Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Here comes 2021


I know that many of you are expecting life to continue as usual as a new President takes office.  It’s been that way for generations but this time I think you’ll find it different.  We have lived for the past year under the tyranny of a few Governors that have taken on power well beyond their Constitutional rights.  So many small businesses have been lost because of unnecessary shut downs.  Yes, I know we are under attack from Covid 19 and in the States where they preached commonsense and allowed people to use good judgement to avoid direct contact the virus has diminished and they have developed what they call Herd Immunity in many cases.  North Dakota is a great example.  Here in Nevada we have been under the hard hand of constant threats from our Governor who feels he can just make up the rules for the society.  There is a huge difference in being asked to take cautionary procedures and given orders under threat that destroy your opportunity to earn a living.  Utilizing agencies like Osha to spy on local businesses and asking people to turn in their neighbors if they are non compliant.  Now we have the entire Country under this threat. 

The things that President Trump did to put our nation first are going to be replaced quickly and without thought of the consequences to our freedoms.  Right this minute we have people from South and Central America heading to our border where according to this administration they will be welcomed in to America.  The first time the Supreme Court goes against their agenda it will be packed by 3 more judges from places like Puerto Rico as they make it a State for political reasons.  Our Defense budget will be slashed as will all of Law Enforcement across the Country.  We are going back to the Paris Accord and once again be the largest contributor as Countries like China will skate and still pollute our air.  We will be negotiating with Iran allowing them to rebuild their economy so they can control so much of the Middle East.  There will be an all out War between Israel and several Middle East Countries killing thousands in its path.  Russia you may have noticed has been very quiet just waiting for an opportunity to gather strength in the area’s like India, Pakistan and Afghanistan.  There will be several million Illegal emigrants sworn in as American Citizens guarantying the Democrat Party constant victories.  I know I’m throwing a lot at you at once but these are just the things this Administration has promised nothing more.  The war in Israel is just a given without a strong United States to back them up.  Let me know how you see things in the comments below, I will remove any obscene language and will read and answer your commonsense questions.


Wrong message

 For months we in America have been under siege by Anarchists who have violently tried to over throw our elected government, They have killed, burnt and looted cities from coast to coast. The pent up frustration from this from honest hardworking Americans came out at last in the DC Protests. The moral compass of our Country has been diluted by the constant acceptance of this activity by our politicians many of which seem to condone these terrorists and in fact salute them with their acceptance of it. Kamala Harris our new VP elect told us that she supported this insurrection and even gave money to their defense fund. I ask you what is the difference from burning and looting and destroying livelihoods of thousands of Americans many of whom will never recover to the so called insurrection in Washington DC? The difference is obvious, wrong message, the people in Washington just wanted to make a statement directly to those who haven't been through this summer of hate that they weren't as safe as they thought in their Ivory Tower. It hit home and now we have 26,000 Republicans with guns protecting their pampered asses. All the noise we have heard about election fraud seems to be okay with our establishment Elite. Nothing here they say yet they have blocked every attempt to investigate it. It must be a lie they say, yet a Bumbling Old Man who can't put 2 words together and a harlot from San Francisco sat in their bunkers without hardly campaigning and received 80 Million votes. Wow! that's some achievement.

America is a little different today, I wonder why China is so happy and they are dancing in the streets in Iran. Russia has been very quiet, scary. Trump is a lot of things and he was elected by the people to clean up politics and the the Leftists enlisted the help of the Press, the Big Tech giants and every other medium to fight against losing their gravy train. We saw how brave the Republicans were, they folded one at a time to the pressure. The fact that they have all gained from the swamp is telling. We now have a one Party system in America something our fore fathers duly warned us about and many ignored. We are now in the hands of a God the Left tells us does not exist. A few of us will bear the brunt of their inquisition for our political beliefs and the rest will become indoctrinated to the new America. This is my final piece on Face Book, I hope they allow it to be up for a while before shutting down my thoughts.

Monday, January 18, 2021

The change in American's

 The change that has come over America in the last year is terrifying. Do you remember how proud and brave the people of Iraq were when they finally got a chance to vote freely? They dipped their fingers in purple ink and proudly displayed them. Americans on the other hand refused to even accept the fact that there was any type of voter fraud at all despite tons of evidence to the contrary. I know this article will get scrubbed by the censors but it has to be brought out. The Left has bragged for a generation now how they would defeat America from within. I think it's time for well meaning people to look in their conscience and decide if they were part of the bringing down the spirit of this country and allow this to happen. I know good people that were so blinded by the hate espoused by the Media that they really felt compelled to protest in the streets while Antifa thugs looted and burning other peoples livelihood out from under them yet when it was shown that Antifa activists were involved in the Capitol insurrection nothing was done about it.

There have been major rallies all over this country without a hint of violence, millions of people have come together without fear yet all of a sudden these same people are the reason for the fear out of Washington that they have to close almost the whole city for a week. We are being coward into turning on the very people who are fighting to save America, God Bless our Souls and please God, Bless America one more time.

Welcome to the January 6th

  Welcome to January 6th 2021: With the encouragement of several Antifa plants the January 6th so call incursion into the Capital beca...