Thursday, October 31, 2013

A letter to Progressive Liberals

I’m writing this letter to those who still think that the Affordable Care Plan (Obama Care) is good for America.  I guess it depends on what America you want, the free America we have had for generations or the more socialist America that the progressives are trying to shove down our throats.  Please tell me how you can continue to defend the lies that have been coming from the President and his devotees.  I would like to understand what hold this charlatan has on so many people.  I can somewhat understand the poorer blacks as they have so much invested in the politician.  If he fails, sadly it may take generations before another person of color would be considered.  What I don’t understand is the basic democrat black or white, the hard worker that has never asked for a hand out or even a hand up.  How can you feel good about your vote in the last election?  I was raised a democrat by longtime blue collar democrats but as the far left took hold I became disenchanted with the direction of the party and bolted.  Though my family were all democrats they were Americans first and many fought for the very freedoms that these far left loons are using to desecrate our system. 

Obama Care is just a ruse to get to a one payer system, they would like everyone to be on Medi-Care, the easiest way to control the population is with socialized medicine.  They control what Doctor you can have, what services you will be offered and how much the doctor will be paid.  We have already seen the result of the cronyism that has cost the tax payers billions.  Now we learn that Michelle went to school with the owner of one of the major companies that built the OBC website.  Another bunch of billions down the tube and it doesn’t work.  I think the cost of the fix that they are trying to make should be paid exclusively by the companies who built it wrong in the first place, surely not the taxpayers.   It will surely be in the billions before it’s up and running.

Those who are losing their health plans need to understand that only in a few cases is it the fault of the insurance companies, in most cases if you read the regulations that have been dictated from above it is because so many new things have been put into the mandatory care section.  Most of these are things you opted out of when you chose your plan in the first place.  For example not everyone needs Pre-Natal or Pediatric coverage.  By adding these things into the mandatory program they effectively eliminated 20 to 30 million plans and are blaming the insurance companies for the problem.  You may be able to live with the Benghazi tragedy, the IRS fiasco or even the Fast and Furious cover up, but can you stand up and tell me that you are happy with their lying about and the manipulation of our healthcare system?  Our kids and their kids will never know the comfort of having a family doctor that they can call a friend.  They will be waiting months rather than days for a visit to a specialist and heaven help them if they need a new knee or hip. 

If you are so indoctrinated to the progressive ideology and wish to respond you can do so by going to the email associated with this blog, remember though I will only read those who have the courage to sign with their real name and I will print the responses in a following blog.    

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

What on earth were they thinking

What in the World were they thinking?  It was estimated that 30 million people were without medical coverage when all this started.  That’s just 10% of the population of the country.  That includes the 10% healthy young who really won’t purchase medical insurance normally because they feel it’s just throwing money away.  It includes 8% who have pre existing problems and have not been able to get coverage.  Now it is estimated in the end that there will be approximately 15 million who will be left without coverage when this is all over and will just pay the fine.  They could have designed a program just to assist the medically challenged that couldn’t buy coverage and left the rest of us alone.  Now we have millions who are not able to keep their doctors or their coverage and they are being cancelled.  The reason is the government has mandated certain coverage’s including things like pre natal care and pediatric dental to name just a few.  Insurance companies are not going to cover this for the same price nor in many cases is it needed.  Some companies were able to make the changes but were forced to increase the rates substantially to do so, others were not able to underwrite the additional coverage and were forced to cancel. 

If you listen to the administration the spin is against everyone and anything but what is real.  They are blaming the insurance companies, the republicans and anyone else who is against the program.  Thank God the website was so poorly put together to afford us the opportunity to delay this colossal disaster for a while.  Mrs. Pelosi said we had to pass it to read, okay we read it and we’re not happy with it.  The whole thing has to be scrapped and redesigned to work within our system of capitalism with free markets deciding the outcome.  Not one of the politicians involved in this fiasco can hold a candle to our founding fathers yet they think in their narcissistic self appointed righteousness that they are smarter than those who designed our system of government. 

America was founded on the concept of a free market place.  The idea that we are entitled to healthcare, welfare, section 8 housing, free phones, food stamps and free school lunches are progressive idea’s brought to us in the 20th and 21st century.  I didn’t even mention the idea of years of unemployment we are paying for.  Don’t get me wrong we need a safety net that will protect those who have a short term problem, what we don’t need is people using the system as a way of life. If you are a lifer on welfare no matter what I say will change your mind, you are a user and part of the problem.  The people of the United States will eventually wake up to our failing power and prestige and when they do it will be Hell to pay for those who would try to destroy our system of government and way of life.  I predict that just like the last far left President, Jimmy Carter who exited in embarrassment so will this one.  It may take years to repair the damage his reign has caused but we will bring our nation back and his legacy will be wiped from our history like a bad dream. 

Monday, October 21, 2013

Try listening to the people

Just an idea regarding the constant deadlock in the House and Senate. Please listen up both Conservatives and Liberals.  We as your constituents are really sick and tired of you playing Russian Roulette with our economy and our country.  You are grown men and women yet you go about your business like a bunch of 12 year olds.  Conservatives, which I consider myself one, you have to have a plan to replace the things you don’t like and liberals open your minds to the will of the people.  Take Obama care, it’s the law but that doesn’t mean that it can’t change for the better.  Find the parts that you want to change and put together a panel of doctors, hospital administrators and insurance company representatives and find common ground keeping politics out of the program.  Look for ways to modify not just break the law.  Things like doing away with the mandate of registration where all the info is in a government data base, I think we all know the danger for the people in that.  Do away and replace the concept with something both sides can agree to.  Aiming at defunding is just another road to deadlock.  Leave the things like pre existing in but with a Federal program to aid insurance providers in cases like this so that the cost is not factored into those who are not sick.  Allow people to have their own policies that are based on personal ability to pay and designed to give the individual maximum coverage.  Competition among employers will guaranty coverage for employees.  Make it a law that everyone who works for the company gets offered the same deal no special programs that exclude the lower echelon of workers.  If someone wants to buy a supplement with their own money let them. 

People who decide they don’t want medical insurance should be required to set up personal coverage programs through tax free medical savings plans.  Should they exceed their coverage they will either be forced to pay or if the government has to pay the provider the persons IRS account would be attached until paid.  Those who are welfare recipients would be put into a category where all special programs would be put through the same account.  Aid to children, welfare, food stamps, phones, section 8 housing etc. would all be paid to one social security number and not by individual agencies, this would reduce the chance of fraud and duplication.  It would also provide a look at the total dollar amount being spent compared to the national average wages in the area.  A special account in this program would be set up for paying for medical insurance negotiated through a local HMO system.  Doing away with the fraud in all these duplicate programs will pay for the offset.  After 12 months receiving benefits a depreciating allowance will be enforced and only offset by submission of job applications routinely checked by field agents.  The idea is to keep the federal regulators out of the program allowing it to develop as simple as possible. Once again fraud in this area would be punished by mandatory sentencing for the perpetrators.

By monitoring the insurance companies and allowing them to set up a policy cost based on preventive services and patient history we could hold down the cost to the public.  Medicare and social security programs need to be considered and by combining the programs to eliminate duplicated efforts and fraud the cost could be reduced greatly.  Adding 2 years to retirement and eliminating the early retirement program for those under 45 would save billions in future payouts. 

The key to any of these changes is passing a law that sets automatic sentences for those convicted of fraud.  Make the punishment fit the crime. Making one agency responsible will give it a better opportunity to track payments and expenses per individual and by including addresses with social security numbers duplication and fraud will be easier to track.  Field officers will be used to check recipients information and follow up claims.  Child protective services would fall under this agency.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

What will our future bring?

As the liberals take more and more control of California it has put the adjoining states in a precarious position.  California politicians have turned a blind eye to the national immigration problem and have set up more and more sanctuary cities.  This eventually will leave Nevada, Oregon and Arizona with a decision to make regarding open borders at the State level.  California is fast becoming the super highway for drug and people smugglers on the west coast.  The lack of emigration enforcement by local police is allowing these cartels to gain footholds in the big cities thereby recruiting from within our borders for expansion of their illegal activities to other states.  Gangs committing crimes in nearby States and then scurrying back across the State line and into their sequestered communities. 

The word Progressive at one time meant going forward or enlightening now it is an excuse to destroy what made America great.  Crimes of violence are at an all time high due mainly to the relaxation of controls on things like parental discipline and destruction of the family unit all together.  The loosening of things like the distribution of movies and violent games combined with unregulated satellite TV in the homes, have made them available to children of uncaring parents who use the TV for a babysitter.  There is one thing that the progressives have accomplished almost completely is the removal of God from the lives of our young.  Without the fear of God and missing the strong family unit in so many cases, this void is being filled with heroes of another kind.  Rappers and game promoters who promote violence and sex have stolen the minds of so much of our youth having them believe it’s an exciting way of life and a way out of restrictions of family life.  A case in mind is the bullying case of the 12 year old from Florida.  Her detractors felt no remorse in her tragic death.  The desperation this girl felt In spite of her family love and support shows clearly how impressionable these youngsters are.  When is the last time you heard the expression “Sunday School”?  Something from the past that almost every child attended.  At Sunday school we learned things like the 10 commandments the rules that most of us tried to live our lives by.  Now the kids spend their Sundays playing Grand Theft Auto and game that develops their ability to pull off a crime and not get caught.  

I would have never believed that people like George Soros and Michael Moore could spread their venom with such ease in America.  It just shows the lack of parental guidance, structured religion and the inability of schools to really discipline those who would disrupt the ability of others to learn.  With the lack of any type of morality, respect or patriotism being taught to our youth, this nation is headed for disaster.  If you think our leaders are weak and ineffective now just wait another 10 years,  they will make Obama look like George Washington.  

God Bless America, with the advent of political correctness and the progressive mentality we need all the help we can get.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

We need a new direction

A note to the Tea Party;  What started as a real grass roots voice has become shrill shriek that is blunting the words that need to be heard.  Like every movement the Tea Party has been taken over by the loudest voices.  The concept was beautiful, a voice of the people all singing the same tune.  This was not a political party but a place where disenchanted republicans, democrats and independents could be part of to strive for commonsense in politics.  In the beginning we accomplished great things we elected people who went to Washington to get rid political correctness and fight against socialism.  They made their voices heard and began to bring change to a government controlled by the far left.  Then we put more and more pressure on them and issued threats to every moderate regardless of party.  Now we have a broken republican party and we’ve lost most of the independents and blue dog democrats.  When a group of diverse people come together for a common cause it seems the most radical and loudest of the group take control.  That has the effect of dividing the whole group losing the grass roots concept and those who although want change they don’t want to be associated with what they consider radical revolutionary concepts.

Some feel that only through threats and combative confrontation will we ever win our country back.  Others who feel we are going in the wrong direction yet are swayed away from taking an active role in the process because they are of the belief that America is not lost just has lost its way.  To those people the threats and combative language only drive a deeper wedge into the divide.  People my age remember the principles of decency when the two parties actually worked across the aisle for the benefit of the people.  The word compromise is a dirty word to many yet it is the very basis for a democracy if it is going to go forward. 

The far left is in control of our government right now and if the far right were in control there would be the same outcry.  It’s time for commonsense to prevail.  In life we don’t always get our way and to get by it is necessary to give and take.  I believe that the concept of the tea party bringing together both sides in moderation has merit, no I’m not in the camp with the old guard GOP or the near middle Dems.  I am a conservative at heart but I see what this grand divide promoted by the far left and far right has accomplished.  It has given the left the power for the moment but it will be fleeting without the support of the everyday person.  Obama has used race and entitlements to buy votes but even the most uninformed voter must see that we cannot continue along this path.   Wealth redistribution is a Utopian dream of the far left but even they know that eventually as the wealthy become poorer there is less to divide.  Eastern Europe proved this for decades.  Our founding fathers knew that you can’t make the poor richer by making the rich poorer.  Their plan was always to create jobs to bring an even balance to the country.  Jobs are created by allowing the wealthy to reinvest in their money in new ventures thereby securing additional jobs.  When you redistribute the wealth of a nation it loses the incentive to invest.  Let’s work in tandem to make our nation strong again by bringing together our ideas and forming a nucleus to build from.   We should never give up the fight for our basic principles but as in life the sum of the whole is more important than the individual.        

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Who is protecting America?

It is becoming more and more obvious that the general public is becoming more and more distrustful of our system of government.  Not being a huge believer in polls they have deeply obviously affected the results of the debt limit crisis.   I have to admit that the media has done a tremendous job of controlling the minds of America for the time being but it is the media who will in the long run that will pay the price for the debacle that's coming.  It may take a year or two for the masses to comprehend what is happening to them with Obama care and to our rights in general but as the price escalates and the deductibles soar the squealing will start.  Yes the chosen ones triumph will turn to chants of displeasure and his legacy will reflect an image of Pelosi saying "we have to pass it to see what's in it."  Americans are not normally politically oriented and they depend on the major networks to inform them not expecting them to program their minds.  We must remember though that it was Americans who eventually threw out Jimmy Carter and elected Ronald Reagan to repair the damage he created.  Will we once again see our interest rates in the teens like the Carter years before the reality hits or will 2014 be the beginning of the reality revolution. 

The first pictures of this will emerge as the people realize that the use of the Federal Reserve as a checkbook has a cost to it.  The Fed is not the governments bank as so many believe.  It is a an even deeper problem than the Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac fiasco that brought so many to their knees.  The Fed is a private bank owned by 12 major banks around the country.  The Fed is controlled by a board of 7 people who are appointed by the President. (It's lIke the fox guarding the hen house.)  The Fed was authorized by Congress to stabilize the economy by stabilizing the National banks and other major money operations. When the government feels the need to add money to the system they order the Fed to print cash.  It isn't earned cash it is just paper money that can be devalued by over production.  When the Fed prints money for things like paying outstanding bills it is like you writing a check without funds.  In your case you could go to jail in the Fed's program it is called debt, debt that you and I have to pay eventually.  (Nearing $20 Trillion.)

When the realization of what has been done to us happens it will be followed by the largest drop in our monetary value in history.  The value of our dollar is about 14 cents compared to when the Fed was formed, if you don't believe that stop and think about this; in 1940 a new car was $850 minimum wage was .25 per hour, a loaf of bread was .08.  There are so many more examples of how we have inflated our money over the years.  In 1940 a new house was $3,900 and the average wage was $1,750 per year.  We may be back to those days when the International monetary system finally devalues our currency to market value.  This isn't all Obama's fault it lies within our system.  There are no Republicans and Democrats in Washington today just millionaires who make laws for us that they don't have to follow. 

I don't pretend to know how to fix our blight I just know it's going to get worse before it gets any better.  Don't expect a strong leader to ride in on a white horse and make everything well, that's what happened in the last two elections and look where that has left us.  I just know that the sooner you face a problem the faster it gets fixed and I see very little going on that will fix our problem.  It will take all of us speaking with one voice to get the attention needed to begin the healing.  I just hope that it happens in my grand children's lifetime.     

Monday, October 14, 2013

How the progressive left has changed America

The progressive left has done a wonderful job of marginalizing our country.  Now that I have time to look back at the whole thing I can see how it was done without much of a battle.  The formula goes like this: First you take out the ultimate being from our lives, the one we fear most to cross.  Of course I speak of God as it was the fear of God that kept so many in line over the decades.  You take out the teachings like the Golden Rules and the eye for an eye.  Then you allow the father figure to be taken out of the home and marginalized removing another fear factor and with more and more working mothers the children are many times raising themselves without any religion or any other disciplines to learn from.  The radicals of the 60's the same ones that disowned their mothers & fathers and their religion for their morality are now teaching our kids in school in many cases and using the same tactics molding their young minds to progressive ideology.  Hell their running our government using the tactics of Cloward and Piven two socialist Columbia professors from the 60's and 70's who advocate converting our country to socialism by making the population dependant on government. Khrushchev the Soviet Premier recognized what was happening to America in 1962 when he pounded his shoe on the table and announced that Socialism and Communism will take over America without firing a shot.

Well now that we have arrived at this point what do we do?  We can't go back to McCarthyism  to ferrate out progressive teachers and professors but we can demand a voucher system so we can send our children to schools that have our values. We can demand to sit in classrooms where teachers are suspected of trying to shape minds to their way of thinking right or left.  We can participate in school programs and school board meetings that decide what type of curriculum is being taught.  We can take an active role in the education of our children by watching what type of extracurricular activities they are taking part in. Can you imagine what life will be like in 10 or 20 years if the American dollar falters and more and more citizens are taking benefits from a government that is deeper and deeper in debt.

Right now we are in the hands of an Oligarchy, a government run by a few with little or no consideration for the masses.  All of our laws and rules come from the minds of less than 1% of our population.  These same people make laws that do not apply to themselves but anchor us with the results.  We call them our representatives, our President and our Supreme court justices and our Legislators.  Their main job once they arrive in a position of power is to remain there.  They are put there not by us their constituents, but by the big money from Pac's and political parties.  Either they play  the game or their out the next term. The only way for us to take the power back is to take away outside donations from our local representation.  Only the people who actually live in the community can donate to their cause.  This will bring the power of the people back to our society.  To eliminate lying and overstating facts from campaigns the politicians must prove their statements before being sworn in if challenged.  God help us if we continue down the same path we now travel we will be the Rome of the 21st century.         

Thursday, October 10, 2013

What is America?

What is America all about?  I hear the left and the Rino’s talk about the Tea Party as if they are the problem in our culture.  The last time I checked it was a grass roots movement of the people, just what is more American than that?  The political machines on both sides of the aisle have totally forgotten who they work for.  The egotism and the self preservation that is prevalent in both houses shows why we are desperately in the need for term limits.  Let’s face facts the people we send to represent us are not elected by the people of their communities, they are elected with huge sums of money from outside their districts sponsored by pacts and party leaders from all over the United States.  The day of local representation is gone, the loyalty to their communities is gone, they represent the people who pay for their re-election.

We have a President that seems to have little empathy toward our historic American culture and leans more toward a European style of governance and a type of liberal socialism that has failed so badly in Eastern European countries.  He was elected to represent all the people but has surrounded himself with only the far left.  He is penalizing the builders of our society by promising a share of their wealth to those who do the least for making America great.  He is a believer in throwing money at every problem even when history has shown it does little to make things better.  The problem is that it is our money and we can do little to replenish the treasury other than pay additional taxes in light of the weak economy that his policies are responsible for.   For several years now we have been printing money to pay our debts, a program that will lead to chaos as the value of the dollar drops in the world currency. 

I know I am like a tree falling in the forest, it makes a lot of noise but nobody is there to hear it.  Until we join together in programs like the Tea Party to make our voices heard and do something about our election process to stop outside money from electing our representatives, we will continue to lose power as a people.  Our Constitution that is supposed to protect our rights has been successfully circumvented in many areas by an assumption of executive privilege.  This should bother you regardless of what party you are affiliated with, as once established it can go both ways depending on who is in power.  Trust is something that has to be earned and nothing that our government has done recently gives me a feeling of trust, how about you are you willing to trust these people with the lives of your children and grand children?   

Short term fix

Congress has the upper hand in the ongoing battle over the debt limit increase if they use their leverage in a positive way.  The American people want action, the rhetoric coming from both sides of the issue is driving a deeper wedge into our whole political system.  Asked about the trust felt in politics and politicians as a whole and the people themselves will tell you they don’t trust any of them.  It seems there is an ulterior motive in every move made by either side.  The reason I say the Congress is in a better position is that they have it in their power now to pass a temporary increase with a pre laid out agenda for discussion.  These discussions should be open to the public on CSpan and any other network that wishes to be part of the program with no back door politics involved.  Congress should be represented by 5 republicans including the Speaker and 3 democrats including the minority leader.  The senate should be represented by 5 dems including Reid and 3 republicans including the minority leader.  The White House should be represented by 3 economic advisors including the treasury sec.  Each would have equal voice and be moderated by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.  The extension should be no more than 45 days and carry a mandate to get things accomplished or the entire matter would be handled legally by a case brought by the people in the Supreme court. 

The President would have the right to step in and sit in place of the Treasury secretary as he wished but with the understanding that his voice is no more important than the other players.   No more politics as usual cloaked in secret deals and backroom fixes.  Put our politicians on display and let the public see their political heroes in action.

Monday, October 7, 2013

An old duffer speaks

I feel so fortunate to have been born in 1941.  I know you may consider me an old duffer beyond my prime but let me tell you what I really am;  For one thing I was raised to be a patriot and grew up in a time when the people ran the country, not an elite bunch professional buffoons.  I was raised to understand that no one owed me anything, that I would have to earn my own way in life.  I was never in a position to go on to a higher education, a fact that probably allowed me to develop my own philosophy and not that of some elitist professor.   I got married at 18 to a girl that I pledged to spend my life with and enlisted in the military, we are still together 54 happy years later.  Marriage wasn’t on a trial basis back then it was a commitment to your spouse and made before God.  I can’t say I missed much by not going to college as I have had a very successful career mostly because of the values ingrained in me from childhood.  I have always felt that you can be anything you want to be as long as you have the right attitude and work ethic. I’ve noticed today that many people are more interested in what’s in it for them when looking for work rather than the attitude of old, where we actually tried to bring something of value to the company.  You can see the same thing in how people live their lives, many put in just enough to get by and take advantage of every entitlement offered often cheating to do so.  Others build their lives around personal pride and do everything in their power to find new and innovative ways to bring honor to their position. 

I have lived long enough to see God removed from almost every aspect of our lives and strangely as his absence increased so have the values of this society and the strength of our union diminished.  The Utopian promise of the leftist progressive movement of everything from never suffering anguish or having to understand what losing feels like has left this country weaker and susceptible to a population of takers rather than the doers I grew up with.  Sporting events for children where they are taught that no one loses if you don’t keep score and the lack of family unity that comes from the failure to discipline because it may cause later trauma in the child.  Ask yourself who are the children of today’s heroes, who do they look up to and who do they want to emulate?    

Political correctness is just another way to gloss over life’s challenges so we don’t have to face the agony of normal life experiences.  A person advocates the destruction of America and I can’t call him a terrorist as it might hurt his feelings.  The fact that the terror wrought on the world by radical Muslims is growing right here inside our country, being preached in Mosques all across the land and protected by the political correctness that says we cannot profile those who would do us harm.  This in my mind has turned us into a nation of spoiled, entitled weaklings who could never have survive things like the Great Depression or even World War I or II.  America’s best days may have died with many of the last generation.  Our fervent hope is that out of the mess that is to come, leaders of the caliber of our forefathers will emerge and be charismatic enough to lead our children and grand children to build a new and stronger nation, one that understands and teaches personal responsibility and a respect for our gloried history.  Our forefathers mortared the bricks of this nation with their belief in God and just as quickly we have allowed a just a few to destroy its very foundation. 

Whether you believe in the hereafter or you are an agnostic you must admit that removing the fear of God and the basic rules of life taught by his teachings has diminished the moral fiber of the nation and left a void that is being filled by drugs, violence and lack of hope.  

Friday, October 4, 2013

Our biggest financial problems are still ahead

I write this out of fear for my country.  As anyone my age may remember the British Sterling was the money standard for the world for years.  In the 70's the liberal Parliament decided that they needed to spread the wealth around similar to what has happened here and the financial strength of the pound went south eventually being devalued by 14%.  This sent the entire economy of the British into chaos.  Interest rates soared, jobs were lost and the Sterling was replaced by the U.S. dollar as the world economy went into a spin.  Right now China, Russia, Japan, Korea and several Arab countries have challenged the value of our dollar because of the amount of new money we are printing in order to pay our outstanding debts.  Once the dollar is no longer considered the world currency standard our treasury will be forced to quit augmenting our debt with its printing press and we will be facing our monumental world debt head on.  The number that is being bandied around in the press is $17 Trillion when if you include the total responsibility for debt that the United States is under it will amount to closer to $35 Trillion with just the Social Security, Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac losses, public employees union benefits on top of the world debt accumulations.

Right now our interest rates are being artificially held down by the Fed to anywhere from 0% to .25%.  Should this be stopped by the loss of status as the world moves to remove our currency from this position and the interest rates go to market levels we will be in a disaster that will make 2008 look like fun.  No longer having the opportunity to print our way out of debt our obligations will soar as interest rates climb.  Just a 4% rate will bring our debt to the level of well over $60 Trillion if paid over a standard 30 year amortization.  That is if we stop immediately over spending and reduce our annual spending to match our gross income.  The United States has reach the point of no return prophesized in 1776 when it was said that when the people of America realize they can vote themselves benefits from the treasury, they will, and it will soon deplete the reserve required to continue.   We have now reached the point where over 50% are now on some type of governmental assistance leaving few to replenish the pot of gold that was America.  Every year we are asked to raise our debt ceiling and have been told it is an inconsequential necessity to continue our way of life.  I don't know about you but in my family we can't seem to do that, we are forced to pay our bills out of what we earn and when the government takes more and more of what we earn we are forced to lower our standard of living. It's time to stop this folly and face the crisis we have created or our children's children will have nothing left to live for.


Thursday, October 3, 2013

Why not us?

Why not us?  Why has the administration left the American public out of the loop when it comes to exemptions from the Affordable Care plan?  We have all of Congress and the Executive and Judicial exempted as well as Federal employees and many major corporations, yet we the ones that contribute the most are totally forgotten.  I don’t know about you but I like the medical plan I have and the payments as they were three or four years ago.    Our company plan has had to be reduced over the last couple of years significantly due to cost increases.  If I understand this whole thing we are paying more because of those who were uninsured roughly 30% of the population.  Now we are being told that 20% of the population will still be uninsured and if the young millenniums fail to buy in, our rates will go sky high.  Not only the financial loss but the loss of privacy will affect us greatly.  The idea that our medical records will suddenly be on a government data base is scary.  If you are old enough to remember the Social Security program was never supposed to be used as an identification and now your social security card is the most common form of identification.  What happens if later they decide our medical records can be used for things like the ability to repay loans etc.  Hackers also have been able to break into many government highly secure data bases, what happens if our medical records become the next Wiki leaks project.

The United States has always been known through-out the world for the most outstanding medical services and advances as well as the ability of its population to access this system.  Now because of one man’s narcissistic attempt to build his legacy we are forced to accept this program.  They say it’s the law duly legislated by our Congress but in reality it was done in a clandestine operation in the middle of the night by a lame duck legislative body.  We were told that they had to pass it in order to know what’s in it.  Well now we know and It’s not a pretty sight.  The so called glitches in the online program have caused access to be denied to most of those who have tried to get additional information.  One who did get through had the shock of her life at the reality of the situation; 

 4:45 PM [kcmana] [3:42:16 PM] iz is here: [3:40 PM] Suzie ~ miyushu: <<<OBAMACARE Reality Shockwave Has BEGUN... From a forum I visited:
I just saw a repost from a Facebook page - An alleged comment on the Affordable Care Act FB page states that a person had signed up online, under the $45-55,000 income range, pre-existing condition of type I diabetes. They chose the "Silver" plan...
4:45 PM [kcmana] Their premium came back as $597 per month, with an almost $14,000 annual deductible!  And when the person clicked the "opt out" option, they shortly received an e-mail stating that their fine would be $4,037, and could be attached to their annual tax return.
 4:45 PM [kcmana] And if you don't have the $4,037 on time, then the repercussions for non-payment begin with your drivers license being suspended until the fine is paid, and if it goes 24 months without payment, a tax lien is placed on you property. It gives you the option to provide your bank info so your penalties can be withdrawn weekly, or biweekly, etc.

Posted by Florence Markovich 

Welcome to the January 6th

  Welcome to January 6th 2021: With the encouragement of several Antifa plants the January 6th so call incursion into the Capital beca...