Saturday, August 9, 2014

Lest we forget


     LEST WE FORGET . . .
A goldfish has an attention-span of about 3 seconds. A sparrow remembers for some 5 minutes. I hope you'll find it in your warm hearts to forgive this old man for saying, but the average American doesn't exceed those numbers by all that much. Chalk it up to too many things going on in our lives. Or who knows what? Maybe there's some things people just don't want to remember.
Psychology professors tell us that memory is stored in the left hemisphere of the brain (is that the temporal lobe?) and maybe that "storage cabinet" is able to hold only a limited amount at one time. Whatever the reason, we tend to remember a bunch of trivia and quickly forget unpleasantries . . . and where we put the car keys.
Over the past few years, the United States of America has undergone a change in spirit both at home and abroad. This has not been in the best interests of not only our current population, but will have a dreadful effect on the lives of at least the next two generations – quite probably more of our future generations. In just a few short years, American government  has suffered embarrassments, scandals, and regularly proven itself to be willing to lie, cheat and even steal to provide for its voters' favors.  As a result, our international leadership has fallen to an historic low and we’ve become known for such ignoble things as:

 The Obamacare disaster, with the president making laws (that only Congress
                                                                can legally pass), then unilaterally changing those laws to satisfy his frequent

  “Fast and Furious” furnished guns to drug smugglers and criminals.  Again,
                                                                laws are made for every American to obey, and does not exempt elite and
                                                                hand-picked members  of our government.

The Benghazi massacres and Washington's denying responsibility for an
                                                                unforgivable breach of leadership.

POTUS  unilaterally releasing five vicious Muslim terrorists in exchange for one
                                                                alleged military deserter, then criminally failing to notify Congress (I won't
                                                                dwell on the fact that when I was in the wartime military over a half-century ago,
                                                                desertion would have gotten me court marshaled and shot).

 The illegal utilization of the IRS to punish innocent Americans.
The VA scandal. A level of greed in government where hunger for bonuses and
                                                                 other forms of self-indulgence caused the Veterans’ Administration to harm
                                                                 and even cause the death of military veterans.

NSA spying on American citizens. The CIA spying on Congress. The U.S.
                                                                 government spying on its few allies in the world.

A dismal failure to secure our borders against ANY illegal entrants whatsoever.
                                                                 Today it is far easier to carry a virus or a dirty-bomb into the United States than
                                                                 to bring in a bagpipe with ivory keys (ask me about this outrage).
     National Labor Relations Board replacements made illegally by presidential
                                                                 executive-order using a dimly lit rule regarding congressional absence (and
                                                                 reluctantly overturned by the Supreme Court).
                                                                THAT WOULD EASILY FILL THE REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE.


Fess up (hey, we're among friends)! How many of you have all of the above at your left-brain fingertips? Or have you already moved on to what's in store for today's weather or how great the anchovy pizza was last night? If so, you're leaving an awful lot of dire problems in the hands of a bunch of nincompoops in Washington to solve. And, hey, they're all on vacation! They haven't time to worry about ebola or an invasion at our southern border or Putin invading Ukraine or ISIS spreading jihad throughout the world or Iran putting the trim on the missiles their going to fire on Manhattan.  "No how, this is August and we always go home and fish in August." ...or is it  play golf ?

So let’s you and I do something uncommon -- let’s view us through the eyes of our international neighbors. For starters, listen to an unbiased and respected “spectator” from a foreign nation, the f
ormer premier of the Czech Republic, Vaclav Klaus. Mr. Klaus publicly stated the following without having to concern himself with this ridiculous “political correctness” restriction that has been forced upon the American people. Listen to what Mr. Klaus has to say about us. Sadly, his words epitomize the sentiments of most of the World, both friend and foe (do we still have a friend out there?). Read what he has to say:
     “The danger to America is NOT Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the presidency.  It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president." -- Vaclav Klaus 
In my mid-eighties, as neither an uncompromising Conservative nor a radical Liberal, and without my mincing words, Premier Klaus is absolutely correct. It is my considered opinion we currently have the most inept, the most detached, and the most threatening occupant of the Oval Office in our 238 year history.  It is somewhat understandable the American electorate made him president in 2008, but after four years of missing the mark, to return him to office in 2012 bordered on lunacy. On the eve of his first election, he stated to the public his intentions to fundamentally change a nation that had been number one in just about every category for well over two centuries . . . and he's succeeded! To allow one misguided man to destroy excellence speaks volumes to the degeneration of the American population. Or maybe we can keep blaming it on overcrowded temporal lobes . . 

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