Saturday, January 11, 2014

Convenient Distractions

Our lives are full of distractions.  We have to constantly tell ourselves to focus on what’s really important to us as a people.  The Administration and the major media does its their best to constantly change the focus of the news by going from one unpopular process to another.  IT is not uncommon for them to distract attention away from say the IRS fiasco with a new push for amnesty or divert our attention from Benghazi by extending the unemployment benefits.  Just once it would be nice to see the completion of one of these so called investigations and have something done about the consequences of poor judgment.  The roll out of the Affordable Care Act is a great example, just who was responsible and who screwed it up?  The lies about keeping your insurance or your doctor, who wrote those speeches and why was the President out there telling these lies. 

The press and the administration is all over Bridge Gate with a Obama supporter with heavy liberal ties appointed to investigate Governor Christie’s possible involvement in the closure.  I wager this gets a deeper look than the New York Times look at Benghazi or the administrations investigation into the IRS scandal. 
These next two weekends at least we have a pleasant distraction with the NFL playoffs.  For just a moment we can sit back and cheer for our teams and lose ourselves in football.  Just watch if there are anymore scandals coming out it will happen when our focus is on the games not politics. 

Go Hawks!!!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Did she really say that?

Dianne-FeinsteinQuote of the day by Dianne Feinstein..........
Dianne Feinstein: "All vets are mentally ill in some way and government should prevent them from owning firearms."
Yep, - she really said it on Thursday in a meeting in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee...and the quote below from the LA Times is priceless. Sometimes even the L.A. Times gets it right.
Kurt Nimmo: "Senator Feinstein insults all U.S. Veterans as she flays about in a vain attempt to save her anti-firearms bill."
Quote of the Day from the Los Angeles Times:
"Frankly, I don't know what it is about California , but we seem to have a strange urge to elect really obnoxious women to high office.
I'm not bragging, you understand, but no other state, including Maine , even comes close. When it comes to sending left-wing dingbats to Washington , we're Number One. There's no getting around the fact that the last time anyone saw the likes of Barbara Boxer, Dianne Feinstein, Maxine Waters, and Nancy Pelosi, they were stirring a cauldron when the curtain went up on 'Macbeth'.
The four of them are like jackasses who happen to possess the gift of blab. You don't know if you should condemn them for their stupidity or simply marvel at their ability to form words."
-- Columnist Burt Prelutsky, Los Angeles Times
Be sure to forward this to all of the “mentally ill” vets (and current military) you know. Also forward it to all your friends who vote in California .

Thursday, January 9, 2014

The perfect quote

Perfect Quote
Some people have the vocabulary to sum up things in a way that you can quickly understand. This quote came from the Czech Republic. Someone over there has it figured out. It was translated into English from an article in the Prague newspaper, Prager Zeitung 
"The danger to America is not Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools, such as those who made him their president."

Monday, January 6, 2014

An email from a fellow Nevadan

I just received this email from a friend who actually lived through the depression, fought in WWII and Korea.  His opinion means a great deal to me and I just wanted to share his thoughts with you today.

Nevada friends:

Just in case you haven't been paying attention...

Obama has just switched our focus to "income equalization." It's patently a White House
ploy designed to distract the public away from his huge turkey, Obamacare. His shell
game is obvious, but of course there are a those in the neo-generations who will be
successfully sidetracked by his ill-conceived, sophomoric ideas.

Part of Obama's latest plan includes raising the minimum wage. For anyone with a pea-sized
sprinkling of common sense, that's legislating wealth or "wealth by government edict" and
there's no way it will ever work. But there are a bunch of people who will believe it can be
done that way. Many live in Washington DC..

Another part of his plan is to extend payments to unemployed able-bodied citizens, in effect
rewarding them NOT TO WORK. Just before the end of 2013, some 1.3 million long-term
unemployed saw their payments expire. Harry Reid has joined with other Democrats in

proposing an extension. There is only ONE Republican Senator currently supporting the
Senate Democrats' measure, and that's Nevada's own
Dean Heller.

Try as I may, I can't be liberally objective of unemployment pay. During the Great Depression
there was no welfare and no such thing as getting paid NOT TO WORK. As a result, I washed
dishes (by hand) and fry-cooked. I got up at 4 AM every morning and "swamped" a bar and
grill. My dad went house-to-house seeking odd jobs.

There were always jobs available. They didn't pay too well and they sure weren't fun, but
there WERE jobs for everyone
who wanted to work. No one got paid to sit home .... so no
one sat home. There were no food stamps, yet no U.S. citizen ever starved to death during
the Great Depression.

Oh, and "entitlements" were something we worked for. Seemed the harder we worked, the
more "entitled" we became.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Are we really so different?

How can we all be so different?  How can I see so much evil in this Obama administration and yet others  love it?  How can anyone explain in a logical way the lies that have come from this group, or the scandals that have surrounded them the last few years.  Am I so stupid to resent the fact that our Ambassador to Libya was left basically unguarded on September 11th in spite of his requests and in fact pleas for additional security and after watching them slaughtered on screen come out with a cockamamie story about a video?  Am I so stupid to resent the IRS doing everything possible to destroy those who feel different about things then the administration?  Am I a traitor to this country because I am against the Affordable Care Act?  Do I do this country an injustice when I bring up the fact that this so called Obama Care was shoved down our throats in the middle of the night with no consensus between the parties?  Do I have a problem because I resent big government usurping our personal rights?

These are important things to me and many others through-out the United States, we have supported this country just like everyone else for decades yet we are left out of any discussion that pertains to our future growth and stability.  I like so many others are veterans who pledged our lives to this country yet we are second class citizens because we disagree with Obama.  We have worked for and elected representatives who have been locked out of the decision making process here in America because they are in an opposition party.  Our government has always been by the people and for the people as per the Constitution, why is it wrong to expect that now?  America has always been a place where anyone could reach for the stars and have a hope of attaining their dreams with hard work.  Now we are more of an entitlement programmed society who are constantly looking for the next government program to help us survive.  Sorry but there are a few of us left that are independent enough to take care of ourselves and resent the fact that we have to take care of everyone else too.       

Welcome to the January 6th

  Welcome to January 6th 2021: With the encouragement of several Antifa plants the January 6th so call incursion into the Capital beca...