Friday, May 17, 2013

When is a cover up a lie?

I have been listening to the Congressional hearings on the IRS scandal this AM, much to the chagrin of most who listened all it was is a back and forth of condemnation and praise by the Congressmen based on party lines.  The witness's are also very adept at having memory problems and much like Obama's answer about when was the Whitehouse's notified regarding this problem, each answer was carefully crafted and non committal.  When asked for the name of who was responsible for the IRS in this Miller the acting head of the IRS said he couldn't recall. When asked if anyone in the Whitehouse had been given information on this situation before it hit the press, Obama simply said the until it was in the press he didn't know anything about the IG report.  That wasn't the question was it?  To me it is clear when a person knows the answer to a question and they answer by skirting the issue using semantics it is a sure sign of guilty participation.  Our country needs a fair and balanced government, what we have is a totally political environment in Washington that will never be able to solve our tremendous problems.  When a person is elected to a National or State office they need to forget their political affiliation and play with honesty and integrity on the peoples team.  The clout held by these very few in power has led to a corrupt system that is continually whitewashing important details regarding our safety and our lives in general. 

I condemn both Democrats and Republicans for doing the chicken dance around pertinent questions.  When you can tell it's strictly a party line issue you can't help but feel like we as "The People" are being cheated.  The truth is the truth and any deference to party affiliation is like telling us the voter that we don't matter.  I am ashamed for these people that will lie to cover up a problem, haven't they heard that the cover up is worse than the problem in the end?  I can respect a mistake, I can understand a misunderstanding but I can't fathom a liar who hides behind semantics to avoid an honest attempt to get at the truth.

Our goal and the goal of our legislators should be to use moral judgment in these situations and have no regard for party affiliation what so ever.  How refreshing would it be to have legislation based on fact not how will this affect me in the next election.  It could start by making sure our elected officials live by the same laws they make for the rest of us. 

That's what I've got today, how about you?

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Enough of this, I lived through the Nixon years, now this?

Having lived through the Nixon years I am finding a strong comparison with all the scandals coming out of this administration.  I find it hard to believe that all these things are just happenstance and the top echelon wasn't aware of the doings of the rest of the organization.  Having lived in Chicago for a period of my life I recognize the fingerprints of the machine in all of this.  I wonder if Michelle is still finally proud of America as she stated just after the first term election. 

Why is it that American voters do not learn from history, the reason we have a free press is to vet our candidates completely as well as those they choose as a support staff.  Whatever happens with all this you can definitely blame most of the major media for the outcome.  It also inexcusable for anyone on the street not to know the names of the leaders of the House and Senate or even the Secretary of State.  The reason we have this problem is that we have a 50% uninformed population that goes to the polls and votes a straight line ticket without studying the ballet or even knowing the candidates background.  How else can you understand how a man who has never had a real job nor any outstanding legislation in his name be elected to the office of President and be expected to succeed.  An uninformed public elected Hitler because he sounded great and said all the right things during the campaign, if they would have checked they would have seen his blatant flaws  and more recently the election of the President for life Hugo Chavez and look how that worked out.  We can thank God for the end of that regime.

I really don't care what your politics are you have to be scratching your head about all the corruption we've seen from this administration.  Targeting the opposition with IRS flunkies is just the latest revelation in this book to be exposed with many more chapters yet to be written.  It's time to wake up people, this all can't be someone else's fault, somewhere along the way things have to be answered for.  Benghazi, the IRS, and now the Associated Press.  The cover up of facts that have been discovered during the Benghazi investigation show at the very least an incompetence from the top down.  The fact that top officials in the Whitehouse knew about the IRS corruption and supposedly didn't tell the President is a little hard to believe, if it's true they should all be fired immediately.  The Attorney General not being able to answer basic questions about the Associated Press scrutiny by his department claiming not to know any of the facts shows either total incompetence or he was just bald faced lying.

I've said what's on my mind, I'd better quit now so I don't get audited or have my phone records attached, I'd hate them to find out that I gave $100 to Romney.

That's my opinion and it's not stretching the 1st Amendment to state it.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Has America lost its identity?

I don't know how you feel but I think it's time to look deep inside our society and find out the rooted cause of things like the New Orleans Mothers day shooting, the random drive by's in Chicago and L.A..  Something is amiss with the basic human instincts in some people that is driving them to do these things.  In my own mind I think a lot of it has to do with the violence we portray on TV in the movies and in the so called games that have taken over the lives of our kids.  The acceptance of, rather than a real war on drugs.  When I was a child a million years ago yes we played soldier but it was against a common enemy of all people.  We didn't blow things up or randomly shoot into crowds to hurt as many people as we could.  We know we have an enemy in the Radical Jihadists and the Drug Lords of Mexico and South America but killing to solve a dispute among everyday people or just randomly shooting into a crowd is a cowardly trait, one Americans just didn't have in the past. 

Are our children being desensitized to killing through these games they are playing?  Is our society becoming so obsessed with violence that it is becoming common to them?  It's time we quit coddling the perpetrators of these horrific media's and clamped down on what our kids are seeing.  This isn't what our forefathers were considering when they wrote the 1st amendment to the Constitution.  These people have stretched the imagination of the meaning of the Freedom of Speech to the outer limits.  The entertainment industry is building its wealth and political power by poisoning the minds of our people. 

What are we broadcasting to the world on our television that is forming opinions of what we are as a people.  It used to be entertainment, shows like the Jackie Gleeson Show, Ozzie and Harriett or Carol Burnett.  Now the rest of the world is watching the sickest of our society perpetrating crimes against innocent people.  What must the kid in a foreign country think of Americans when all he see's on his TV about our country is violence and killing?  America was a place that people dreamed of coming to in order to change their lives and have a chance to raise their families leaving tyranny behind.  Now they tune into The First 48 and see a land of crime and punishment. I blame TV evangelism for some of the problems that have driven our youth away from the community church.  They have become money grubbers that have put a false front on religion.  The religion I grew up with was based on values, the value of a human life, the value of helping one another, having respect for one another and of course above all the knowledge that God was always watching over you.  Now on TV it's just how rich and powerful can the preacher get.

Now that they have successfully  taken God out of our schools we find it has also affected respect for the teachers, parents and society in general.  They have replaced any form of religion with political correctness as if it were a religion itself.  We have taken away competitiveness, personal achievement and replaced it with a philosophy of holding everyone to the same standard as the weakest in the group.  America wasn't built by the weakest in our society but the strongest who led by example.  Our politicians have proven they are not able to shake the political correctness that our progressive friends have installed so it's time once again for parents to become parents and not leave the raising of our children to the teachers and the entertainment industry.  How long has it been since you heard the words PTA?  (Parent Teachers Association) How many actually spend the time to see what's going on in our schools and having a voice in the curriculum? How many try to be friends with their kids before parenting?  Of course making a friend of your child and not having to face the confrontation involved with discipline is much easier.  America needs leaders and we are producing generation after generation of mind numbed robots addicted to their IPods.   The first words out of many job applicants has become; what are the benefits, the idea is not what they can bring to the company to make it better but what can the company do for them.   America has lost its identity and like Rome of old it will without a change soon lose its place of power in the world.    

Welcome to the January 6th

  Welcome to January 6th 2021: With the encouragement of several Antifa plants the January 6th so call incursion into the Capital beca...