Monday, December 30, 2013

God Bless America

People say you should never look back, me I disagree.  I think life was better when we had God involved in our everyday lives.  Now we are punished for referring to his grace.  The Progressive movement has destroyed the natural buoyancy of our faith.  When I was a child we sang with reverence "God Bless America" every day in school.  It felt good to know that God was watching over our great nation protecting us from the evil in the world.  Now they have booted God out of our schools and our hospitals and out of our military, no wonder bad things have happened.  We blame guns for violence, we blame a video for the Benghazi massacre, we blame a few rogue agents for the IRS scandal and we call the Fort Hood shooting work place violence.  Notice a pattern of lack of character coming from our government?  When the World Trade Center was destroyed killing thousands on our own soil it was just another skirmish in the Crusade against Christianity.  Our President at the time George Bush, rallied our country and for a brief moment we came together as one.  I remember that day like it was yesterday and I remember listening to the radio and they played Kate Smith's version of God Bless America.  I like everyone else who heard it had tears well up in our eyes as we realized God wasn't watching out for us anymore, we had evicted him and we were on our own.  Isn't it time to boot the Progressives out and bring God back into our daily lives?

"While the storm clouds gather far across the sea,
Let us swear allegiance to a land that's free,
Let us all be grateful for a land so fair,
As we raise our voices in a solemn prayer. "

God Bless America,
Land that I love.
Stand beside her, and guide her
Thru the night with a light from above.
From the mountains, to the prairies,
To the oceans, white with foam
God bless America, My home sweet home.


Thursday, December 26, 2013

You want Hillary after 8 years of Obama?

A short note from a friend


It comes as no shock to me that Barbara Walters hasn't paid the slightest attention to my rants. Could it be because I don't send them to her? But Ms Walters' move a week or so ago should have shocked all of us who know better. You might remember I entitled a web page "WHO'S' SAUL?" and briefly outlined a late Marxist radical named Saul Alinsky who espoused all the anti-Americanisms a whole bunch of us once went to war over.  I clearly tied Mr. Alinsky to Hillary Rodham (now Clinton) with her Marxist leanings, with her fascination with Alinsky, with the fact that Saul Alinsky himself had invited her to join his staff when she graduated from Wellesley, with her penchant for stretching the truth, how she participated in fund-raisers for the Industrial Areas Foundation (Alinsky’s radical Marxist organization) while she was First Lady in the White House. Yet now comes Ms Walters to name Hillary Rodham Clinton her top pick among the Ten Most Fascinating People for 2013 . It should be noted that La Barbara reveals some dangerous personal shortcomings in picking her political favorites. Charles Krauthammer (whose political judgment I value light-years ahead of Ms Walters’) just recently said, "It took her [Walters] five years to realize Obama isn't the Messiah!" She's had far more than twenty years to size up Ms Clinton and she's still calling her "fascinating"? Or maybe I’m misinterpreting? Maybe in Ms Walters’ eyes, Genghis Kahn was “fascinating.” But I sure wouldn't want him as our president.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

A Christmas message

A Christmas message to all who believe in Jesus Christ our Savior.  This message begins in Bethlehem 2013 years ago when God delivered his only son to us so we might have a righteous path to follow.  There were many non believers at that time just as now and Jesus’ life was anything but safe and comfortable during his 31 years among us.  Because of bigotry and fear of such a dynamic person Jesus was persecuted by King Herod and in fact nailed to a cross and left to die a most agonizing death.  While on that old rugged cross Jesus told us that he forgave those who did this to him and that it was his mission to die to erase our sins and make us pure.  For those who don’t believe or who are confused and want to believe, let me explain something.  In a day when there was no communication other than direct face to face discussion this man was able to change the world.  He had to be the greatest orator in history to bring people from the dark side in the numbers that he did.  No man has been able to repeat that feat in modern history, in a time when anyone can gain access to the communicative power of the microphone and talk to millions at a time.  Several have tried most in an effort to gain their own wealth and power only to be smote down by their own fallacies.  God gave one man the power to save the world and he has left us to care for his legacy.  As I look around me I see much immorality and debauchery that has grown even among those who proclaim to love and cherish his memory.  God gave us a list of Commandments through Moses that if followed would lead the world to peace and understanding of one another and now we cannot even display those wonderful words of wisdom for fear of offending some non believer.  Do we not offend ourselves by ignoring his word? Do we not offend God for usurping his authority?  To the non believer we just appeared one day, the trees grew and bore fruit, the cows suddenly appeared and gave nourishment and the air that we breath just happened to be encapsulated around the world we live in.  All by accident they say, look around you, take in the beauty of our being and tell me it was by an accident of nature.
We Christians spend this day celebrating the day Jesus was sent to us, his birthday in our terms.  We gift one another as a tribute to the Wise men who traveled to his birth place bearing gifts for the new King.  In a day where there was no communication how did they know to come?  How did one child grow into a man and create such wonder among his fellow man in only 31 years?  In my heart I know that God has instilled in all mankind a faith that if allowed to grow will lead to eternal salvation.  There are those who use mans greed to gain favor with promises of a heaven here on earth but in the end it will be the Commandments from God that will lead us to his side.         

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Putting things in perspective

Putting things in true perspective.
March 21, 2010 to December 21 2013 is 3 years, 9 months.
December 7, 1941 to May 8, 1945 is  3 years, 5 months.
From the day we were attacked at Pearl Harbor to the day Germany surrendered would not have given Obama and his minions enough time to build a working webpage for Obamacare.
Mobilization of millions of fighting men, building tens of thousands of tanks, planes, jeeps, subs, cruisers, destroyers, torpedoes, millions upon millions of guns, bombs, ammo, etc. Then turning the tide in North Africa, invading Italy, D-Day, Battle of the Bulge, Race to Berlin - all while we were also fighting the Japanese in the Pacific!!
And these people can't even build a webpage much less create a viable health-care program!       ....Of course, neither Roosevelt nor Truman played golf !

Friday, December 20, 2013

Did we learn anything from the Duck Dynasty fiasco?

Did we learn anything from the Duck Dynasty fiasco this week?  If not we are in worse shape than I thought.  Political correctness is destroying the fabric that has held us together since the beginning of the our nation.  Our designers knew we would be faced with an attack against our system of government and that the attack would come from within.  That's why they set our outline in the form of the Constitution.  They covered every base but one and that is apathy.  When the people of this sovereign nation become too apathetic to stand up for their own rights we will have failed the greatest experiment in mans history.  Freedom only comes from mans desire to be free overriding mans great desire for free things.  Everything comes at a price and freedom is no different.  There is no such thing as a free ride through life, it comes with a big price and many are finally starting to feel the weight of that bill.  There are those who relish an effortless trip through their time on this earth and do nothing to add value to their existence.  They don't deserve the freedom that others have paid so dearly for.

Phil Robertson was asked a gotcha question by a liberal reporter from GQ magazine who got exactly the answer he was looking for.  Mr. Robertson gave the correct answer for the question asked, it was a personal opinion and being a man of honor gave a truthful answer.  There was no malice intended and he even offered the tenants of his basic feeling that his religion has taught him to love all man, gay, straight or whatever the case may be.  This is an honest man with an honest answer.  He should be applauded for his ability to speak clearly from his heart not chastised because he doesn't agree with a certain element of our society.  The Robertson's are pillars of the community they live in and are not the bigots that they have been made out to be.  Shame on A&E and ABC for their quick kneejerk response to an unwarranted attack by the people from GLAAD, the gay and lesbian group who have tried to muzzle our freedom of speech based only on their core beliefs.

I sincerely hope this family will stick together and show the world that their faith in their Patriarch and in their God is stronger than any soulless acronym that may speak out against them.        

Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Republican party is in self destruct mode

Are we conservatives so impressed with our own moral authority that we are willing to hand America over to the progressive liberal establishment for the next election?  Do you have any idea what they will do to this country if we give Obama the Senate and House for the last two years of his presidency?  While our morons in the legislature tear apart the best chance we’ve had in decades to take control of the legislative block and stop the progressive movement in its tracks the dems are rubbing their hands in delight.  I actually heard a fellow say the other day that he was going to stay away from the election if the house republicans voted for the Ryan/Murray bill to avoid a shutdown of the government.  What is it about us conservatives that cause our brain cells to evaporate?  Sure stay away and allow all the rest of Obama’s agenda to be handed to him.  How are you going to complain when we totally open the borders?  How will you complain when we watch this administration run over our Constitution like a jack rabbit and an 18 wheeler? 

Come on man, we have to wrestle away the Senate from Harry Reid and hold on to the House.  When we do win in the midterm there has to be some movement to bring the party’s together if we hope to keep Hillary and Bill out of the White House in 2016.  Compromise is a dirty word to the arch conservative but it has served us well for decades prior to the impeachment proceedings against Clinton.  We have been getting paid back in spades ever since.  Are we conservatives so bull headed that we cannot learn from history.  The progressives have wormed their way into every facet of our education system maneuvering with patience and because of that they practically control our judicial system.  Liberals aren’t born; they’re made from an early age in our education establishment.  We pay for our kids to go to school and be indoctrinated from 1st grade on.  Can’t we learn from this and at least come together long enough to bring an end to the destruction of our society?   

If this battle escalates and hangs on through the mid terms the Republican Party will self destruct.  Conservatism will be set back another two decades and it will mean the chance of any real recovery back to sane government will be lost.  I would like to put the entire bunch of our elite republican brethren in the legislature in a room for 24 hours and force them to read all Obama’s writings and watch the documentary 2016 over and over so that they might understand who this guy really is and how dangerous he is to our society.  Compromise doesn’t necessarily mean losing, it means we keep our foot in the door and eventually have the ability to re-educate America on the principles that were laid out in the Constitution and Bill of Rights.  We can create a time when judges are appointed that do not legislate from the bench by twisting the meaning of our laws to meet their liberal agenda.  A time when an education means learning real history and understanding Mathematics, English and graduating with a burning desire to accomplish great things.  A time when respect for one another is once again the norm not the unusual.  We owe it to our descendants to at least give them a chance to succeed.  

Friday, December 13, 2013

Why are we Christians such cowards?

We Christians are such cowards, we allow judges who constantly misinterpret the Constitution to destroy the very foundation of Christianity.  Nowhere in the Constitution does it deny our right to display symbols of our religion in any place including government establishments.  The Constitution simply says that the government cannot advocate for any particular religion.  We have allowed a vocal minority of Atheist’s to destroy the foundation of Christianity that our government was built upon.  They have had a great deal of help from the liberal democratic party who consistently appoint these liberal judges to lifetime positions.  80% 0f the United States of America’s population are Christians, Christians who have been bullied and beaten out of their place in society by a minority of liberal judges who allow political correctness to dictate their logic. 

It’s time to stand up Christians, for years the liberal establishment has built its power base in both the Democratic Party and the judicial.  We can only change things two ways either by outright revolution or the right way by voting these liberal elites who appoint these progressive judges from office.  Voting in such numbers that it sends a message loud enough to rock the foundation of the Democratic Party, forcing it to return to its real base the hardworking American people.  If you consider yourself a Christian and you vote for these progressive agnostics who are trying to change America’s core beliefs I believe you are conflicted.  Stop and think about it, would you in your heart vote for someone who would tear a cross from a veteran’s memorial?  Would you actually vote for a person who advocates removing the crosses from cemeteries that have been there since the 1st World War honoring those who gave their lives for this country?  Well if you’ve voted for the progressive liberals in the Democratic Party over the last 10 years you’ve done just that. 

I am not a hardcore Christian, I am simply a man who believes in God and his son Jesus as the Savior.  I am not an avid church member but I resent the fact that a few are trying to regulate my ability to worship.  Atheism is basically a religion without a God and they’re whole philosophy is to destroy any symbol of our beliefs.  The A.C.L.U. has for years allowed their auspices to be used by this minority to tear down everything from the Lord’s Prayer to the Golden Rule on any public facility.  They do this by taking the assumption that by displaying the Golden Rule the government is advocating for Christianity.  Our Country was founded on the principles of the Golden Rules.  All this started with an original progressive decision in Texas to ban prayer in school.  They tell us that even a moment of silence is against the Constitution, do you in your heart think that in any form our Forefathers meant the Constitution to read that way?  It's time to pull your heads out of the sand and standup for Christianity or soon Obama will be absolutely right when he says this is no longer a Christian Nation.  

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Christmas in the 40's

What would the kids of today think of my first memories of Christmas morning?  I was 4 or 5 years old back in the 40’s during World War II, my oldest brother was in the Pacific aboard a fleet submarine off the coast of Japan. My family had many cousins and uncles in various theatres of operation from the South Pacific to Italy and beyond. My father disappointed being told he was too old to volunteer for duty became the air raid warden for our area.  It was his job to make sure everyone had blackout curtains and had taped the headlights to 1” slits on their automobiles.  Living in Seattle surrounded by Boeing Aircraft and the Todd Shipyards we were always aware of the chance for an attack.  My Dad was a carpenter by trade and during the day he worked for the Speedwall construction company building wooden wings for gliders that would be used to carry troops well behind the German lines into France.  Mom worked at Harrison Dye works operating huge boiling kettles of dye that were used for camouflage.   

Needless to say Christmas was a little different in those days, with rationing in effect most toys were homemade as were the clothes we received.  I remember my dad working many hours in his basement shop making gifts for everyone.  Mom did a lot of secret sewing after I was long in bed.  My older brother Rolland who was 14 or 15 had a job after school at the Bee Hive market and I didn’t see him for days as he was off to school before I got up and went straight to work from there.  Mrs. Drisco, (aunt Dell) we called her, took me to her house across the street when mom left for work.  Christmas morning was so exciting, I could hardly wait to get out of bed.  I had a stern warning not to come down from my upstairs bedroom until I was called in the morning.  I must have awakened around 3 AM and sat quietly on the top step until I heard them stirring around 6, I was sure daylight would never come.  I wasn’t disappointed, there was a homemade train for me and a bean bag clown that my dad had made and painted just like the ones in the store.  There was a sled for Rolland that had his name wood burned into the top and all kinds of new shirts and sweaters. 

About noon my aunt Mabel came by and brought me a present that she parked on the sidewalk by the front porch, it was a homemade jeep that looked just like a real Army Jeep with a big star on the hood and pedals that I could drive it with.  In spite of the snow I raced it up and down the street all day letting a few friends drive as well.  My beautiful Aunt Mabel was special for all us kids in the family, she always brought that special treat whatever the day.  As we became adults we later found out that my wonderful aunt Mabel was the owner of a house of ill repute, in other words a Madam.  It didn’t matter a bit, I know in my heart that the day she died she went straight to heaven.

My first Christmas memories were really a sad time as so many of our family was off fighting a war and so many of our friends in town had already lost son’s, husbands and daughters to the conflicts.  Our house was a gathering spot for all the family and Christmas was a drop by day that kept the house full of people for most of the day and night.  Many tears were shed as the talk would of course include word of the war and the casualty lists that were constantly published in the paper.  Dinner was set at the big table with an empty plate in the spot where my brother would be when he came home.  I don’t know how they managed, but there was always plenty of food for all who stopped by.  Dinner always started with my dad saying a grace in Swedish a tradition he carried on for years.  A few of our aunts and uncles had farms where they raised vegetables and animals and dad would trade building outbuildings and whatever they needed for the things we couldn’t raise in our own victory garden.  I remember going to the meat locker at the ice plant where we kept venison, Turkey and whatever my dad could hunt or trade for.  I wonder if many people today could survive times like those.  Just think, people like my parents had already gone through the Great Depression and survived, no wonder they were called the Greatest Generation.   

Sunday, December 8, 2013

an anonymous author

I don't have any idea who wrote this as it came to me in an email without the authors name.  Who ever it was made my day.  I hope you enjoy it too. Don

The typical U.S. Household headed by a person age 65 or older has a net worth 47 times greater than a household headed by someone under 35, according to an analysis of census data released Monday.  If all of us “oldies” have all of the money, then let us try to elect someone who might be near honest and not just be looking to feather their own nests. 
They like to refer to us as senior citizens, old fogies, geezers, and in some cases dinosaurs.  Some of us are "Baby Boomers" getting ready to retire.  Others have been retired for some time.  We walk a little slower these days and our eyes and hearing are not what they once were.  We have worked hard, raised our children, worshiped our God and grown old together.  Yes, we are the ones some refer to as being over the hill, and that is probably true.  But before writing us off completely, there are a few things that need to be taken into consideration.
In school we studied English, history, math, and science which enabled us to lead America into the technological age.  Most of us remember what outhouses were, many of us with firsthand experience. We remember the days of telephone party-lines, 25 cent gasoline, and milk and ice being delivered to our homes.  For those of you who don't know what an icebox is, today they are electric and referred to as refrigerators.  A few even remember when cars were started with a crank.  Yes, we lived those days.
We are probably considered old fashioned and out-dated by many.  But there are a few things you need to remember before completely writing us off.  We won World War II, fought in Korea and Viet Nam.  We can quote The Pledge of Allegiance, and know where to place our hand while doing so. We wore the uniform of our country with pride and lost many friends on the battlefield. We didn't fight for the Socialist States of America ; we fought for the "Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave."  We wore different uniforms but carried the same flag.  We know the words to the Star Spangled Banner,  America , and  America the Beautiful by heart, and you may even see some tears running down our cheeks as we sing.  We have lived what many of you have only read in history books and we feel no obligation to apologize to anyone for America.
Yes, we are old and slow these days but rest assured, we have at least one good fight left in us. We have loved this country, fought for it, and died for it, and now we are going to save it.  It is our country and nobody is going to take it away from us.  We took oaths to defend America against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and that is an oath we plan to keep.  There are those who want to destroy this land we love but, like our founders, there is no way we are going to remain silent.
It was mostly the young people of this nation who elected Obama and the Democratic Congress.  They fell for the "Hope and Change" which in reality was nothing but "Hype and Lies." 
You have tasted socialism and seen evil face to face, and have found you don't like it after all.  You make a lot of noise, but most are all too interested in their careers or "Climbing the Social Ladder" to be involved in such mundane things as patriotism and voting.  Many of those who fell for the "Great Lie" in 2008 are now having buyer's remorse. 
With all the education we gave you, you didn't have sense enough to see through the lies and instead drank the 'Kool-Aid.'  Now you're paying the price and complaining about it.  No jobs, lost mortgages, higher taxes, and less freedom. This is what you voted for and this is what you got.  We entrusted you with the Torch of Liberty and you traded it for a paycheck and a fancy house.
Well, don't worry youngsters, the Grey-Haired Brigade is here, and in 2014 we are going to take back our nation.  We may drive a little slower than you would like but we get where we're going, and in 2014 we're going to the polls by the millions.

This land does not belong to the man in the White House nor to the likes of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.  It belongs to "We the People" and "We the People" plan to reclaim our land and our freedom.  We hope this time you will do a better job of preserving it and passing it along to our grandchildren.  So the next time you have the chance to say the Pledge of Allegiance, Stand up, put your hand over your heart, honor our country, and thank God for the old geezers of the "Grey-Haired Brigade."
This is spot on.  I am another Gray-Haired Geezer signing on.  I will circulate this to other Gray-Haired Geezers all over this once great county.

Can you feel the ground shaking???   It's not an earthquake, it is a STAMPEDE. Come on and join us.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

December 7th, 1941 remembered

72 years ago today the Japanese Naval Air attacked Pearl Harbor and several other military facilities on the Island of Oahu, Hawaii.  Every year we remember the horrible events that were to throw us into World War II.  We need to take this time to remember those who saved America during these trying times.  These men and women were mostly 1st  & 2nd  generation Americans who gave up everything to defend our freedom and save our way of life.  We are losing these heroes at an alarming rate due to age.  I have never heard one of these people refer to themselves as Italian-American, Swedish-American or any other hyphenated origin, they considered themselves nothing more than 100% American.  

Being born in 1941 I have been lucky to know many WWII vets for years, it seems a shame that now that their numbers are depreciating so is the pride in the country they fought so hard to save.  Patriotism was an automatic for these brave souls, their big worry was the lines at the recruiting centers and making arrangements with family members to watch over their loved ones.  These were not extraordinary individuals, they were truck drivers, carpenters, teachers and anyone who could pass the physical.  They became extraordinary by their actions and their heroism.  Many of them had gone through the great depression already in their young lives and when they came home they didn’t sit around, they went about rebuilding the United States into the most modern democracy in the history of man. 

God Bless them one and all. 

Atheism, a religion without a God.

Atheism is a religion without God.  An atheist thinks the world was created by man and nature.  They spend their lives trying to debunk and destroy others faith in God.  The idea that it harms their psyche that we may have a moment of silent prayer in school or that we may display a Nativity scene in a public place is ridiculous.  They have created this self made anti religious cult that grows by destroying the beliefs of others.  For example; I don’t care for certain music that reflects the groups belief in the Devil but when it comes on I simply turn it off.  These people are not forced to take part in the festivities of the holiday season and rather than just ignoring the events they take it upon themselves to take the joy out of Christmas and holiness out of Hanukah.  We have cities across America that totally ban the celebration of any religious holiday.  They claim that if they allow one celebration they have to allow every kook who thinks up a new religion to display theirs.  Political correctness has destroyed a big part of what made America great.  A time that traditionally brought families and friends together regardless of politics or heritage.  Whole towns gathered through-out the country for the Christmas tree lighting in the town square, now they cannot even call it a Christmas Tree. 

The last time I checked this was a Democratic Republic and it was founded on the religious principles of our Forefathers that were basically Christianity and Judaism.  We invite others of all races and creeds to join our country as Americans but we have never gave them the right to destroy our own belief system.  We have never stopped them from practicing their own religion in the comfort of their own temples and homes but when their religion means to bring harm to the religion of others we have to draw the line.  Christmas and Hanukah are traditions that have been practiced by our descendents since the earliest days of America and we cannot allow political correctness and a few malcontents who either have no belief system or a religion contrary to or own beliefs to change our whole way of life.  Our beliefs made America great and free, a place where all who were persecuted for their faith came to enjoy it’s blessings and be free of tyranny.  It’s time to say no to political correctness and the efforts of those without a belief system.  There are companies who out of fear of phony lawsuits have forbidden their employees to even wish customers a Merry Christmas.  I cringe every time I hear the words Happy Holidays the day before Christmas, I usually reply with a “and a very Merry Christmas to you too.”

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

If I were to choose the right path for America

 If I were to choose the right path for America I would start by seeking the advice of our Forefathers.  In our history lies the answers to most problems that arise.  People are quick to dismiss solutions from the past always looking for progressive new concepts.  Why should we give up the ideals that have made this country great for centuries?  I understand progress in industry, medicine and education but to change the very foundation of our success and take away the incentives that have always made this the greatest country in the world makes no sense.  There will always be those who are dependents and there will always be those who strive for success.  By taking the incentive away from those who seek to achieve will not make achievers out of the chronic dependents.  It will just reduce our ability to produce wealth.  Taking from the rich and giving to the poor may have been a colorful idea in the fictional days of Robin Hood but it has been proven to be disaster for every country that has instigated such a practice.  Just take North Korea for example.  Compared with South Korea the north is in abstract poverty.  The Soviet Union is another example of the failure of this type of system.  They, by brute force held together   a group of Countries forced to live under their socialistic system.  Eventually it broke down and dissolved into what is now Russia.  There still is a Communist regime in place but they have evolved to employ more and more capitalistic concepts.

The United States has always been a beacon of freedom for millions of people who live under tyranny, the shining light on the hill that Reagan spoke so eloquently about.  The emigrant people who populate the United States have traditionally done so to become part of this great experiment in freedom.  They came to America to succeed and to become independent from an oppressive government.  In the last two decades we have been inundated with those who do not want to be Americans but want to use our system only to work underground tax free and use our emergency medical facilities & our welfare system.  I understand the desire to try to better ones self and improve their families opportunities but in any other country they would have been jailed for crossing the border illegally, not rewarded.       

For our country now to offer amnesty to those who have crossed illegally is a slap in the face for all those generations who came to America legally and have assimilated into our society.  This country has never been anti emigrant in fact it is emigrants that really built America.  It’s only when you inject politics into emigration that it creates animosity among our citizens.  We have divided ourselves into factions in this country in a battle for power, African Americans, Mexican Americans, Jewish Americans and any other hyphenated Americans that may want to get into the power grab.  When we once again consider ourselves just plain Americans and vote according to our belief system rather than our origins we will find the strength to rebuild this democratic republic relighting that beautiful light on the hill that made America great.  

Sunday, December 1, 2013

How can we ever trust a liar?

What do you suppose would happen to a business if the owner of the establishment made claims that weren’t true just to sell his product?  Wouldn’t our government close him down?  Why do we as a people allow politicians to tell bold face lies and then walk away with a shrug and say they mis-spoke?  We have an elite group of liars in both parties starting with our present administration and their leader.  What’s good for the Goose is good for the Gander is the old saying and I for one feel that anyone in power caught in an open lie should be man or woman enough to resign.  I would be so embarrassed if I were caught in a big lie that I wouldn’t be able to look people in the eye without feeling the shame.       How can we as a people trust someone who would lie just to stay in power?  Why do we stand for it?  If I tell you that I have a product that will extend your life, and I sell you nothing more than an aspirin wrapped in chocolate for $50. I wouldn’t get a second chance to fool you again would I? There’s another old expression that I can recall; “fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me.” 

On top of the Benghazi cover up, the IRS cover up, the Gun running cover up, the lie about keeping our insurance or keeping our same Doctor and any other cover up I may have forgotten, we now have probably the worse thing this administration has come up with yet; The deal they cut with Iran.  According to everything I’ve read or heard we just threw Israel under the bus.  Like I have said before, the conceited Mr. Kerry is more interested in building his personal legacy than sitting down in real hard core negotiations with a regime that has constantly shoved it’s thumb in the Western Worlds eye.  We are being told by this administration That we should trust the radical Muslim government of Iran, that this agreement is a great achievement in diplomacy, another lie. To trust these radicals with any kind of nuclear power is crazy.  To allow them to keep their centrifuges running and at the same time lessening the restraints against them is about as ridicules as allowing North Korea the right to fly over America with it’s bombers hoping they will be unarmed.  This is putting Israel in a war footing and forcing them to go it alone if they feel threatened.  Will Obama join the chorus of the other idiots when it happens and chastise the Israeli’s when they take matters into their own hands?

Our belief as Americans is always trust but verify, this was a principle that Ronald Reagan lived by in the days of the Cold War.  We made treaties with adversaries but always with a caveat that the treaty had to be verified.  The agreement with Iran’s radical government leaves their ability to produce nuclear weapons intact in a state that they could be reactivated in a matter of days.  This is not a win,win arrangement.   As our part of this deal  we are advocating reducing the present sanctions that have brought them to the table in the first place.  This will allow them to rebuild their economy without restriction and be in a position to once again influence the outcome of conditions in the Middle East.  We had them hurting to the point of being willing to listen but failed to demand conditions that were specifically designed to take out their nuclear ability.  It’s another huge mistake, in a region where we cannot afford mistakes.  First we trust the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and provided them with F-16’s and tanks that would be used against our greatest ally in the area, now we trust the Mullah’s of the treacherous government of Iran, why can’t we ever learn from past mistakes?   

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Political Narcissism, a sickness or just a bad attitude

The worse thing about narcissism mixed with power is the fact that the narcissist will always believe they are right.  They seldom learn from others because they surround themselves with only those that will grovel at their feet and are afraid to disagree even with the most outlandish comment.  As with our present administration nothing seems to get through to the President, his cabinet and Czars are not about to point out his failings and shortcomings.  This may work in the campaign mode but when it comes to governing we need a leader who will grow with the job and learn as he goes.  Our leader has to be a strong respected person who understands history and knows how to use that knowledge for our benefit.  This job of President is a real one, not a role for an actor that has little significance in the world.  This President seems to be role playing stuck in the campaign mode instead of respecting the history of America, I believe he thinks he is the new Washington and is designing history as he goes. 

Things like the new agreement with Iran is a good example of his failure to respect history.  Most of us learned not to trust the radical Mullah’s of Iran back in the 70’s when they held our embassy staff for months.  Evidently that was during the period he was expanding his great mind deep in thought under the influence of pot.  This decision has left Israel with little option other then to go it alone and destroy the nuclear capabilities of this rogue regime.  The world will hear protests from the Saudi’s and other Muslim States but little in the way of anything else.  They will mostly be grateful as a nuclear Iran something none of them want. 

President Obama has followed the Carter doctrine in the Middle East.  Carter allowed our most faithful ally in the Middle East, The Shaw of Iran, to be overthrown by radical Muslims just like Obama did with Mubarak in Egypt.  As Carter stood by and turned a deaf ear to the Shaw Obama just let the Muslim Brotherhood take over Egypt using the same script.  Obama was so impressed with the Brotherhood he gave them a few F16’s and tanks to start them out.  Thank God the Egyptian Army was not so stupid and threw the radicals out of office. 

How would you feel if you were an Israeli and had to sit and watch these historic mistakes made by this regime in Washington?  In his haste to build his great legacy he has also destroyed the greatest medical system in the world by utilizing a lame duck democrat Congress led by Ms. Pelosi and his lapdog Senate led by Harry Reid to shove a program through that the majority of the American people didn’t want.  He did this in spite of strong protest from the republicans and without any republican input.  He still complains about the Republican Congress that was overwhelmingly elected by a disgruntled population following this Bill passing, and he lays the blame for a stagnant political atmosphere on the republicans and the grassroots program called the Tea Party. 

With it being Thanksgiving I want to give thanks to the fact that we have a midterm election coming up so we can neuter this drive to Socialism.  A pox on anyone who doesn’t vote his or her conscience in this election I don’t care if you are a republican, democrat or independent it’s your duty to vote.  The final blow to our Republic and our way of life for the last 240 years will happen if he is able to once again buy a liberal House and Senate.     

Friday, November 22, 2013

Afghans are now telling us what we can do!

Here we go again, The Afghan's are telling us what we will do to protect their government's security.  We have spilled our blood and sent many of our young people home with debilitating injuries just to keep a undeserving politician in power.  Instead of thanks for the billions of dollars and the terrible toll of life you have given us we get orders from an illegitimate government and we are letting them decide our fate in the area.  If it were up to me I would pull every last American from the zone with the understanding that if we see a renewed rise in terrorist activity we will bomb them into oblivion.  Why do we insist on putting our troops in harm's way if we don't have the support of the people or their government.  It would be cheaper for us to have several unmanned planes in the air loaded with missiles.  This government run by Karzai would be overthrown in a heartbeat once we pull out.  The millions he has hidden away from the billions we have supported him with will buy his way to exile. 

We continually fail to learn from past mistakes and each time we do we are bloodied in the process.  Our military needs some R & R.  We have trouble brewing in every part of the Middle East and we have spent the last few years trimming down our military capabilities.  This is now a more dangerous time than prior to WWII, at least there we knew who our enemy was and knew his capabilities.  In today's world the explosion could come from many different directions and we are poorly prepared to handle a major ground war.  The conflict between Iran and Israel could explode any day as could Pakistan and India.  Hatred in these areas are at an all time high and our depleted defense department is already stretched to the limit.  Egypt is the next base for terrorism because they lack the strong leadership of a Mubarak to squelch the Muslim Brotherhood.  We will be paying for our miscalculations there for years to come.  There is also the worry about the Saudi's should a revolution there begin, has our government learned by now to do our best to keep the reigning government an ally in place? If we throw the Saudi King under the bus like we did Mubarak we will really have our hands full of trouble as will Israel who we are pledged to defend. 

Yes Americans are tired of being the world's policeman but we cannot afford to look the other way in these troubled times, if we do, we will be fighting these radicals in our cities instead of thousands of miles away.  This is not the time to reduce our military but a time to modernize our weapons and our methods of operation.  We have the greatest fighting force the world has ever known but without leadership in Washington it will become impotent and insignificant on the world stage.   

No more nice guys!

Point to remember, on November 21st 2013 the Reid led Senate changed the Senate rules that have been established for 200 years.  With this power grab by the liberals all bets are off.  It's time to tie this administration up in every way Impeachment proceedings, charges of corruption, including looking into Reids personal finances as well as Pelosi and her husband's offshore income.  File every charge possible and bring this country to a halt to stop the decaying process of our Constitutional rights.  These traitors will load the courts with liberals without opposition now and destroy the American court system for years to come.

There was also a vote taken based on a U.N. mandate to turn over our right to bear arms.  this bill was designed to save our 2nd amendment right to bear arms;  The following voted against this bill and should be considered enemies of the 2nd amendment;   Here are the 46 senators who voted to give your rights to the U.N.

Baldwin (D-WI)

Baucus (D-MT)

Bennett (D-CO)

Blumenthal (D-CT)

Boxer (D-CA)

Brown (D-OH)

Cantwell (D-WA)

Cardin (D-MD)

Carper (D-DE)

Casey (D-PA)

Coons (D-DE)

Cowan (D-MA)

Durbin (D-IL)

Feinstein (D-CA)

Franken (D-MN)

Gillibrand (D-NY)

Harkin (D-IA)

Hirono (D-HI)

Johnson (D-SD)

Kaine (D-VA)


Klobuchar (D-MN)

Landrieu (D-LA)

Leahy (D-VT)

Levin (D-MI)

McCaskill (D-MO)

Menendez (D-NJ)

Merkley (D-OR)

Mikulski (D-MD)

Murphy (D-CT)

Murray (D-WA)

Nelson (D-FL)



Rockefeller (D-WV)

Sanders (I-VT)

Schatz (D-HI)

Schumer (D-NY)

Shaheen (D-NH)

Stabenow (D-MI)

Udall (D-CO)

Udall (D-NM)

Warner (D-VA)

Warren (D-MA)

Whitehouse (D-RI)

Wyden (D-OR)

Folks: This needs to go viral. These Senators voted to let the U.N. govern our rigtht to own  guns.

They need to lose their next election. We have been betrayed. 46 Senators Voted to Give your 2nd Amendment Constitutional Rights to the U.N. Please send this to SOMEONE! Do everything you can to see them defeated in their next election!

 You have to know who you're voting for, no more blind party lines will do.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Does this administration have a learning disorder?

Our present administration seems to have a learning disorder when it comes to foreign affairs.  The very idea of trusting Iran to keep any agreement at the risk of the very existence of our chief ally Israel is ludicrous.  Some experts put Iran as close as a month away from developing enough material for a nuclear bomb.  By allowing them the time to continue their program of rapid development we are just playing into their hands.  Kerry is the last one that should be negotiating this as he is so full of self promoting ego that he would never expect someone could out think him let alone out maneuver him.  We have made so many mistakes over the years in the Middle East that it would be laughable if it wasn’t so potentially deadly. 

The first mistake of the 20th century was Carter throwing the Shaw of Iran under the bus believing that the people of Iran would be better off.  Since that time they have lived under Sharia Law and under the thumb of the religious zealots that he helped put in power.  The Carter administration was absolutely neutered in the ability to respond to the fact that once the Shaw was deposed our embassy staff was held captive in primitive conditions for the rest of his term.  Reagan seem to understand the minds of the radical Mullah’s and just by campaigning with the promise of bringing an end to the problem was able to obtain their release immediately.  We cannot negotiate with radicals in a position of weakness.  They understand one thing, brutality and power.  Being willing to negotiate with them is in their mind exhibiting weakness, allowing them to set any preconditions to the negotiation shows the total lack of understanding who they are dealing with.

If the Iranians come away from this without agreeing to a full capitulation of their nuclear ambition with unabated inspection of all facilities they will have won and our Allies in the Middle East will prepare to defend themselves leaving us open to another war in the area.  I am not talking about a situation like the Iraqi conflict; I’m speaking of a major war involving troops from around the world.  The present administration displayed their ignorance of the Middle East when they began by allowing Mubarak to be deposed and allowing the Muslim Brotherhood to gain a foothold in the region.  The liberals seem to believe that because the President of Egypt was a dictator that the people would be better off without him.  They will never understand that in some regions a strong dictator is our only defense against the rise of radical Islam.  It has been our relationship with Egypt beginning with Sadat and then Mubarak that has helped maintain a semblance of peace in the area for decades.

Yes I believe the liberals do have a learning disorder and it is causing our ally Israel to be forced to prepare for a war that will leave a crater in the Middle East that will take thousands of years to repair.  I pray to God that someone in this administration has the balls to stand up to the President and the Secretary of State and say; YOUR WRONG! Please learn from history, allow us to get through to your Narcissistic ego and realize you are playing with the lives of millions and you are not God. 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Confidence at a new low, racism is reversed

Every day the news brings us either new scandals or the report of more crime.  We are witnessing a new low in both integrity and a rise in savagery.  The integrity is the result of the lack of honesty in our government, I mean in both parties.  Either will create innuendo and lies to defame the other.  The people’s faith in government has dropped to the lowest levels in decades.  We have allowed a few individuals to become entrenched in our Senate and House of Representatives.  This has become a ruling elite that has made laws for the rest of us that they don’t have to follow.  We made the mistake of giving Obama both the House and Senate in his first two years and that resulted in having the Affordable Care Act shoved down our throats.  On top of that we allowed less than 50% of our population to re-elect him.  Are we so ignorant that because the person we wanted didn’t make the primary that many sat home during the election and gave the country to Obama and his not so transparent army of bureaucrats to seal our fate.  We knew exactly who they were after 4 years and yet we allowed this wanna be socialist contingency to continue.  We should have demanded the truth about Benghazi before the election but the majority of our media wouldn’t listen.  We had the Attorney General neck deep in the gun running scandal and the media wouldn’t listen.  We had the IRS officials targeting conservative groups and the media wouldn’t listen.  Several times our President involved himself in local crime issues that should have been left up to the police; remember the incident with Professor Gates and the Cambridge police officer James Crowley.  Obama doesn't seem to be able to control the urge to get involved in anything that looks like white on black issues but says nothing about black on black or black on white crimes.  The Trayvon Martin George Zimmerman case comes to mind.  This has caused a divide in the races that we haven’t seen since the 60’s.

Now we have gangs of black youths coming up behind everyday people on the street and knocking them out leaving them to fall face first on the street.  Women have been attacked in this cowardly manner as well as men, the common denominator is that they are white.  This in my mind is the result of an attitude of entitlement along with a lack of basic decency that is bringing these savages out of the ghetto's.  I'm sure in some way it's my fault and of course I will be called a racist for even suggesting this is a problem.  President Obama why don't you Sharpton and Jackson say and do something about these punks?  I think a march is in order you three cou8ld go shoulder to shoulder through these neighborhoods shouting slogans, you know like the Trayvon marches.  I guess by the lack of response by the three of you that this is not considered to be racist, just a few kids having some misguided fun.

Time to roll up your sleeves Mr. President, this is going to spread and be worse than the roll out of Obama care before it comes to a head. No more coddling, no more making excuses for them, these kids are becoming savages and have to be dealt with promptly.  Maybe it's a good time to bring back the Guardian Angels and this time arm them with whatever means necessary to stop this racist violence.  

Monday, November 18, 2013

Who's worse, Mayor Ford or President Obama?

Who is worse, Toronto's Mayor Ford or our present administration? Ford has admitted his  problem and still has the backing of most of his supporters.  Obama has reduced his support level to only the most liberal and radical of his base and could be responsible for his parties greatest loss of power in history.  As I meet and talk to the regular blue collar folks I hear the same story, one of great disappointment and fear for the future of our country.  Don't get me wrong, he still has many far left delusional followers and much of George Soros's money.  The press has ridiculed and demonized Mayor Ford for admitting drug use but they have given Obama a pass for his years of being stoned.  I'll wager that if asked Mayor Ford would provide all his educational records, something Obama has spent millions protecting the secrecy of his.  (Why?)

We have a conundrum here in America, we have a Constitution which the President has sworn to defend yet we see him trampling all over it.  A President is not supposed to write legislation but has promised to obey the laws set down by Legislators, yet this one assumes he has the right to change laws to fit his presidency. Another conundrum is the fact that we have a President that has systematically replaced top Generals that have a different opinion than himself.  This is a dangerous situation as it leaves a void in our leadership in key places.  Many of those replaced have been top nuclear administrators. Knowing the liberals wish to curtail all nuclear programs this has a strong worry attached to it, do we give up our nuclear capability and leave Russia, China, Korea, Pakistan, India and Israel as the new super powers?  We have already become less of a nuclear power than our chief adversaries China and Russia.  Now with Iran knocking on the door of the nuclear society do you feel it's a good time to show our weakness in this area?    

The doves in our government have one thing in common with the conservative movement and that is; we should never enter a war without a plan to win.  The whole difference is that once in a war the doves want out immediately and most in the conservative movement want out fast but with a total victory.  Wars are never won by political dictate, they are won by superior forces using superior weapons and if used correctly they are the best deterrent for war.  Just like guns protect good people, war is a good deterrent for those who would try to hurt us.        

Friday, November 15, 2013

Only in America

This is Canada's Top Ten List of American Stupidity.
Of course we look like idiots ... because we are.

Number 10) Only in America...could politicians talk about the greed of the rich at a $35,000. a plate campaign-fund-raising event.

Number 9) Only in America ...could people claim that the government still discriminates against black Americans when they have a black President, a black Attorney General and roughly 20% of the federal workforce is black while only 14% of the population is black, 40+% of all federal entitlements goes to black Americans - 3X the rate that go to whites, 5X the rate that go to Hispanics!

Number 8) Only in America...could they have had the two people most responsible for our tax code, Timothy Geithner (former head of the Treasury Department) and Charles Rangel (who once ran the Ways and Means Committee), BOTH turn out to be tax cheats who are in favor of higher taxes.

Number 7) Only in America...can they have terrorists kill people in the name of Allah and have the media primarily react by fretting that Muslims might be harmed by the backlash.

Number 6) Only in America...would they make people who want to legally become American citizens wait for years in their home countries and pay tens of thousands of dollars for the privilege, while they discuss letting anyone who sneaks into the country illegally just 'magically' become American citizens.

Number 5) Only in America....could the people who believe in balancing the budget and sticking by the country's Constitution be considered "extremists."

Number 4) Only in America...could you need to present a driver's license to cash a check or buy alcohol, but not to vote.

Number 3) Only in America...could people demand the government investigate whether oil companies are gouging the public because the price of gas went up when the return on equity invested in a major U.S. oil company (Marathon Oil) is less than half of a company making tennis shoes (Nike).

Number 2) Only in America....could the government collect more tax dollars from the people than any nation in recorded history, still spend a Trillion dollars more than it collects per year - for
total spending of $7-Million PER MINUTE, and complain that it doesn't have nearly enough money.

And the Number 1) Only in America...could the rich people - who pay 86% of all income taxes - be accused of not paying their "fair share!"

Welcome to the January 6th

  Welcome to January 6th 2021: With the encouragement of several Antifa plants the January 6th so call incursion into the Capital beca...