Friday, July 7, 2017

Where are we as a People

Where are we as a people? We had an election since then we have had every possible scenario proposed by the losing side to upset and derail what the people voted in.  I have lived through Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama and now Trump.  I have found fault or disagreed with many of the decisions made by these men never have I felt the need to destroy them or their reputations.  America has been established as a Representative Republic with two basic political party’s and has always found ways to pull together to make this country safer when threatened.  We now have a situation where the opposition party has resorted to every possible means to bring down the dully elected government.  The latest is the 25th amendment which calls for a medical or mental evaluation of the President.  I truly believe these people have lost their minds due to the stress of losing.  They have decapitated him in effigy, they have tried to show him as a Russian plant, they have called him every name in the book from stupid to dimwitted.  It started with the calling of those who supported him Deplorable’s by Hillary Clinton during the election.  One thing these far left zealots have failed to realize is that they are pulling the base of Trump’s followers closer together and in fact would be faced with the largest armed uprising in America’s history should they succeed.  The Civil War would be a minor event compared to the insurrection that would follow what many would consider a Coup.  I am not suggesting anything just making a commonsense judgment on the situation.  The judicial system needs to respond to the law and not make law as they go.  Our laws are made by our Representatives not our Judges or individual members of Congress.  Our laws are based on the Constitution of the United States and supposedly enforced to the letter of the law by the Supreme Court.  When a member of Congress calls constantly for resistance to the legally elected government and they are acting in a treasonous manner like an agent for subversion they should be sanctioned and have charges placed against them.  This goes for either party and members of either House of Representatives.  Our form of government is at stake, there are those who would change our basic freedoms if allowed.  The idea that professors are allowing a minority to stop free speech on campuses and the local governments are standing by as anarchists destroy public and private property should be alarming to every American.  Race relations in this country have become more separated during the last 8 years and race has been used against anyone who dared question the motives of the left.  Crimes against the police have been growing and becoming more and more violent.  Organizations like Black Live Matter are not working to make Black lives better they are causing chaos and driving a wedge between the races that had been improving for decades.   


Welcome to the January 6th

  Welcome to January 6th 2021: With the encouragement of several Antifa plants the January 6th so call incursion into the Capital beca...