Saturday, November 2, 2013

What would a real President do?

As we stumble through one disgraceful cover up, scandal and miscalculation after another one must wonder where the leadership is.  How can a president be so unaware of his surroundings?  When it’s something in his favor like the strike by the Seals killing Osama Bin Laden he was front and center to take the credit.  When Benghazi was still burning he was on his way to a fundraiser in Las Vegas.  When Fast and furious was front page news he was lost in the dark.  When the IRS scandal was jumping out in the headlines he said he heard about it in the news.  While the NSA was tapping our phones he was out once again campaigning for one thing or another and knew nothing.  I must admit he is a great campaigner, but when no one calls you on what you say and promise, it’s my guess that anyone would be a great campaigner.  All you would have to do is tell everyone what they want to hear.  Kind of sounds like the old chicken in every pot slogan from the depression years.   

Okay now what would a real President do?  Number one he would have called his Secretary of State on the carpet for the lack of security available to the Benghazi outpost, especially when the Ambassador had called for more several times and instead of increasing the security they decreased it.   A real president  would have made wholesale changes in the State Department from the top down.  This was outrageous and someone was responsible for denying their request.  A real leader would have come out immediately with the truth about the attack and not BS the public about a video being responsible.  He would have called in air support immediately upon hearing about it even if it was just to buzz the compound and commit to a few strafing runs on the yard. They were watching real time video of the event.  A contingent of Marines would have landed within hours followed by Sea Bees to reclaim our facility and show the enemy that you don’t mess with American might. 

Let’s go right back to the beginning for an example;  A real president would have realized that if you push an unpopular law through in the middle of the night it was bound to cause you problems.  He would have spent the better part of his first term selling the program to the people instead of having his lame duck congress push it through without bipartisan support.  A good president would have realized that his duty is to the people of America not his own ideology.  I know there is no smoking gun yet, but I am almost certain that eventually it will come out that his hand has been in every scandal.  His legacy will be that of the most corrupt administration in modern history.  It is a shame because it could have been so different, so many were thrilled with the fact that a man of color had been duly elected to the highest office in the land and now it may take a generation for it to happen again.    

Lesson to us all; when we hire someone to do a job check their references.  In the case of Obama the public was so enamored with his charisma and his charming smile that they forgot to look in his closet.  The media was totally complicit in the lack of vetting and should be considered as guilty as the democratic party for nominating him.  What has he accomplished?  Are we safer, are we better off financially,are we more confident in what was once our world class medical industry as we were in 2008?  Anyone who is grounded in fact and not an idiolog will have to admit we are not better off, and in fact we are in a very dangerous place in the history of our country. 

A great deal of the blame goes to those who chose to sit home and not vote in the last election just because their guy didn't win the primary.  I wasn't happy with the choice I was given either but I still voted knowing that the latter was still much better than the one we had.

Friday, November 1, 2013

The big zero

The legacy of a loser, as our President enters his 6th year in office the score for his administration has hit a new low.  On a scale of 1 to 10 his score is a flat zero.  How can I rate it you ask, first of all his first promise was to close Gitmo score 0.  His second promise was to be the most transparent administration in history another 0.  He appointed Van Jones a known Communist as one of his czar's, 0.  He promised he'd reduce the debt by 50% whoops another 0.  For weeks after the Benghazi attacks he was still touting the video as blame for the deaths of 4 Americans, Ho Hum, 0.  His appointee to the IRS took the 5th rather than testify leaving us to believe she was covering up for the President or his staff, did he fire her, nope she retired with full benefits, another 0.  When asked about fast and furious the gun running program by the ATF, his chief legal officer the Attorney General said he didn't know anything about it, was he chastised for it, of course not, holy smoke another 0.  Now for the biggie; The signature program of the administration, Obama Care, he promised that if you had a plan you liked you could keep it, if you had a doctor you liked you could keep your relationship with him or her.  Both flat out lies and they knew it months ago, I would definitely give that one a huge 0.  The website that we the people have spent hundreds of millions on couldn't keep up with 6 people on the opening day, oh my another 0.  I have only scratched the surface on his failures and out of respect for the office I will refrain from adding more to this score sheet.

Now if you find fault with these scores please feel free to comment.  The only thing I ask is if you want to say anything please use your real name when you comment and not hide behind some alias.  I will not bother to read any comments made without knowing who you are. If you want to comment you can do so by emailing me at (  I will post clean and cognizant responses in a future blog.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

A letter to Progressive Liberals

I’m writing this letter to those who still think that the Affordable Care Plan (Obama Care) is good for America.  I guess it depends on what America you want, the free America we have had for generations or the more socialist America that the progressives are trying to shove down our throats.  Please tell me how you can continue to defend the lies that have been coming from the President and his devotees.  I would like to understand what hold this charlatan has on so many people.  I can somewhat understand the poorer blacks as they have so much invested in the politician.  If he fails, sadly it may take generations before another person of color would be considered.  What I don’t understand is the basic democrat black or white, the hard worker that has never asked for a hand out or even a hand up.  How can you feel good about your vote in the last election?  I was raised a democrat by longtime blue collar democrats but as the far left took hold I became disenchanted with the direction of the party and bolted.  Though my family were all democrats they were Americans first and many fought for the very freedoms that these far left loons are using to desecrate our system. 

Obama Care is just a ruse to get to a one payer system, they would like everyone to be on Medi-Care, the easiest way to control the population is with socialized medicine.  They control what Doctor you can have, what services you will be offered and how much the doctor will be paid.  We have already seen the result of the cronyism that has cost the tax payers billions.  Now we learn that Michelle went to school with the owner of one of the major companies that built the OBC website.  Another bunch of billions down the tube and it doesn’t work.  I think the cost of the fix that they are trying to make should be paid exclusively by the companies who built it wrong in the first place, surely not the taxpayers.   It will surely be in the billions before it’s up and running.

Those who are losing their health plans need to understand that only in a few cases is it the fault of the insurance companies, in most cases if you read the regulations that have been dictated from above it is because so many new things have been put into the mandatory care section.  Most of these are things you opted out of when you chose your plan in the first place.  For example not everyone needs Pre-Natal or Pediatric coverage.  By adding these things into the mandatory program they effectively eliminated 20 to 30 million plans and are blaming the insurance companies for the problem.  You may be able to live with the Benghazi tragedy, the IRS fiasco or even the Fast and Furious cover up, but can you stand up and tell me that you are happy with their lying about and the manipulation of our healthcare system?  Our kids and their kids will never know the comfort of having a family doctor that they can call a friend.  They will be waiting months rather than days for a visit to a specialist and heaven help them if they need a new knee or hip. 

If you are so indoctrinated to the progressive ideology and wish to respond you can do so by going to the email associated with this blog, remember though I will only read those who have the courage to sign with their real name and I will print the responses in a following blog.    

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

What on earth were they thinking

What in the World were they thinking?  It was estimated that 30 million people were without medical coverage when all this started.  That’s just 10% of the population of the country.  That includes the 10% healthy young who really won’t purchase medical insurance normally because they feel it’s just throwing money away.  It includes 8% who have pre existing problems and have not been able to get coverage.  Now it is estimated in the end that there will be approximately 15 million who will be left without coverage when this is all over and will just pay the fine.  They could have designed a program just to assist the medically challenged that couldn’t buy coverage and left the rest of us alone.  Now we have millions who are not able to keep their doctors or their coverage and they are being cancelled.  The reason is the government has mandated certain coverage’s including things like pre natal care and pediatric dental to name just a few.  Insurance companies are not going to cover this for the same price nor in many cases is it needed.  Some companies were able to make the changes but were forced to increase the rates substantially to do so, others were not able to underwrite the additional coverage and were forced to cancel. 

If you listen to the administration the spin is against everyone and anything but what is real.  They are blaming the insurance companies, the republicans and anyone else who is against the program.  Thank God the website was so poorly put together to afford us the opportunity to delay this colossal disaster for a while.  Mrs. Pelosi said we had to pass it to read, okay we read it and we’re not happy with it.  The whole thing has to be scrapped and redesigned to work within our system of capitalism with free markets deciding the outcome.  Not one of the politicians involved in this fiasco can hold a candle to our founding fathers yet they think in their narcissistic self appointed righteousness that they are smarter than those who designed our system of government. 

America was founded on the concept of a free market place.  The idea that we are entitled to healthcare, welfare, section 8 housing, free phones, food stamps and free school lunches are progressive idea’s brought to us in the 20th and 21st century.  I didn’t even mention the idea of years of unemployment we are paying for.  Don’t get me wrong we need a safety net that will protect those who have a short term problem, what we don’t need is people using the system as a way of life. If you are a lifer on welfare no matter what I say will change your mind, you are a user and part of the problem.  The people of the United States will eventually wake up to our failing power and prestige and when they do it will be Hell to pay for those who would try to destroy our system of government and way of life.  I predict that just like the last far left President, Jimmy Carter who exited in embarrassment so will this one.  It may take years to repair the damage his reign has caused but we will bring our nation back and his legacy will be wiped from our history like a bad dream. 

Welcome to the January 6th

  Welcome to January 6th 2021: With the encouragement of several Antifa plants the January 6th so call incursion into the Capital beca...