Thursday, October 17, 2013

We need a new direction

A note to the Tea Party;  What started as a real grass roots voice has become shrill shriek that is blunting the words that need to be heard.  Like every movement the Tea Party has been taken over by the loudest voices.  The concept was beautiful, a voice of the people all singing the same tune.  This was not a political party but a place where disenchanted republicans, democrats and independents could be part of to strive for commonsense in politics.  In the beginning we accomplished great things we elected people who went to Washington to get rid political correctness and fight against socialism.  They made their voices heard and began to bring change to a government controlled by the far left.  Then we put more and more pressure on them and issued threats to every moderate regardless of party.  Now we have a broken republican party and we’ve lost most of the independents and blue dog democrats.  When a group of diverse people come together for a common cause it seems the most radical and loudest of the group take control.  That has the effect of dividing the whole group losing the grass roots concept and those who although want change they don’t want to be associated with what they consider radical revolutionary concepts.

Some feel that only through threats and combative confrontation will we ever win our country back.  Others who feel we are going in the wrong direction yet are swayed away from taking an active role in the process because they are of the belief that America is not lost just has lost its way.  To those people the threats and combative language only drive a deeper wedge into the divide.  People my age remember the principles of decency when the two parties actually worked across the aisle for the benefit of the people.  The word compromise is a dirty word to many yet it is the very basis for a democracy if it is going to go forward. 

The far left is in control of our government right now and if the far right were in control there would be the same outcry.  It’s time for commonsense to prevail.  In life we don’t always get our way and to get by it is necessary to give and take.  I believe that the concept of the tea party bringing together both sides in moderation has merit, no I’m not in the camp with the old guard GOP or the near middle Dems.  I am a conservative at heart but I see what this grand divide promoted by the far left and far right has accomplished.  It has given the left the power for the moment but it will be fleeting without the support of the everyday person.  Obama has used race and entitlements to buy votes but even the most uninformed voter must see that we cannot continue along this path.   Wealth redistribution is a Utopian dream of the far left but even they know that eventually as the wealthy become poorer there is less to divide.  Eastern Europe proved this for decades.  Our founding fathers knew that you can’t make the poor richer by making the rich poorer.  Their plan was always to create jobs to bring an even balance to the country.  Jobs are created by allowing the wealthy to reinvest in their money in new ventures thereby securing additional jobs.  When you redistribute the wealth of a nation it loses the incentive to invest.  Let’s work in tandem to make our nation strong again by bringing together our ideas and forming a nucleus to build from.   We should never give up the fight for our basic principles but as in life the sum of the whole is more important than the individual.        

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