Saturday, December 30, 2017

How have things changed


         Written Dec. 30, 2009

         As this winter storm grips the nation in ice and snow it makes it harder and harder for the leaders to sell us on this Global Warming lie. This earth has had climate change since its inception and always will. We’ve had how many Atomic Tests in Nevada, Bikini and of course the two bombs on Japan in WWII. If anything could or would change cause our climate to change these would. We’ve also had numerous eruptions from various mountains in the world during the last 50 years. These eruptions put out more gases and pollutants then all the cars on this earth. As I have said many times, the area I live in that is now covered in desert sage and snow was once a lush semi tropical series of lakes and inland sea’s. You can dig up the evidence with your own hands, this is not just some ones theory. For us to be forced into this giant conspiracy that will cost us a fortune is no different than the piracy that is going on in Somalia.

We see the quality of our leadership in Washington, they have to resort to bribery and coercion to get their bills past. When we the people elect someone to the House or Senate it is to be a reflection of the community that elected them. You wouldn’t send a known liar to represent you yet that’s what they have become.   How is it a good thing to sell your influence for money even if it’s for your State? Someone has to pay for this bribery and that someone is the American people. The Congress has failed to realize that they have no money, their money is out of our pockets yet they throw it around like a bunch of drunks at a strip club. First it was Millions and now they speak of Trillions as if it’s coffee or lunch money.

The Cap and Trade Bill and the monstrous Healthcare Bill & Global Warming pact, is all just the beginning, why stop there. The progressives think that all you have to do is to print more money to pay for it. We all want to breath clean air, that’s a given and we all want the best Healthcare we can afford. Like everything Washington gets their hands on it grows with their need to expand their political power. Republican or Democrat it doesn’t matter, if you give government the chance to grow itself, it will. The Progressive agenda of all things to all people is more dangerous than ever before, because many of these people who are running things are not just liberal Progressives, they’re Socialists, Communists and anti-capitalists with only one agenda in mind, to become a know all do all government. They believe that they need to take care of the people because they know best what is right. The concept of a representative government by the people and for the people is foreign to them. You who sit back and scoff at this change will end up paying the same price as I do, but at least I see it coming. Being blind to the actions of a government is the same scenario as the Russians went through in 1917 and the Germans in the late 30’s. Do you think that one day they all sat down and decided to give up their personal rights to the State? Of course not, they eroded them away just as we are doing right now.

There is an old saying out here in the West; “The bigger the hat the smaller the herd.” We have a bunch of big hats in Washington who need to have a reality check and real soon, or you are going to have to give them a bigger portion of your herd just to exist.


foot note:        

        I wrote this blog in December of 2009 and it is so indicative of why the election of 2016 went the way it did.  We still have many of the same elites in charge in the two parties and it spite of this the President has been able to get a large part of his agenda moving.  The left is missing the boat as this President is a negotiator and is willing to work to solve problems yet there is such a void in leadership in the resist movement of the Democratic party that it has been all one sided.  This country needs input from all sides to be whole.  The spirit of the United States is a conglomerate of all people, not rich, not poor but everyone.  Our representation has been nonexistent, it has been corrupted by politics  and poor leadership.  You may not like our Presidents personality or his demeanor but give him credit for his ability to get things done to move our country back to the commonsense approach rather than bogging us down with more political correctness ideology. Get the Muellar investigation over with and allow our country to go forward.       



              As far as the media is concerned I think of the great newsmen and women of the 40's and 50's they didn't allow their personal bias to even trickle into their reporting.  The Despots of today are doing everything in their power to destroy not only the man himself but the very office of the Presidency.  They have no concept of the Revolution and its consequences should they succeed. Should they create a Constitutional Crisis the result would be catastrophic for America and weaken her beyond repair.  Think about our next generation and what they will face should we allow this to continue even consider a breakup of the States and the resulting chaos.  Let actions speak louder than words, allow the Administration to do their job and in the end see if we are better off or we need to make a change. God Bless America and all those who love her.   


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