Friday, March 20, 2020

The Perfect Storm

What a perfect storm created by panic will accomplish: Tanking the economy has been the goal of the far left all along. Remember what Bill Marr called for. The Coronavirus though not planned turned up at just the right time. The President has done all the right things to help curb the virus and the idea that we have to totally shut down all commerce is now becoming a political action. Our own Governor, no friend of the administration as well as California and NewYork have decided to lock down their States there-by depriving many the opportunity to survive as Small and Medium size businesses. The idea of sending checks to the public is great if you want to convert this country to Socialism. Most of the money will go within a week or so and they will be looking for more. Much will go for drugs and big screens. Having the ability to pay our employees to work is the answer. The panic that has run wild through the press is responsible for the mess we are in. Like all virus's previous, this one will take a toll and pass and we will find a vaccine to prevent it from happening again. Like the Flu, Saars, Hi N1, Ebola and all the others. Notice there was no panic and nothing done for over 6 months during the Obama Administration. So why does this look Political, you tell me.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

The Media Flash Mob

The Leftist Media has done its job of putting this country into panic mode. Have you heard the BS coming from MSNBC and CNN? We are Americans, 6 months from now we will be over this like every other virus that has come along, yes we will lose some people we love just like the flu takes over 16,000 a year minimum. We have the greatest medical system in the world and in spite of the efforts of China to blackmail us into submission we will get by this and later consider it just another event in our lives. The Left is trying to destroy America and rebuild it in their own image. Small Business be damned as they falter and shut down destroying the jobs of millions of Americans. A good example of this is the fact that Pelosi tried to attach the full term abortion bill to the Bill asked for by the President for the Coronavirus fight. The team he has assembled will fight until it’s vanquished and they now have the money and ability through their diversity of knowledge to do so. Wash your hands and don’t touch your face use commonsense and it will pass. Protect your older relatives, shop for them, make sure they don’t need anything to cause them to take risk of exposure.
In the end this will be a turning point for this Nation, we will take control and bring home our necessary industries like Medical Supplies and Antibiotics and never again allow these things to be shipped off shore for profit. The Presidents, America First agenda has shown its merit and should be the rule across this land.
Note to Banks and Mortgage companies, the government can’t do it all by itself. It’s time you stepped up and extended loans on homes and businesses for 90 days, you don’t have to lose any money just tag the next 90 days on the tail end of the loan. This will give breathing room for those who are temporarily laid off and to the businesses that are affected because of slow business. No one needs to lose over this if everyone does their part during the crisis. The idea of eliminating the payroll deductions during this period will also help those who are squeaking by just holding their own.
Remember, Commonsense principles: Wash your hands several times a day, keep your hands away from your face, wipe down counter tops and all hard surfaces and don’t go around the public if you have symptoms of the virus.
When this is over it will be China who suffers as we address the trade program. They are more dependent on the things we buy than we are on them. When their factories shut down and ours begin to flourish because we have taken control of our needs, it will be the Chinese People who will rise up and demand reform.
From my Heart I am Praying for our President and for you and yours, Don

Welcome to the January 6th

  Welcome to January 6th 2021: With the encouragement of several Antifa plants the January 6th so call incursion into the Capital beca...