Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Just my thoughts

 Hi my name is Don and I guess you would call me a redneck. I live in Nevada in a rural area where we live by a code of common sense. No one could survive long in the high desert without using common sense.With that said here are a few common sense items I’d like your opinion on.

1.      Today I heard that they were going to allow people to carry pocket knives aboard airliners.     I'm pretty sure 911 happen because of a smuggled in box cutter held to the throat of a Flight Attendant? If I was in the Flight Attendants union I’d be really upset over this one.

2.      The government just released several thousand illegal alien prisoners into our cities without a public hearing and without even contacting local law enforcement.  If they were not criminals who had perpetrated a crime against society, why were they being held?  Don’t they usually just deport illegal’s who have not committed a crime?

3.      If it’s true that the Sequester that is in the news requires the government to only cut $85 Billion from the total debt, why is that a bad thing? We borrow about $85 Billion a month to keep our government going.  Isn’t it time to stop the madness of over spending?  When my income goes down I quit buying anything but essentials, beer and pork skins are for good times. 

4.      Obama claimed he was going to have the most transparent administration in history.  He’s right about one thing whenever a crisis develops he disappears.  When I was a kid in the 40's & 50's the Democrats like Henry Jackson and Harry Truman were the conservatives and Republicans like Jacob Javits and Rockefeller were the Liberals, what happened to the D party?

5.      How did we get from the point of Grandpa and Grandma celebrating 50 years together, to George and Ralph kissing on the alter? From my personal experience, men and women have different parts and they are designed to fit together like putting a clamp on a muffler, the bolt goes on one side and the nut on the other.  Properly adjusted they work to tighten the clamp same with a marriage.  It's like they were designed for each other.

6.      In my mind everyone should be paid for the job they do not just because they exist.  I don’t mind giving a helping hand but when we have to pay women because they keep having babies with no way to pay for them, I think something is amiss.  In my world if you’re man enough to get a girl pregnant you better be man enough to support that child.  I also think the doctor who impregnated that Octo-mom ought to be paying for them kids not the government. 

7.      In our world here in the American Outback we don’t take kindly to people who lie.  I don’t care if he’s a Preacher or a Politician if he can’t be trusted to be truthful he might as well be dead.  It’s a good thing I’m a Christian and don’t make the rules cause there wouldn’t be many politicians left.

8.      I actually heard a woman being interviewed on Fox say the stupidest thing;  She said it’s not right to tell her that she should carry a gun because in her case it was a friend who raped her and that’s like telling her she has to kill a friend.  (WOW! That's a real friend)  A woman Congressman on the same show said;  98 percent of the women who are raped are smaller than the rapist, (DUH)  if they had a gun it would more than likely be taken away and used on them.  (Only if they forget to pull the trigger)  This statement has not been backed up by the statistics available.

These are some of my views what are yours?


Anonymous said...

are you reading my mind? YES i agree..

Anonymous said...

Good for you these are all things that I agree with and just wish the press would do their job. My little boy is only 8 and he can see though their game.
Theresa R.
Spokane, Wa. said...

I live in your small town Nevada also, and I echo your sentiments totally. When are the citizens of our U.S.A. going to "wake up and get a working plan". Hope before it gets much further down the slippery slope.

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