Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Who is protecting America?

It is becoming more and more obvious that the general public is becoming more and more distrustful of our system of government.  Not being a huge believer in polls they have deeply obviously affected the results of the debt limit crisis.   I have to admit that the media has done a tremendous job of controlling the minds of America for the time being but it is the media who will in the long run that will pay the price for the debacle that's coming.  It may take a year or two for the masses to comprehend what is happening to them with Obama care and to our rights in general but as the price escalates and the deductibles soar the squealing will start.  Yes the chosen ones triumph will turn to chants of displeasure and his legacy will reflect an image of Pelosi saying "we have to pass it to see what's in it."  Americans are not normally politically oriented and they depend on the major networks to inform them not expecting them to program their minds.  We must remember though that it was Americans who eventually threw out Jimmy Carter and elected Ronald Reagan to repair the damage he created.  Will we once again see our interest rates in the teens like the Carter years before the reality hits or will 2014 be the beginning of the reality revolution. 

The first pictures of this will emerge as the people realize that the use of the Federal Reserve as a checkbook has a cost to it.  The Fed is not the governments bank as so many believe.  It is a an even deeper problem than the Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac fiasco that brought so many to their knees.  The Fed is a private bank owned by 12 major banks around the country.  The Fed is controlled by a board of 7 people who are appointed by the President. (It's lIke the fox guarding the hen house.)  The Fed was authorized by Congress to stabilize the economy by stabilizing the National banks and other major money operations. When the government feels the need to add money to the system they order the Fed to print cash.  It isn't earned cash it is just paper money that can be devalued by over production.  When the Fed prints money for things like paying outstanding bills it is like you writing a check without funds.  In your case you could go to jail in the Fed's program it is called debt, debt that you and I have to pay eventually.  (Nearing $20 Trillion.)

When the realization of what has been done to us happens it will be followed by the largest drop in our monetary value in history.  The value of our dollar is about 14 cents compared to when the Fed was formed, if you don't believe that stop and think about this; in 1940 a new car was $850 minimum wage was .25 per hour, a loaf of bread was .08.  There are so many more examples of how we have inflated our money over the years.  In 1940 a new house was $3,900 and the average wage was $1,750 per year.  We may be back to those days when the International monetary system finally devalues our currency to market value.  This isn't all Obama's fault it lies within our system.  There are no Republicans and Democrats in Washington today just millionaires who make laws for us that they don't have to follow. 

I don't pretend to know how to fix our blight I just know it's going to get worse before it gets any better.  Don't expect a strong leader to ride in on a white horse and make everything well, that's what happened in the last two elections and look where that has left us.  I just know that the sooner you face a problem the faster it gets fixed and I see very little going on that will fix our problem.  It will take all of us speaking with one voice to get the attention needed to begin the healing.  I just hope that it happens in my grand children's lifetime.     

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