Saturday, February 13, 2021

Vindictive politics;


What a vindictive horrible bunch of people we have in Politics today.  The only thing driving this impeachment is fear and hatred.  They fear the peoples wrath when the truth comes out and they fear what President Trump will do when he is re elected in 2024 with a sweep of the House and Senate.  They totally understand that act two of this play will lead to their total demise and the end of the Globalist dream forever.  The only thing President Trump did wrong was not rig the election like they did.  I don’t know if the Supreme Court under Rino Roberts will have the balls to act appropriately when the truth is brought before them.  Our Federal Court System is so corrupted by Left leaning Judges that it will take the power of the Supreme Court to overturn and reinstate the duly elected President.  This is the only way the people will win.  I pray that some with conscience will act appropriately when their time to stand up for America comes.  They took basically the same oath as I and millions of others took to defend the Constitution from all enemies both foreign and domestic and it’s about time they remember the words they stated on the Bible along with, So help me God. 

The damage already done by Biden and Harris to our way of life is threatening to all Americans.  So far these Executive Orders can be thrown out by a new president.  Biden seems to be no more than a figure head for this administration, I just wonder who’s really pully the strings in his feeble brain, could China be a part of his actions?  Pray for us as these lawsuits go before the Supreme Court, understanding that our history is about to be written not by a shame attempted impeachment sponsored by Pelosi and Schumer but by the rule of law and 9 men and women who must deal with this with their conscience. History will put this in prospective and all the names will go down like Benedict Arnold in the end.   God Bless our America.

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