We the people get our opportunity to speak every election; the problem is when we speak we’re not always heard. The upset of Canter was a shout to the Republican establishment that no one is safe and that they had better start listening to the people. You’ve heard the phrase that every election is local, that used to be true but with the advent of Super Pac’s you have large amounts of money coming from outside a locality to affect a local race. The opposite is true in Canters case, he out spent his opponent by a huge amount and he was soundly defeated. This was a message to the Republican Party and I believe this time it may be heard loudly. “We the people are watching and we are going to shake things up if the people we have elected don’t get it right. It’s time to quit the infighting and work for the will of your constituents rather than the party establishment. Those we elect we can also defeat and we will exercise our will in the next election.”
The days of professional politicians are numbered, it’s time to get back to the original concept that was envisioned by our founders and elect our representatives from within the working community. We need not cry for Canter because of the retirement program that our professional legislators have voted themselves he will never have to work again. It’s like Hillary saying her and Bill left the White House so broke they couldn’t pay their mortgages. People in politics too long lose touch with the reality of real life. What we need are real life business people in congress who in reality know what excess taxes and fee’s do to us. Welfare and other so called entitlements are meant to be a hand up not a hand out for life. I don’t mind being my brother’s keeper if he at least mows the lawn once a week.