Thursday, August 17, 2017

Civil War II

The Civil War is being fought again and this time it's against our historical monuments. The statue of Robert E. Lee never made me feel like I wanted to own slaves or disrespect the rights of Blacks. It is our history good or bad. If we continue to erase our historical monuments we will erase the lessons learned by their either good or bad example. I feel this really has nothing to do with the statue's or what they may or may not stand for it is strictly a power move by the left. They didn't win the election, they are not winning the Russian BS so now they have picked what they think is a soft target. It's time to bring an end to all this political Nonsense before we do permanent damage to the soul of our country. The ultra left has to go, the Democratic Party has to find its roots and build themselves once again into the average American Party. As it stands now they have become the home of the far left. We need a viable two party system here in America to balance our diversity and make us whole. The idiots that are running the party now have created nothing but chaos and are driving a wedge into the heart of the United States of America. The same goes for the ultra right like the Nazi's, Skin Heads and any other radical group that wants to destroy what we have all fought for all our lives. God Bless America, we are all races and proud to be the melting pot of the world but don't try to put a divide between us you will fail.

It's time to reflect

Once again the World is threatened with terror as cowards using a rental van plowed through crowds in Barcelona. The free world is at crisis point both at home and abroad. There are those who would take us back to the stone age if allowed and here at home there is a movement to disrupt our elections and our elected officials. America has always been the Land of the Free and home of the Brave no matter who or what party was in power. We now have agents of disorder trying to overthrow our duly elected President and his entire administration. Over my long time here on this planet I have seen disagreement with our government and many of it’s decisions. There will always be a difference of opinion with a free society. What is happening today is far beyond the norm and is being fed by an opposition media and the losing party. This event in Barcelona is no different than the Antifada here in America, it’s driven by hate and will lead to chaos, not unlike the things we are seeing across Europe if not stifled. People who represent this like Michael Moore, groups like the Nazi Party and Black Lives Matter are just mini versions of the radical Islamic terrorist we see today. Look inside yourselves and find the spirit we were founded with to bring civility back to our country.

Welcome to the January 6th

  Welcome to January 6th 2021: With the encouragement of several Antifa plants the January 6th so call incursion into the Capital beca...