and yet it seems we work to satisfy these few rather than the other way around.  With shorter sessions there would be less time for them to showboat and they would be forced to act rather than posture for position.  Committee’s could be handled by teleconference with buttons that go directly to a central point registering their votes and these would be displayed on the big screen in real time so all America could witness each transaction.  Of course defense items would be handled in secret. 

I’m not trying to pretend that I have all the answers, I just want to get the ball rolling back up the hill before it hits bottom.

That’s what I think, what would you like to happen?

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Who should have guns?

Today I would like to ask a question and hopefully get a few answers.  We’ve had some horrific shootings in the last couple of years and there has been a cry for gun control.  We all agree crazies shouldn’t own guns, right?  We all agree the criminals shouldn’t have gun rights, right?  We all agree that when guns are in a home they should be secure from children, right?

Let us say the Feinstein gets her way totally and all guns are taken away from those who have used them safely for the last 235 years.  There are only so many registered weapons in the United States and those would be the first to go , right?  Hunters would have to go to an Armory to check out their weapons in order to go hunting.  Someone has to pay for this, the guns won’t stay safely locked up unless they are under 24 hour guard, right?  Now millions of guns are already on the black market and in the streets of the U.S. , right?  These guns are going to become more and more valuable as time goes on, soon the drug cartels will be smuggling guns into the U.S. instead of out, right? 

My question is; now that you have no way to protect your family against the criminals and crazies who will still have their guns from the streets, and you have turned your cheek as long as you could as they rob you and your family blind, Will this be the safer and saner America you’re looking for?

Welcome to the January 6th

  Welcome to January 6th 2021: With the encouragement of several Antifa plants the January 6th so call incursion into the Capital beca...