Sunday, December 1, 2013

How can we ever trust a liar?

What do you suppose would happen to a business if the owner of the establishment made claims that weren’t true just to sell his product?  Wouldn’t our government close him down?  Why do we as a people allow politicians to tell bold face lies and then walk away with a shrug and say they mis-spoke?  We have an elite group of liars in both parties starting with our present administration and their leader.  What’s good for the Goose is good for the Gander is the old saying and I for one feel that anyone in power caught in an open lie should be man or woman enough to resign.  I would be so embarrassed if I were caught in a big lie that I wouldn’t be able to look people in the eye without feeling the shame.       How can we as a people trust someone who would lie just to stay in power?  Why do we stand for it?  If I tell you that I have a product that will extend your life, and I sell you nothing more than an aspirin wrapped in chocolate for $50. I wouldn’t get a second chance to fool you again would I? There’s another old expression that I can recall; “fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me.” 

On top of the Benghazi cover up, the IRS cover up, the Gun running cover up, the lie about keeping our insurance or keeping our same Doctor and any other cover up I may have forgotten, we now have probably the worse thing this administration has come up with yet; The deal they cut with Iran.  According to everything I’ve read or heard we just threw Israel under the bus.  Like I have said before, the conceited Mr. Kerry is more interested in building his personal legacy than sitting down in real hard core negotiations with a regime that has constantly shoved it’s thumb in the Western Worlds eye.  We are being told by this administration That we should trust the radical Muslim government of Iran, that this agreement is a great achievement in diplomacy, another lie. To trust these radicals with any kind of nuclear power is crazy.  To allow them to keep their centrifuges running and at the same time lessening the restraints against them is about as ridicules as allowing North Korea the right to fly over America with it’s bombers hoping they will be unarmed.  This is putting Israel in a war footing and forcing them to go it alone if they feel threatened.  Will Obama join the chorus of the other idiots when it happens and chastise the Israeli’s when they take matters into their own hands?

Our belief as Americans is always trust but verify, this was a principle that Ronald Reagan lived by in the days of the Cold War.  We made treaties with adversaries but always with a caveat that the treaty had to be verified.  The agreement with Iran’s radical government leaves their ability to produce nuclear weapons intact in a state that they could be reactivated in a matter of days.  This is not a win,win arrangement.   As our part of this deal  we are advocating reducing the present sanctions that have brought them to the table in the first place.  This will allow them to rebuild their economy without restriction and be in a position to once again influence the outcome of conditions in the Middle East.  We had them hurting to the point of being willing to listen but failed to demand conditions that were specifically designed to take out their nuclear ability.  It’s another huge mistake, in a region where we cannot afford mistakes.  First we trust the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and provided them with F-16’s and tanks that would be used against our greatest ally in the area, now we trust the Mullah’s of the treacherous government of Iran, why can’t we ever learn from past mistakes?   

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