Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Political Narcissism, a sickness or just a bad attitude

The worse thing about narcissism mixed with power is the fact that the narcissist will always believe they are right.  They seldom learn from others because they surround themselves with only those that will grovel at their feet and are afraid to disagree even with the most outlandish comment.  As with our present administration nothing seems to get through to the President, his cabinet and Czars are not about to point out his failings and shortcomings.  This may work in the campaign mode but when it comes to governing we need a leader who will grow with the job and learn as he goes.  Our leader has to be a strong respected person who understands history and knows how to use that knowledge for our benefit.  This job of President is a real one, not a role for an actor that has little significance in the world.  This President seems to be role playing stuck in the campaign mode instead of respecting the history of America, I believe he thinks he is the new Washington and is designing history as he goes. 

Things like the new agreement with Iran is a good example of his failure to respect history.  Most of us learned not to trust the radical Mullah’s of Iran back in the 70’s when they held our embassy staff for months.  Evidently that was during the period he was expanding his great mind deep in thought under the influence of pot.  This decision has left Israel with little option other then to go it alone and destroy the nuclear capabilities of this rogue regime.  The world will hear protests from the Saudi’s and other Muslim States but little in the way of anything else.  They will mostly be grateful as a nuclear Iran something none of them want. 

President Obama has followed the Carter doctrine in the Middle East.  Carter allowed our most faithful ally in the Middle East, The Shaw of Iran, to be overthrown by radical Muslims just like Obama did with Mubarak in Egypt.  As Carter stood by and turned a deaf ear to the Shaw Obama just let the Muslim Brotherhood take over Egypt using the same script.  Obama was so impressed with the Brotherhood he gave them a few F16’s and tanks to start them out.  Thank God the Egyptian Army was not so stupid and threw the radicals out of office. 

How would you feel if you were an Israeli and had to sit and watch these historic mistakes made by this regime in Washington?  In his haste to build his great legacy he has also destroyed the greatest medical system in the world by utilizing a lame duck democrat Congress led by Ms. Pelosi and his lapdog Senate led by Harry Reid to shove a program through that the majority of the American people didn’t want.  He did this in spite of strong protest from the republicans and without any republican input.  He still complains about the Republican Congress that was overwhelmingly elected by a disgruntled population following this Bill passing, and he lays the blame for a stagnant political atmosphere on the republicans and the grassroots program called the Tea Party. 

With it being Thanksgiving I want to give thanks to the fact that we have a midterm election coming up so we can neuter this drive to Socialism.  A pox on anyone who doesn’t vote his or her conscience in this election I don’t care if you are a republican, democrat or independent it’s your duty to vote.  The final blow to our Republic and our way of life for the last 240 years will happen if he is able to once again buy a liberal House and Senate.     

Welcome to the January 6th

  Welcome to January 6th 2021: With the encouragement of several Antifa plants the January 6th so call incursion into the Capital beca...