Saturday, April 27, 2013


Normally as a person matures hopefully they develop what we call commonsense.  Somehow as a nation we have lost that ability.  In today’s reality commonsense has been replaced by political correctness which is the exact opposite in most cases.  Does the fact that we allow students from countries who hate us to come here and learn in our universities and then over stay their visa’s or return home and use their education to build weapons against us make any sense let alone commonsense?  We say it’s right to put restrictions on legal gun owners and purchasers when it’s the illegally obtained guns that are usually involved in shootings.  How does stripping law abiders of their guns that are used to protect society make any sense at all.  We know there is nothing we can do about the millions of illegal guns on the street now so why do we feel we have to inhibit the rights of those who legally have the right via the Constitution to own weapons for sport or to defend themselves. 

Commonsense also tells us that in order to work efficiently government has to find ways of compromise yet political correctness has influenced so many legislators to the point that any real compromise is impossible.  It seems that when we elect some politicians to high office they lose the ability to think for themselves, they allow their party hacks to do their thinking for them.   

Commonsense tells us that when we see a TSA agent frisking a crying 80 year old woman and allowing a person in a burka to pass with just a few questions and no pat down, that maybe something is amiss with our regulations.  Isn’t this is a case where political correctness has inserted it’s stupidity in our system.  The system of Tenure is another thing that defies commonsense.  Our nation’s work places are full of people who really don’t deserve to draw a paycheck, they are there because tenure has made it impossible to fire them.  It is also rampant in our education system, in many cases the teachers union has put the value of the teacher who is not performing above that of our children’s education.  When in our history did we discover that we should honor time served over the value of a great education?  Great teachers are let go for budget cuts rather than the teacher with the poorest grade performance.  

I wonder if the same is true for the Secret Service, does the guy with the poor aim get to guard the President?  Maybe even political correctness has its limits, that’s only commonsense, right? 

Our President seems to be afraid to use the words Radical Muslim Terrorist because some may be offended by it.  I’d rather see him offend a few and call it like it is, that’s just commonsense.  Where is the commonsense that allows radical Muslim clerics to preach hate in our cities under the guise of free speech?  Isn’t that similar to shouting fire in a crowded theatre?   When some cleric in a Mosque is telling people to kill the infidels, Christians, Jews and anyone else that doesn’t believe there are 72 virgins just waiting for them in heaven, it kind of seems commonsense would tell you that this is not what our forefathers meant to be called free speech.  There are so many more cases of political correctness gone wild that it would take a ream of paper to tell them all, isn’t it time to bring the commonsense we were born with back into this society we have done our best to destroy?

That’s my opinion, how does it compare to yours?

Friday, April 26, 2013

Miranda rights vs Public Safety

Please someone tell me the reason the Boston Terrorist was given his Miranda rights.  Just like everything this administration has done it has been done in a cloud of secrecy.  The FBI was interrogating the prisoner when in comes a Federal Magistrate, Federal Defense lawyer and a Federal Prosecutor and cut off the interrogation mid stream.  We find now that they were not finished with their terror, they were headed for New York's Times Square with another pressure cooker bomb and several pipe bombs.  Still our administration refuses to call them what they are; Radical Muslim Terrorists.

Just once I'd like to see evidence from the Muslim community that they are doing something about the radicalization of the their religion.  When Allah's words are used for terror to obtain an objective it is no longer a religion but a political movement driven by terror.  Tax exemption should be taken away from any Mosque that has a record of allowing this to go on.  Some of these people come here and enjoy the freedom and the rights of America only with the desire to destroy.  If they want to return to the Stone Ages go back where they came from.  I believe in the freedom to choose ones religion but when it becomes evident that they want to take away my right to choose a religion they are no longer welcome on our soil. 

We should establish our own Human Rights organization here in the U.S. and demand the banning of any type of clothing that is forced upon women like the burka or even the full headscarf.   Human beings are not property in the United States  of America and no group should have special rights outside our Constitution to force the use of them.  I've heard it compared to the Habit that Catholic Nuns wear which to me is a ridiculous comparison.  The Catholic Nuns do it voluntarily and may quit at any time.  The women of the burka are in it for life.  In some cases they are not even allowed outside the house without the accompaniment of a male relative.  There have even been reports of honor killings of daughters who have become to Americanized to suit their fathers.  Why on earth did they come to America in the first place if they never intended to assimilate into our society?

That's my opinion, sure would like to hear yours.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Where are today's Heroes

Are you aware of how much politics play a part in our everyday lives?  Let’s take the Sequester for example; this could have been handled easily if the Executive and the Legislative branches of government were not acting like children.  Folks we are in process of creating a $20 TRILLION dollar debt.  The amount that is involved in the Sequester is in relation to the loose change the average man throws on the dresser every night.  There didn’t have to be any pain involved for the population it just required a little leadership to maneuver the cuts to areas that need a cut.  The republicans agreed to the process that originated in the Oval Office.  Neither party thought the other would allow it to come to fruition.  Rather than allow these necessary cuts to slip easily into the budget the President is forcing a confrontation with the House by allowing the cuts to be used for what he hopes are a political gain.  The White House tours is one example but when the media actually reported how ludicrous it was they decided to make everyone pay the price by reducing the staff of Air Controllers in the major hubs across America.  In reality the FAA’s budget was not in question and this reduction is to make you and I pay for the fact that the house has forced this reduction down the throat of the President. 

The problem with this is that now we are talking about putting people at danger as they travel.  If the country can operate with less controllers effectively this may bounce back in his face like the White House tour situation.  The problem is that we don't know if the air traffic can be safely handled by less people. The blame for the Sequester can be spread around and is not just the President fault.  The fact that we have such a division in our legislative and executive branch is embarrassing to all Americans.  It would almost be better to have a Parliamentary Procedure and force the entire bunch into a special election and clean house.   I mean from the President down, we don’t need these childish tantrums coming from the White House or the Legislators.  Where are our heroes who should be leading us into the future.  The United States has had the greatest leaders the world has ever seen, those who we now have to depend on shouldn’t even be mentioned in the same breath as; Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and more recently Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy or Reagan.   These were not self promoting narcissists, these were men who cared deeply about America. 

We need to dig deep into our souls and find leaders who will stand for something other than their next election.  In today’s world the campaigning never seems to end and the work of the government is treated as a part time venture.
That’s just my opinion, what’s yours.  

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Sunday, April 21, 2013

America, Home of the brave land of the free

America, Home of the Brave, Land of the Free.  Slogans seldom carry the weight of the one I just quoted and it’s up to us, this generation of Americans to keep it strong.  We have to take every opportunity to find the flaws in our system and correct them without giving up on our liberties.  America is strong because of our free society and our enemies would like to see us turn it into a police state where every move is questioned.  The crafters of our Constitution saw and anticipated the problems of a big government and built safety guards into the document to protect us from an overzealous Executive, Legislative or Judicial body.  We as a people have to take responsibility for what is going on around us at all times,especially at large events.  The goal of our forefathers was religious freedom above all, but when a religion takes on the role of politics and calls for the extermination of all others it has to be classified differently.  The radicalization of the Muslim world has spread throughout this country with the protection of our own Constitution and Bill of Rights. 
As the United States of America has developed as a country over the last 240 years it has been with the assimilation of many different religions and cultures.  When we see a definite separation and failure or refusal to assimilate into what has become the American culture of freedom for all we should be alarmed.  The conclaves of Muslims in our larger cities have gone so far as to demand sharia law in their communities.  Women are forced into the role of property and carry little voice in their communities.  We as Americans have laws that are supposedly representative of all people who live within our borders, why then should we allow a different standard for anyone else.  Would we allow a community of just Catholics or any other religion to impose their own restrictions on Americans living in their community?  Would we allow any other nation to build a settlement here with their own rules and regulations governing over our Constitution?  The answer is a resounding no! 

They should either assimilate or go back to where they came from if they like the laws and conditions there better than ours.  Over the years our Hispanic population has become more and more isolated.  The history of Hispanics is a proud one in the building of America yet a new culture of entitlement has taken hold of many.  People who come here legally have shown the desire to become one with our nation or they wouldn’t have waded through all the red tape and restrictions on the process.  When one comes illegally it is not with the desire to assimilate, it is generally to take advantage of this great system.  

That’s my opinion, I’d like to hear yours.      

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