Monday, November 18, 2013

Who's worse, Mayor Ford or President Obama?

Who is worse, Toronto's Mayor Ford or our present administration? Ford has admitted his  problem and still has the backing of most of his supporters.  Obama has reduced his support level to only the most liberal and radical of his base and could be responsible for his parties greatest loss of power in history.  As I meet and talk to the regular blue collar folks I hear the same story, one of great disappointment and fear for the future of our country.  Don't get me wrong, he still has many far left delusional followers and much of George Soros's money.  The press has ridiculed and demonized Mayor Ford for admitting drug use but they have given Obama a pass for his years of being stoned.  I'll wager that if asked Mayor Ford would provide all his educational records, something Obama has spent millions protecting the secrecy of his.  (Why?)

We have a conundrum here in America, we have a Constitution which the President has sworn to defend yet we see him trampling all over it.  A President is not supposed to write legislation but has promised to obey the laws set down by Legislators, yet this one assumes he has the right to change laws to fit his presidency. Another conundrum is the fact that we have a President that has systematically replaced top Generals that have a different opinion than himself.  This is a dangerous situation as it leaves a void in our leadership in key places.  Many of those replaced have been top nuclear administrators. Knowing the liberals wish to curtail all nuclear programs this has a strong worry attached to it, do we give up our nuclear capability and leave Russia, China, Korea, Pakistan, India and Israel as the new super powers?  We have already become less of a nuclear power than our chief adversaries China and Russia.  Now with Iran knocking on the door of the nuclear society do you feel it's a good time to show our weakness in this area?    

The doves in our government have one thing in common with the conservative movement and that is; we should never enter a war without a plan to win.  The whole difference is that once in a war the doves want out immediately and most in the conservative movement want out fast but with a total victory.  Wars are never won by political dictate, they are won by superior forces using superior weapons and if used correctly they are the best deterrent for war.  Just like guns protect good people, war is a good deterrent for those who would try to hurt us.        

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