Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Confidence at a new low, racism is reversed

Every day the news brings us either new scandals or the report of more crime.  We are witnessing a new low in both integrity and a rise in savagery.  The integrity is the result of the lack of honesty in our government, I mean in both parties.  Either will create innuendo and lies to defame the other.  The people’s faith in government has dropped to the lowest levels in decades.  We have allowed a few individuals to become entrenched in our Senate and House of Representatives.  This has become a ruling elite that has made laws for the rest of us that they don’t have to follow.  We made the mistake of giving Obama both the House and Senate in his first two years and that resulted in having the Affordable Care Act shoved down our throats.  On top of that we allowed less than 50% of our population to re-elect him.  Are we so ignorant that because the person we wanted didn’t make the primary that many sat home during the election and gave the country to Obama and his not so transparent army of bureaucrats to seal our fate.  We knew exactly who they were after 4 years and yet we allowed this wanna be socialist contingency to continue.  We should have demanded the truth about Benghazi before the election but the majority of our media wouldn’t listen.  We had the Attorney General neck deep in the gun running scandal and the media wouldn’t listen.  We had the IRS officials targeting conservative groups and the media wouldn’t listen.  Several times our President involved himself in local crime issues that should have been left up to the police; remember the incident with Professor Gates and the Cambridge police officer James Crowley.  Obama doesn't seem to be able to control the urge to get involved in anything that looks like white on black issues but says nothing about black on black or black on white crimes.  The Trayvon Martin George Zimmerman case comes to mind.  This has caused a divide in the races that we haven’t seen since the 60’s.

Now we have gangs of black youths coming up behind everyday people on the street and knocking them out leaving them to fall face first on the street.  Women have been attacked in this cowardly manner as well as men, the common denominator is that they are white.  This in my mind is the result of an attitude of entitlement along with a lack of basic decency that is bringing these savages out of the ghetto's.  I'm sure in some way it's my fault and of course I will be called a racist for even suggesting this is a problem.  President Obama why don't you Sharpton and Jackson say and do something about these punks?  I think a march is in order you three cou8ld go shoulder to shoulder through these neighborhoods shouting slogans, you know like the Trayvon marches.  I guess by the lack of response by the three of you that this is not considered to be racist, just a few kids having some misguided fun.

Time to roll up your sleeves Mr. President, this is going to spread and be worse than the roll out of Obama care before it comes to a head. No more coddling, no more making excuses for them, these kids are becoming savages and have to be dealt with promptly.  Maybe it's a good time to bring back the Guardian Angels and this time arm them with whatever means necessary to stop this racist violence.  

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