Monday, February 16, 2015

There is a time for war.

It seems incomprehensible to me that we are idly standing by as the world burns.  We undoubtedly have the strongest, well equipped & technically superior military in the history of mankind. Yet we for decades have failed to fully utilize it to achieve our goals.   Since the beginning of the Korean War we have politically managed the efforts of our military giving them impossible rules of engagement against enemies that shouldn’t even be on the same battlefield.  We send our fighting units into battle with one arm tied behind their back and then as the casualties mount and it drags on we negotiate our way out with our tail between our legs.  

We have the greatest military academies in the world, producing leaders that have been trained to lead us to victory yet we have political hacks making all the key decisions that hinder our ability for victory.  The enemy we are facing today is unlike anything we have every faced before, they are part of a death cult that will bring on Armageddon if allowed to continue without our involvement. Americans may be what they call War Weary but they will soon be hiding in their homes as this cancer spreads to our soil.  The difference is we must allow the military to win this one hands down or we will be suffering for decades.  Putting 50,000 elite American troops along with British, French, Jordanian & Egyptian forces to massively overrun the hastily trained Isis radicals will result in less casualties than if we stand idly by and allow them to grow into a real army.  The rules of engagement are simple kill radical Islam in its tracks.  Use everything in our arsenal except the Nuclear option.  We have the power, the men, the weaponry and equipment to push them into the sea in months not years.         

Has anyone considered what would happen to this world if these radicals got a hold of Pakistan’s nukes?  Do you think these insane radicals would hesitate to use them anywhere in the world.  They don’t care if they destroy mankind, to them they will be Martyrs.  Wake up my friends or our children will have little in the way of a future.

Welcome to the January 6th

  Welcome to January 6th 2021: With the encouragement of several Antifa plants the January 6th so call incursion into the Capital beca...