Saturday, March 9, 2013

History lesson

Hi my name is Don and I guess you could call me a redneck. I live in Nevada in a rural area where we live by a code of common sense. No one could survive long in the high desert without using common sense. With that said here are a few common sense items I’d like your opinion on.

Growing up in the 40’s and 50’s gives you a whole different prospective from today’s society.  Manners were considered extremely important and any disrespect would be dealt with severely.  Whether it be a neighbor, a teacher or even a stranger, if your parents found out it was curtains for you.  A discipline problem at school was egregious and meant either a spanking or being sent to your room without dinner at the least.  In today’s environment with this it’s not my fault mentality there is no discipline.  A child is sent home from school and the parents blame the teacher.  Their little Willie is a perfect child and the teacher must have done something to upset him.  In my case it was a razor strop for serious crimes and being sent to my room hungry for misdemeanors.  In my opinion when discipline went out so did manners. 

I never received an allowance as a child; don’t get me wrong I really didn’t want for anything but I was expected to work for the things I got.  My family was strictly blue collar and everything my folks earned was by hard work.  Myself whether it be chores around the house or helping a neighbor mow their lawn I was always able to earn enough to do the things most kids of my day did.  As soon as I was old enough probably 12, I had a paper route and learned quickly that the more attentive I was to my customers needs the better tips I received.   When it rained the paper went behind the screen door and you had to be careful not to cut across certain people’s yards.  Mostly it was just common sense.  A lesson that many people today haven’t learned, maybe the lack of a good paddling as needed is the reason for this deficiency in so many.

Now that you have a little history maybe you will understand where my opinion comes from and why I feel the need to write.  I loved my family dearly even with the disciplined structure I was raised with.  I honestly think any punishment I received as a child hurt my folks more than me.  Today a parent could go to jail for what I considered normal parental behavior.  I honestly feel some of today’s parents should go to jail for depriving their kids of a good understanding of self discipline and teaching them what real life is all about.  

The way government is run today is just a reflection of the society they govern.  Obama blames everyone but himself for where we are today.  It is definitely not all his fault but surely he must understand that a good portion of the blame falls on his administration.  The Congress is a defunct conclave of self serving people who really only care when they get caught at something then it’s moral indignation.  The Senate is another case, if you want to get rich beyond your wildest dreams run for the Senate.  I believe that the entire legislative bunch should be taken off their happy merry go round and be forced to live like the rest of us.  No more special treatment like huge retirement packages and special medical programs.  Put them on Social Security and Medicare and see how fast they fix the problems.  We could probably fix the debt problem with that very move.

That’s my opinion, what’s yours

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They will never touch social security until we force them to take it along with us. It's a political football and both parties are scared to death of it. We need to elect people who will do the job not the bunch of cronies that's in there now.

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