Friday, November 17, 2017

Politicians have forgotten how to think for themselves.

One can only come to the conclusion that to be a politician in today's messed up world you would have to sell your soul to your party. I really don't believe that every democrat is lock step with their leaders nor do I believe that every republican is loyal to their party yet they seem to follow that theory in their voting. What ever happened to our country, how could our politics evolve into such controlled thought. Where are the Scoop Jacksons and the Tip O'neal's hiding... their heads. They surely must be rolling in their graves at such a spectacle in our Congress. The people are just pawns in today's chess game of politics. I for one am disgusted with the process, the Elites in both parties wonder how this election went the way it did, I think they should look in the mirror and take stock of their man or womanhood. Not one of them is capable of thinking for themselves, if they were we would have non partisan voting in many of the items before the Senate and House. We might as well just have the Leaders vote and forget that we have so call representation for the people

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