Saturday, February 20, 2021

The real world.

 What's funny when the history of Trumps term comes to light it will show the terrible vindictive effort by the Media and the Left to destroy him. In spite of that he got more done in 4 years for the people than any other President in history and it was during a Congressional period where all they did was fight his every move. It's time for the old Blue Collar Democrats to wake up and understand this isn't the democrat party of old, these are Socialists masquerading as American Democrats. Just ask yourself one question; Should Trans Gender Boys be competing with girl athletes and sharing their locker room and take Scholarships that are legitimately meant for girls? It took years to get proper funding for female athletes through title 9, now they are once again put in a losing position. In many cases these trans Gender Men beat the time of professional women athletes. Biden does.  One more thing to consider, Trump was actually in the process of solving the Middle East situation and Biden just blew a hole through the program. He wants to go back to the Obama Iran deal and this will make an enemy of Israel, Saudi Arabia and several other key Countries that have been plagued by Iran's aggression. Time to give some thought to the real World situation and consider the threat from China who is actively building it's Armed Forces to take over Taiwan and several other Far east Countries and drive the U.S. out of the world market altogether.  I can go on, It was kind of nice bein energy independent for a few months, now we can go back to fighting for our fuel from countries that want to destroy us.   Funny thin is, no Democrat has the balls to read and understand this.  Time will tell and one thing we don't have with Iran and China is time.

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Trump scenario


I think the best idea I’ve heard in regards to President Trump is as follows:  In 2022 he will run for congress in his new home State of Florida.  It is believed that he would win hands down and that his coat tails would turn the house away from a Democrat majority.  What would this do?  Trump would become Speaker of the House.  Wow what scenario, if the Senate remains in the Republican control who do you think gets Impeached?  How about Biden and Harris, do you know who becomes President if that happens, Speaker of the House.  To me this is entirely possible and would actually lead to the end of the Swamp in Washington.  With Trump serving the last two years of the Presidency along with a positive House and Senate he could disassemble the horror ridden legacy of the Biden Administration and put us back on track for the future.  I say this as a warning to the enemies of America both foreign and domestic.  The people of America will never cow down to Socialism and this concept is a lot better than a total uprising of the people that will come in the end should Biden continue down this road of American destruction and moral decay.  I think the greatest thing that would come from this would be watching Pelosi have to give up her gavel to her worst nightmare.  Happy thought’s people. Don

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Rush Limbaugh, gone but not forgotten


To some it’s just another day as the World turns.  To 25,000,000 million or so others the voice of the Golden EIB Microphone is gone.  Rush Limbaugh was loved by millions and yet hated by a few for his constant efforts to bring home his Conservative principals to those who cared to listen.  To many it was like a religion to listen to and understand the meaning of his words.  Rush was a true Patriot who even though he was battling on so many health fronts he never waivered in his dedication to his followers.  The Golden EIB mic is off now and I can say for certain the memory of Rush sitting in his favorite chair in front of it will remain in the memory of so many forever.  God Speed Rush, he must have some big plans for you as he made you prove how tough and compassionate you were here on earth.  The question is, who will now step up and become the strong voice of reason for the millions of Conservatives in this hour of need in America.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Does the Left have a Conscience.


You would hope to believe that after all the damage done because of biased reporting by the Media that someone there would find their love for America is more profound than their sleazy job.  Of course, that would be like Schumer or Pelosi somehow finding their conscience.  Let’s face it, unless some miracle happens the Left has totally taken over America.  Like all the Countries before us it will eventually lead to Socialism and worse.  I would suggest that you get out of the Stock Market and drop your savings and buy Gold.  Gold is the one constant in our lives and will always have value.  Every payday pay yourself enough to buy a little gold and stash it away.  If we are lucky this short term episode will end with the total change in the Democrat Party after a sound whipping in 2022.  The damage that the Biden Administration has already done will lead to a major flip flop in the House and Senate and holding both we can stop all the destruction of our system of government.  In two year’s Biden and Harris will be in charge in name only of our government.  Rino’s like the 7 who broke ranks to vote with the Left will be muted by their own constituency and just fade away into the swamp and drown. The names of many now in charge will go down in infamy when this is over.  The new Legislature will bring with it Term Limits and real reform.  We should elect them based on their promise to reform the pay and retirement slush fund they have created for themselves and they should be back on Social Security like all the citizens of this great country are.  Those who have abused the system and used public money to buy off their criminal activity should be prosecuted and let the cards fall where they may.

I am not a radical person, I am of sound mind and body and I do not believe in insurrection nor any type of violence aimed at persuading the outcome of the last election. If by some miracle once these cases reach the Supreme Court we may end up with a better outcome but it is definitely in our hands to make sure we take back our Country in 2022 and never let it out of our control again.

Welcome to the January 6th

  Welcome to January 6th 2021: With the encouragement of several Antifa plants the January 6th so call incursion into the Capital beca...