Special notice to all Media and Left Wing Politicians;
We the people are not bound by party nor by color or Religion. You do your best to divide us in order to conquer and destroy the America we love. We will defeat you once again and do our utmost to clean Washington of the criminal politicians that have rooted themselves there. We have been called many things, The Silent Majority, The Trumpetiers, The implorables, the Right Wing. No matter what you want to name us we really don’t care as all we want is fairness and justice in our lives. We find the fact that Black Lives Matter is merely a wing of the Socialist Democrats rather odd, since it has been the history of the Democrat Party to be the ones who have been the Slavers and responsible for the Jim Crow laws in the south. These same people are once again trying to divide and conquer this nation by Wealth and Race.
We the people are not bound by party nor by color or Religion. You do your best to divide us in order to conquer and destroy the America we love. We will defeat you once again and do our utmost to clean Washington of the criminal politicians that have rooted themselves there. We have been called many things, The Silent Majority, The Trumpetiers, The implorables, the Right Wing. No matter what you want to name us we really don’t care as all we want is fairness and justice in our lives. We find the fact that Black Lives Matter is merely a wing of the Socialist Democrats rather odd, since it has been the history of the Democrat Party to be the ones who have been the Slavers and responsible for the Jim Crow laws in the south. These same people are once again trying to divide and conquer this nation by Wealth and Race.
The one name you failed to call us is the proper one and that is Patriots and you will find we will come together as have Patriots of the past but we won’t be carrying a fife and drum. This Country, America is to important to the world to allow you to subvert our rights and marginalize our freedoms. We will defeat your Socialist agenda and rebuild the pride of our nation. If you are of poor means whether White, Black, Brown, Red and Yellow, I say join us now while you can because the first to be abused under Socialism are the poor. Check out South America, Cuba or China. There is no cause for Race to enter in the equation in America you are as free as you allow yourself to be. Education and inclusion are the steps to success in this country. Racists of all colors will be dealt with harshly, you certainly don’t have to be White to be a Racist and you certainly don’t have to be White to be safe in this country. Patriots, one and all.