As the liberals take more and more control of California it
has put the adjoining states in a precarious position. California politicians have turned a blind
eye to the national immigration problem and have set up more and more sanctuary
cities. This eventually will leave
Nevada, Oregon and Arizona with a decision to make regarding open borders at
the State level. California is fast
becoming the super highway for drug and people smugglers on the west
coast. The lack of emigration enforcement
by local police is allowing these cartels to gain footholds in the big cities
thereby recruiting from within our borders for expansion of their illegal
activities to other states. Gangs committing
crimes in nearby States and then scurrying back across the State line and into
their sequestered communities.
The word Progressive at one time meant going forward or
enlightening now it is an excuse to destroy what made America great. Crimes of violence are at an all time high
due mainly to the relaxation of controls on things like parental discipline and
destruction of the family unit all together.
The loosening of things like the distribution of movies and violent
games combined with unregulated satellite TV in the homes, have made them
available to children of uncaring parents who use the TV for a babysitter. There is one thing that the progressives have
accomplished almost completely is the removal of God from the lives of our young. Without the fear of God and missing the
strong family unit in so many cases, this void is being filled with heroes of
another kind. Rappers and game promoters
who promote violence and sex have stolen the minds of so much of our youth
having them believe it’s an exciting way of life and a way out of restrictions
of family life. A case in mind is the
bullying case of the 12 year old from Florida.
Her detractors felt no remorse in her tragic death. The desperation this girl felt In spite of
her family love and support shows clearly how impressionable these youngsters
are. When is the last time you heard the
expression “Sunday School”? Something from
the past that almost every child attended.
At Sunday school we learned things like the 10 commandments the rules
that most of us tried to live our lives by.
Now the kids spend their Sundays playing Grand Theft Auto and game that
develops their ability to pull off a crime and not get caught.
I would have never believed that people like George Soros
and Michael Moore could spread their venom with such ease in America. It just shows the lack of parental guidance,
structured religion and the inability of schools to really discipline those who
would disrupt the ability of others to learn.
With the lack of any type of morality, respect or patriotism being
taught to our youth, this nation is headed for disaster. If you think our leaders are weak and
ineffective now just wait another 10 years,
they will make Obama look like George Washington.
God Bless America, with the advent of political correctness and the progressive mentality we
need all the help we can get.