Thursday, March 3, 2016

Romney just secured my vote for Trump

I have been undecided for several months now on how I should vote but Romney’s BS today just put me over the edge. Yes I will back Trump if he is our candidate. I would like to see more substance from the campaign, more real answers but the cheap shot that Romney pulled today by the establishment republicans put me over the edge. There is no such thing as party politics anymore it is man on man. The Republican party is split as far apart as it can get and any Republican that stays home because of this move by the old guard of the party might as well vote for Hillary. Sending Romney out to try to destroy Trump is as desperate an act as I’ve seen in politics. The same brand of politics that took place by the old guard republicans in 1964 against Barry Goldwater, allowing Lynden B. Johnson an easy road to victory. We are still recovering from his term and a half in office. Barry Goldwater made the huge mistake in politics of telling the truth. I honestly believe that had Goldwater been elected there would be a lot more Viet Nam veterans still alive today. Once again the old guard republicans did their best to maintain status quo even if it meant losing the election.

The old guard establishment Republicans have once again brought out the sucker punch this time in the form of Nick Romney an old guard previous loser. I have been leaning towards Rubio but after the gang up by him and Cruz in the last debate they have both lost favor. It reminded me of a couple of Piranha’s nipping at the heels of faster swimmer. I am disappointed in Rubio and expected it from Cruz, I had hoped to have a campaign that centered on what’s wrong with America not cheap shot politics. The old guard doesn’t seem to understand how disgusted the general public is with politics as usual. Without a drastic change it really doesn’t matter who wins, we the general public lose. We are in a desperate time here in America, our economy has been in a slow and precarious recovery for the last 4 years. We have lost our leadership role in the world by leading from behind, it’s called following in the dictionary and it has left us weak and unresponsive at a time when we have some of the gravest enemies we have ever faced. Another 4 years of Liberal leadership will be disastrous. America was built to lead the world not follow. We have allowed the Obama Administration to weaken our resolve among nations. Another four years of leading from behind will leave us weak and inconsequential.

Welcome to the January 6th

  Welcome to January 6th 2021: With the encouragement of several Antifa plants the January 6th so call incursion into the Capital beca...